the final battle

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Dr loomis, Marion and the Marshall are shown inside the clinic looking around but they don't see anybody."check the rooms down there go on!"he tells the Marshall urgently who went to do as he is told.

"Dr.loomis?"Marion tries to get him to think clearly."stay with me and shut up"he ordered as they all do what there told. Neveah looks around before looking to Laurie"come on we have to get to that door"she tells her sister gently before helping Laurie to the door but while they were heading to the door Michael appears watching them before he slowly following them.

They finally reached the doors as they start banging on it to get there attention since the doors locked."help!"Laurie shuts with all her might before her sister stops her "move Laurie"she gently moves Laurie to the side before breaking the glass door easily with her strength as the shards cut against her skin but it heals fast before she ushers Laurie in first before following her.

"That's impressive she cares more about getting you to safety then getting hurt"Elijah says to Laurie who gives a small smile thinking about how far her and neveah have came.

They all back away just as Michael is shown walking to the broken door Marion holds Laurie in her arms while neveah stands in front of them protectively just as dr.loomis aims his gun at Michael who walks through the broken door. He fired round after round as each time Michael is pushed back by the city of the bullet before following back to the ground.

Just as the Marshall is shown running down the hallway we're the sound is coming from before he stops and sees Michael on the ground. Nevaeh wasn't stupid she can still hear his slow heart beat so when the Marshall goes to make Shure she stops him"I wouldn't"she warns as she glares at Michael's body on the ground Dr loomis nods his head in agreement making the Marshall back up before he turns to Marion."a two-way radio in that Marshall's car. Go outside get on that radio and get!"he tells her urgently while moving Laurie into neveah's arms.

Marion goes to do what she is told but the Marshall stops her"now wait a minute I'm the only one authorized to use that."he tells Dr Loomis but Dr Loomis didn't care all he was worried about was getting help."move!"he yells before Marion goes to do what she's told.

He then turns to the sisters "I'm sorry I left you both are y'all are right"he asked them gently while neveah secretly glares at him.

"Okay I'm sorry but that's a stupid ass question to ask when you just saw them running from Michael and you can see how frightened Laurie really is."Jeremy points out making some agree with him.

The Marshall is then shown walking close to Michael's body ignoring their previous warnings as he bends down beside him.while Laurie still clutched into neveah she turns to Dr loomis slightly"why won't he die"she slightly whimpers.

Dr loomis then notice the Marshall he to close to Micheal "get away from him!"he yells with a warning tone causing the Marshall to turn his head "but he stopped breathing."just as Michael pops up grabbing him as he forced him on his back as he holds a sharp medical knife before slitting his throat causing the Marshall to choke and gag on his own blood as Michael drops his body to the ground.

Neveah grounds her teeth before turning to Laurie"listen to me go with doctor Loomis I'll hold him off now go"she tells her sister who immediately started protesting before she and Dr loomis rush down the hallway.

She turns and glares at Michael "just me and you bastard"she growls as her eyes change to a golden amberish color as veins run down slowly under her eyes as her fangs descend showing her true hybrid face before she lets out a roar that echoed through the whole building.

"Oh this is gonna be good it's the final battle of the hospital blood bath"kol says with wide eyes as they all watch the screen intently.

They charge at each other clashing.he goes to stab her but she grabs his wrist breaking it easily with a snap before kicking him in her rib cage with so much force he flys back into the wall causing a major dent as it cracks. Michael struggles to get back up before he charges right back at her as he tackled her to the ground but he's soon on his back as she startles him as she strangles him.

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