he's here

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Soon the same car is shown pulling up in the parking lot of the hospital as the woman gets out while grabbing her nurse uniform she closes the door before walking away but what she didn't notice was Michael Meyers reflection in the little side mirror.the wolf is seen going around the hospital as it changes back into Nevaeh as she hurriedly put on some clothes before making her way to an opened window as she crawls in before landing with a crutch she needed to warn her sister before it was to late as she quietly rushed out of the dark room.

"She is a very smart brother"Elijah tells klaus very proud of his niece.as Klaus smiles sadly down at his daughter before taking another look at her memories when there is a flash. He walks into a freshly built nursery as an 8th month pregnant neveah is shown sitting in a rocking chair as she reads to her baby bump. a close up is shown of the book it was a Cinderella book as she happily read " Cinderella was able to get out of her locked room in time thanks to her friends as she rushed down the steps to try on the glass slipper that was hers"she reads with a smile as Klaus watched the happy moment before there was a flash and he was back into the theater room as the movie started ounce again.

Soon in the wreck room while the two medics and the one of the nurses from before are shown neveah was silently making her way down a hall unnoticed by the security guard who was reading a book while a movie was playing while on the camera monitor out side shows Michael silently walking to the hospital as she disappears around a corner.

Soon he was startled by a knocking on the front doors before he gets out of his chair leaning over.to see one of the nurses who waved at him with a smile before she is bussed in.

While a different door is shown creaking slowly closed.

"I have a feeling that Michael is now inside the hospital"Jeremy comments as he stares at the door.

While the others were still in the wreck room neveah is shown walking down a hall but stops when she feels like she's being watched she slowly turns and glares at the closed door before walking to it as she opens it with a creak as it was dark inside. As she walks in Micheal was hiding behind the door before he closes it with a creak.

Neveah turns and glares at Michael she bears her fangs and eyes glowing yellow as she lunges at him only to let out a gasp of pain as she looks down seeing a mental pol stabbed through her heart as she slowly looks up at Michael before following to the ground seemingly dead.

The michealsons all let out roars seeing him kill their niece before Laurie comes them down "she's gonna come back as a hybrid don't worry"she tells them as their faces slowly go back to normal as they glare at the screen.

He stares at her body before disappearing out the door with a click. jimmy is then seen walking down a hallway having enough of buds carless behavior as he passes by a door that slowly creaks closed as Michael slowly descends down a dark stair well as heavy breathing is heard before he is shown down in the ward where they keep the babies as he continues down the hall way he stops seeing someone turn around the corner before hiding in a room.

It was Karen as she is now in her nurse uniform as she fixes a few places while walking down the hall.he is shown looking out a panned window as Karen appears in the room he's in baby's can be heard cooing."

Bonnie gasps"oh don't tell me he would kill an innocent baby"as some stare at the screen wide eyed.

Karen looks at the babies with a hand over her heart before she is shown going into a room heavy breathing is heard as he just stared at the door she went through before exiting out the babies back backs up when the head nurses walks past the door way and around the corner.

Once it was clear he silently watches out of the huge nursery.soon Karen is shown coming out of the door she had gone in as she fixes her belt then looks up seeing her boss who was walking around the corner just as she was fixing her nurses hat.

The head nurse walks up to the main desk beside Karen."you were late again tonight"she scolds as she sits the clipboard down writing a few things on it.

Karen slightly smiles as she walks around the head nurse "just 15 minutes"but the head looks at her with a stern look as Karen was rummaging through a paper bin"that could be the difference between life and death for one of those kids"she says making Karen look up at her before she sighs"your right I'm sorry "she apologizes to her boss knowing she was right.

"I don't want to hear excuses your a good nurse Karen I'd hate to lose you."the head nurse says as Micheal watches the two nurses from within the nursery. Soon they are shown outside the nursery at the main desk"but you've got to learn to be on time. Let's go over this list"she says as the inside of the nursery is shown as Michael silently watches them before turning to the door way neither of them see him Walking out of the nursery and down the hall.

"Her boss is right it is life and death for those babies after birth and then they don't even notice Michael just walking out and down the hallway"Elijah says shocking his siblings.

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