Full Pogue

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"JJ!" I screamed from the top of my lungs and I instantly kicked the dude on the ground kicking him out of fury. I looked over the deck to see JJ's body floating.

No no no no no. I felt like everything had dropped. My entire body dropped.

"JJ!" I screamed and I jumped of as quickly as possible. I felt my body instantly hit the the water and I used my arms to bring me back up and swam as fast as I could.

"JJ!" I screamed swimming over to him holding his body up making sure he was facing up, it felt lifeless. Everything in me broke.

"No, no come on J!" I held his face up trying to carry both of our body's and I was struggling. "Come on!" I roared using all my strength.

"J please!" I cried out hugging him as I saw the blood leaving his head and he was out cold. "Please stay with me! You have to stay!" I yelled trying to wake him up and his body floated up as I screamed out.

"J please! Please baby wake up!" I cried out shaking him as much as I could. "Somebody help us!" I screamed feeling my throat starting to hurt as I was swallowing half the water choking as his body was weighing me down.

"Damn it Kayla swim!"

"Please wake up J! Stay with me baby. Come on!" I cried out and I felt myself swallowing the water. Come on Kayla hold him!

"Stay with me J! I need you, I need you!"
You can't do this to me. You cannot do this to me.

"Come on!" I screamed louder out of anger feeling my voice starting to go. "We're gonna get out of here I promise. J I promise." I felt him starting to slowly slip and I screamed out of frustration and his head was dipping in the water.
"I'm not letting you go! I am not letting you go! I can't let you go!"

I pushed him up as much as I could and I could feel myself start to slip slowly out of consciousness. "No, damn it stay awake." I sobbed and I held him over me. I'd rather lose myself instead of him.

"You have to live J."
He wasn't responding and I could feel the tears streaming down and the more I waited the more heavier he became. "Please baby, stay awake."

"John B! Anyone! Help!" I screamed and I didn't stop. "Help!" I screamed as loud as possible. "I'm sorry J. I'm so sorry. Im so sorry."

I heard voices yelling and I looked up to see them screaming out for JJ. I saw a life boat in a distance heading straight towards me. "John B!"

"Help!" I shouted at them and the boat finally pulled up and Pope reached out to help me as John B grabbed him trying his best to drag me in.

"No no no!" John B screamed when he saw JJ and he pulled him in the boat as Pope pulled me up into the boat and instantly Kie held onto me.

"No, no JJ."

I broke out of her grip heading straight over to JJ. "What the hell happened!" Kie asked and I ignored her holding onto him.

"J, J, come on wake up!" I yelled as he lay here unconscious and I held onto him so tightly. "Come on you idiot!" I shook him placing my hands on his face.

I felt the boat stop and my stomach dropped even more. "What's going on?" I looked over at John B my voice breaking and he struggled.
"What's going on JB!"

"We're stalling out!" He said And i shook my head. "We need to go!" I yelled at him but right now I didn't care where we were or what we were doing. I just needed him awake.

Everyone was yelling amongst themselves and I stared down at JJ. "J wake up! We need you right now!" I didn't stop trying. The boat finally started moving quicker than before.
"Come you dickhead wake up!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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