♧ Hordak? More like Hordad. ◇

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The tale of Hordaks encounter with Kyle The 2nd spread like wildfire.

Much to Hordaks embarrassment.

But soon Entrapta came to examine the supposed 'ruins,' of the Frightzone, and was pleasantly surprised by the well flowing village she found in its place.

Hordak had welcomed her into the prank base, and they were currently on the train to the Crimson waste to meet up with the others to plan the next prank.

Catra and DT on the other hand, had decided that they wanted to go do their own thing this time, like the beginning and cause of the processing cities of the Crimson waste and the Frightzone.

So they travelled to Plumeria to cause more mass chaos.

When they arrived, they hid well as Perfuma discussed her plan with Glimmer.

DT and Catra smirked at each other, relieved to be aware of what was coming before it actually began.

'But we still need to figure out who it is?' Glimmers voice rang out again.

'I already found out through the evidence they left behind.

Think about it, who were the very first people to prank us? Catra and DT, Who owns the weird tube thing you found, which was seemingly used to write the note framing Bow? Catra. Who ran in screaming about the fake Shera lost-control thing? DT. Who owns the fingerless gloves Scorpia hid in her house after she realized? Catra. And them with the giant prank on Brightmoon itself? It was Hordak, Lonnie, Kyle, Rogelio, Imp, Catra and DT! Even Adora and joined in!'

Perfuma exclaimed, pleased with herself for figuring it out.

'Oh..Woah, That was actually...Very well, we put the plan into action tomorrow' Glimmer decided.

And with that the two woman walked away to discuss it further.

Catra and DT were taken aback. Were they really that obvious? Whatever, time for chaos.

DT ran around, disguised, putting notes that said things like; "hit me"

Somehow it worked, and a fight broke out.

Perfuma and Glimmer returned, and the crowd got a huge scolding.

And as Catra and DT made their escape, Hordak appeared.

'You two, come on' He sighed, placing a hand on his forehead. The three of them clamberes into the skiff and shot off towards the Crimson waste.

'What were you doing here?'
Catra asked as he offered her a brownie.

'Making sure you weren't caught, anyways, Entrapta wants to help. I told her the rules, and she seems pretty keen on pranking Mermista and Perfuma specifically. I'm guessing the princesses have figured it out, or are leaning too close to the truth, their going to snap back soon, we must be prepared for a prank war' He announced.

Catra and DT grinned at each other.

'And, Catra. Me and Entrapta have something to discuss with you when we return' Hordak added thoughtfully.

Catra was confused. She was really hoping it wasn't anything bad.

Twenty minutes later

They arrived back in the Crimson waste, and DT went to their room to work on some plans for the Alliances strike back.

Entrapta and Hordak stook side by side in their temporily shared room.

Catra looked between the two, mentally arguing with herself.

'Alright..So before we ask, this is entirely up to you, its completely your choice' Hordak explained.

'Can I ask?' Entrapta piped up.

'Of course'

'How would you feel about us adopting you?'

Silence. Complete and utter silence.

Them, Catra hugged her tightly.

'Yes!' She sobbed into the scientist's shoulder.

Hordak smiled as he looked between them, and then Catra pulled him into the group hug.

Which was now a family hug.

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