recap of that night and opening

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A blacked out screen is shown before a song is heard from the 1950's"Mr.sandman. bring me a dream" when in bold letters HADDONFIELD, ILLINOIS appears on the blacked out screen."make him the cutest that I've ever seen"October 31 1978"give him two lips like roses in a clover.then tell him that his lonesome nights are over."soon a top of a tree is shown with the wind rustling the leaves"sandman so alone don't have body to call my own please turn on the magic beam. Mr.sandman bring me a dream "as crickets can be heard chirping. before it slowly starts to show the Doyle's house is shown just as the song slowly stops.

(Girl)"listen to me for go out of the house and down the street... To the McKenzie's house. Knock on their door and tell him to call the police... And send them over here"Laurie and the kids are then shown while Nevaeh is back in the room taking care of Michael as she instructed the kids I want to do."all right do as I say"she tells them urgently when they go to protest not wanting to see the sisters get anymore hurt then wat they all.befor they finally quietly agree"all right okay"before they get up and Rush down stairs.
While there backs were turned (foreboding music) Michael is shown slowly sitting up from the ground the coat rack piece that Nevaeh had stabbed him with sticking out of his shoulder still.As the sisters slowly lean off the walls replaying everything in there heads that has happened to night as they walk away from the wall as Michael silently stalks out of the room before he hardly shoved Nevaeh into the wall causing her to fall to the ground with a thud while Michael had lunged at Laurie strangling her.

Nevaeh looks up glaring before getting up as she grabbed his arm furceing him to let go of Laurie before shoving him into a wall but they were surprised when all of sudden a man in a trench coat firing a gun at Michael causing him to jolt as they both cover their ears and duck as he kept firing bullet after bullet until Michael before he is shown on the balcony falling off onto the ground below with a loud but.

When the gunfire stopped the sisters both slowly looked up at the man who was walking to the balcony but what he saw me farewell up inside him there was no body on the ground Michael was gone again he just stared at the spot before walking over to the two sisters who were leaning against the wall Nevaeh was finally letting her body relax after a night full of rage, fear, and adrenaline that she was slowly passing out finally her body was able to heal slowly even though Laurie so she wrapped her arms around the Nevaeh pulling her into her chest wants her sister passed out from everything so the strange man wouldn't see her sister secretly healing.

Laurie finally lets out the sobs after a dreadful night as she looked up at the man that saved them"it was the boogeyman"she whispered tearfully as she hold her sister close to her chest.

He silently stared at the sisters for a moment as he breathed hard"as a matter of fact, it was"he tells her honestly. she just closes her eyes tearfully all in one night all their friends were killed and they were attacked and on top of that her sister had went through something horrible but she still protected her no matter what Laurie slightly kisses the top of of sister's head.

                      ( Recap over)

Soon his shadow is shown leaving the living room as he goes to the front door as he stared at were Michael had landed as his eyes widen. His body was gone only the out shaped bodied grass is shown with blood stains before Loomis rushes out of the house looking all around for where he could have gone before a neighbor is shown walking out to his porch having heard all the shouting and gunshot noises with barking heard in the distance.

"What's going on out there"he shouted as he tied his robe when Loomis tuned to face him with his fingers tips still coated with Michaels blood from the ground"call the police!"he exclaimed urgently as the neighbor walked through his yard over."tell the sheriff I shot him."

But the neighbor was confused on what he was going on about"who?"

"Tell him he's still on the loose."as the neighbor was closer to the short hedgehog wishes that separate the two houses"is this some kind of joke? I've been trick or treating to death tonight."the neighbor said annoyed but Loomis just gave him a look"you don't know what death is "he told the man which was true before he as he turns with gun at the ready as he runs through the years and out of sight to hunt down Michael.

(Tense music) as the screen went black once again as another jack o lantern is shown slowly as a flamed flickers inside but this was was different with the name HALLOWEEN II appearing in bold light orange letters beside it.

Slowly as zoom in close up is shown of the pumpkin first it's carved face is shown...then it greatly to start on the outside only showing you glowing eyes nose and mouth before it closes in some more the jack o lantern slowly starts to break in half as a little bit by bit of a human skull is shown as the glowing starts to dye giving it more of a haunting look as the two pieces of the Jack O'Lantern continue to slowly move apart still showing the center of the human skull in the back as the glowing light continues to flicker and flicker more.

The skull is then shown turning to a cold gray color as a slow close up is shown up the human skulls face as the eyes and nose are just shown before the close up gets slowly closer to the black empty eye sockets before it all disappears.

Everyone sat there in slients the first one to break it was kol"Ive said it ounce and I'll say it again as it that's not creepy at all"kol comments while he was slapped up side the head of her sister ounce again before childishly glaring at her before they start to bicker ounce again with inputs from there other siblings.

Laurie and Nevaeh stare while some of their family laugh amused by how the Michaelson family were acting before they also look making the same thing if this was nevaeh's family Lord have mercy on her.

The Scooby gang all set silently as they think about why they'll hear before it summed up to one little word family....

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