Chapter One

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I could hold in one hand my worldly iPhone, a silver charm bracelet that belonged to my mother and 3 hair pins. Not much for 15 years on the planet, the clothes I was standing up in didn't even belong to me. Not that I minded, the checked shirt, black skinny jeans and navy converse look went out sometime early last year. My plan was to bury them somewhere in the back of my new wardrobe (that's if I was lucky enough to have one of course) unfortunately I could do nothing about the curly chocolate brown hair, or pale skin tone, or even the blue eyes I had been born with.

Hair dye was an option for my hair I guess but that involved someone to do it for you, usually a mother...the less said about my Mom the better.

Anyway enough about the mess that is my appearance, I suppose what you really want to know is why I am sitting on a plane with a woman called Mandy. It's not through choice let me tell you, but then again when you are a 15 year old girl, living in a squat with your Junkie Mom, who ever so kindly decides you don't need her in your life anymore...well you're not really left with a choice, not one that will be considered anyway. I guess I should be grateful that Auntie Gen and Uncle Ryan have agreed to take me on, I mean it's not like they have seen me in 5 years. They could even take one look at me and think, hell no she isn't staying with us if she has dress sense like that. Maybe I should have worn a label 'Not my own clothes, please do not judge' damn that's exactly what I should have done, I look tragic. I take another look at the ghastly grey shirt...Jesus my heart jumps as I feel my left earphone being ripped (well maybe not ripped exactly) firmly pulled is probably more accurate, anyway someone has 'firmly pulled' my earphone out of my left ear "We're getting ready to land" Mandy announces cheerfully, Mandy is my chaperone on the trip. It's brilliant logic really I live practically alone for 3 years and have been raising myself since I can remember, but the authorities have decided I cannot possibly travel to Denver by myself. I mean how could I possibly survive a 3 hour flight? "Well shit hadn't we better go and warn the pilot" I speak as sarcastically as possible.

"Mia what did I tell you about using curse words?" Great she is even scolding me like a child.

"Sorry" i don't really see the point in getting involved in a long winded conversation about my childhood and lack of parenting, when the only ever outcome resulted in me being lectured about how things were different now and how I had to let people help me. I wasn't against people helping mean, I mean honestly who would be. I was however strongly against people strolling into my life and trying to change me, change me and mould me into their idea of a perfect child. Fuck, that ship sailed long ago and anyone still trying to board it...well let's just say the Titanic had a better outcome.

Anyway back to Mandy and her fabulous inflight commentary, I simply smile, put my earphone back in my ear and close my eyes. I can feel hers burning into the side of my cheek, but I am choosing not to acknowledge her for now. This was the last few minutes of my life I had left. My life before everyone so desperately tries to change it 'for the better'- in other words, to fit in with them and their beliefs. Even though I don't speak to Mandy I do decide to do something I class as extremely grown up, I peek at her through my left eye, just opening my eye lid ever so slightly so I can see what she is doing. I quickly close it and smile when I see she is just sat shaking her head and frowning at me, I am glad I can't hear what she is saying, the only thing I can hear is the lyrics to How To Save A Life by The Fray.

The remains of my breakfast churns in my stomach as the plane approaches a bumpy landing, my eyes shoot open as I feel the jolt of the the wheels hitting the runway "Jesus where did he get his pilots licence, dial a shop" I moan as I look at Mandy, she looks as though she is going to throw up, I quickly hand her the paper bag which is tucked inside the pocket in front of me, and look away "Ew gross" I watch curiously as Mandy shyly wipes her mouth with a wet wipe.

"I'm sorry sweetie" is she really apologising for throwing up, like it was an option. Like I wasn't used to see a person through up, or even wet themselves.

"It's ok" I smile, I can't be rude to her, she has tried so hard to help me since...well I don't need to tell you about that just yet.

We walk away from the plane and head in the airport. I am carrying my black and green rucksack across one shoulder and find Mandy holding my other hand, this is great we have gone from child to toddler in the space of a flight.

"So honey are you ready to meet your new family?" I feel my eyelashes flutter as she speaks 'NEW' she says new as though I came from an old family. Yeah I had a Mom, but I would hardly call it a family, she was usually too out of it to notice my existence. I guess what the correct term would be "Are you ready to finally become part of a proper family?" And my answer to that would be...?

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