fooling Michael

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Once she sees nurse and curly heard boy go to find help she moves inter her sister's room quietly as she silently walks up to Laurie before gently shakeing her"Laurie come on wake up I'm gonna get you out of her"she whispered as Laurie turns and looks at her sister as relief fills her.

"I was so worried about you"Laurie whispered as she is slowly helped out of the bed neveah looks up at her sister with a gentle look "I will always be here for you Laurie now come on we need to go while the other two are gone"she whispered as she helps Laurie out the bed but not before making a body shape out of pillows underneath the sheets before the silently walks out of the room and into the dark hallway to find a hiding spot so they can come up with a plan.

"You and my neice have a good sibling connection"Rebekah tells Laurie with a soft smile.

"We will always stick by each other's side"Laurie says with a small smile as she looks over at the neveah who was still passed out in her farthers arms.

The nurse from before walking down the hallway to another patient while Michael hides in the shadows around the corner as his heavy breathing is heard.once she is gone he silently steps out in to the hall before turning as he stares where Laurie's room is as h silently walks towards it.

He silently opens the door as he walks up slowly to the bed with a sharp medical tool in his hands as it shines from the light.he finally reached the bed as he lifts his hand up before stabbing the pillow made body multiple times but stops when he realize it wasn't actually Laurie before he pulls the blanket off showing nothing but pillows underneath Michael slowly turns around and walks out going to find his next target.

Soon neveah is shown helping her sister limp through the hospital with nobody in sight as the nurse from before is shown leaving out of another patience room into the dark hallway before making her way back to Laurie's room.she silent opens the door but is shocked to see Laurie not in her bed at all "Laurie,you okay?"thinking she was in the bathroom as she walked into the room but she wasn't in there as the nurse starts panicking as she looks all around the room.

Before rushing out as she runs to where the security guard Mr Garrett usually is as two hospital camera monitors show the sisters slowly moving down a hallway.heavy breathing is then heard as Michael is shown walking slowly out the double doors.

"Get on my back Laurie"neveah tells her sister gently as she bends down so that Laurie can get on her back once she does she fully stands up grabbing the under part of her sisters legs to keep her from falling."hold on tight sis"she warns Laurie who wraps her arms around neveah's shoulders tightly before she and Laurie speen off.

Soon she finds a room before speeding into it as she gently sets her sister down before closing the door silently while Laurie through her blurred vision stumbled over to a phone as she picks it up but starts to fall before neveah catches her as she lowers them to the ground gently.

Laurie then leans against her sister as they lean against the wall before she tries to use the pone but it wasn't working as they both share a look they needed to get out of here and fast but neveah tenses at hearing a indistinct noise as she pulls Laurie protectively in her arms just as Michael is shown walking slowly through the halls.

Soon the women from before,hunt and Dr Loomis are shown walking through the parking lot of the elementary school"we'll find him"hunt says assuring them.

"Where are you going to look"Dr loomis asked doubting they we'll be able to without him hear.

"I don't know"hunt tells him honestly has he shrugs his shoulders as crickets can be heard chirping as it echoes through the parking lot in the middle of the night"neither do I"Dr loomis sigh's.

Before he walks over to the car with the Marshall as they and the woman gets into the car before it roars to life as they start driving down the road leaving hunt there as he watches them leave. Back at the hospital the blonde headed nurse is shown running up to the station where Mr Garrett always is"Mr Garrett?"as she runs up to the side of it breathing heavily but he wasn't there all she saw was his hat as she slowly lifts it up before slightly looking around before sitting the hat back down.she slowly walks away from the station to find some one but what she didn't notice all the monitor was Michael Myers roaming silently through the Halls.

Before her voice is heard again as she comes back"Mr Garrett?"she calls out loudly but doesn't get a respons as she walks back around the station area just as an indistinct noise is heard making her look up at where it came from as she walks away just as she is shown on the monitor walking around the corner and down the hallway. She slowly continues down the hallway past many closed doors.before jumping as she hears the indistinct noise comeing from the room beside her.

She hesitantly walks up to the door before opening it slightly"mr.garret?"she calls out before opening the door fully as she pushed it open."me Garrett?"she calls out one more before gasping when some grabs her by the shoulder as she jumps only to see that it is jimmy as she lets out a breath."sorry"he apologize realizing that he might have frightened her as she leans against the wall with a hand over her chest.

"Listen I can't find anybody. Budd's it's gone. mrs alves is gone. We got to find Laurie"he explains before they are shown talking in front of the door way as Michael hid in the shadows on the room beside them as he breaths heavily through his mask as he watches them.

"Alright listen,um why don't you check the East wing again all right? If you don't find anybody drive to the sheriff's and get someone out here. Alright"jimmy explained to the nurse as she looked nervous before nodding her head"okay" she agrees but neither saw Michael silently watching them.

"Okay I'll keep looking"jimmy says as she walks by the nurse before they go separate ways to find someone.

"That's not a good idea they should stick together not split up"Bonnie says shaking her head it was never good to split up especially not in their situation.

Klaus runs a hand through his daughters hair before closing his eyes as he goes into another memory with a flash.

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