the look out for Michael

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Klaus looks around where he's at as he hears a giggle before walk behind a tree as he looks and to say he was shocked was an understatement there stood his daughter smiling as she twirls what look like a four years a girls as they soon fall into a pile of fall leaves laughing before the little girls head pops out of the leaves."come on mommy again"she laughs while throwing leafs in the air.

Neveah thin sits up laughing as she pulls some leaves out of her hair."maybe later but we need to go visit daddy baby"she says with a small smile as the girl looks up at her mom as she sees tears appearing in her eyes then gives her mom a big hug"daddy's in heavy right mommy.

Neveah smiles softly as she runs her hand through her daughters hand "yes baby he is "as the both have small smiles while looking up at the sky knowing.

Klaus watched his daughter and granddaughter with sad eyes before he brought out when the movie started again.

Soon the sheriff car can be seen with doctor Loomis and sheriff brackett shinning lights on everything try to find Michael."circle the black again"loomis's voice is heard as the vehicle drives by.

Soon a close of is shown on them seeing behind the windshield "how long"sheriff bracket huffs as he shines his light on everything.

"About 30 minutes at most...put the light down there by those trees"Loomis orders him causing sheriff brackett to point his light to where ethe doctor was pointing but he didn't see anything "there's nothing there"he says as he squints his eyes while Loomis sighs not finding anything either."we'll keep going."he says aggravated causing sheriff bracket to look frustrated as he moves the light away to his side."you know doctor I'm just about there"says causing looks to look at him confused.

"What"he asked as he loaded a pistol in his hands.

"The point where I stopped taking orders from you"Sheriff bracket says as he looks out the window driving having already turned his lights off before turning to Dr loomis on the last part.

Loomis just sighs "all right sheriff whatever you want. The primary concern is that we stop him"Dr Loomis explains the severity of what they need to do while Dr brackett looks out his window"you let him out"as a saying it was his fault to begin with for Michael getting out in the first place.

"I didn't"Loomis defends his self with a buttlet in his mouth as he was loading his gun.

"His own goddamn doctor!"sheriff brackett slightly yells.

"I didn't let him out"states just when the a voice is heard coming from the radio "sheriff bracket come in please"

Sheriff brackett pulls the radio it's receiver in the car as he holds it to his mouth clicking a button"who is this "he asked before there was static "chief this is Ramsey"but it doesn't come out clear as the sheriff pressed the button again"say again what is it?"he says into the radio.

"This is Ramsey"it comes out clearer this time.

"Where are you"

"By the bakery moveing north on scottsville road."

"Get the hell back in town go up 17th Street... And meet me by the bypass"the sheriff tells Ramsey.

"Ten-four Ramsey clear"Ramsey says before both hung up on there ends on the radios.

Before sheriff bracket turns to lose who is holding the gun up as he caught the bullet chamber back into place"will you put that thing away!"he yells before it goes silence between the both of them before sheriff bracket breaks it again"you couldn't have shot him six times"thinking it was not possible at all he wouldn't even be alive.

"You think I'm lying "Dr Loomis sighs as he leans back into the seat.

"I think you missed "the sheriff corrects him before looking back at the road"no man could take six slugs".

Loomis starts getting frustrated"this isn't a man!"before all the sudden children can be her laughing right by them "look out! Slow down!"Loomis says before they come to a complete stop before a group of kids who were laughing wearing costumes but once took out particular it was a teenager dressed and a Boogeyman costume but Loomis thought it was Michael as he hurries out of the car as he runs over to the. Group "get back!go on run! Move it!"he yells to the kids who all looked at him if he was crazy as they moved to lean against the fence as their friend is showing walking away."get back! Get back,you kids"it was all chaos  as he shouted running after the a young teen boy who was dressed in a Boogeyman costume who he thought was Michael as he points his gun straight at home.

Children were screaming as they run past them sheriff bracket trying to keep up as he tries to keep Loomis from shooting they didn't know if that was Michael or just a teen wearing a costume as they fought. The young teenage boy is shown walking across the road until he turns when something unexpected happens. A police car can be seen speeding as tires are heard screeching but the vehicle couldn't stop enough time as the kids slams against the hood hanging on as it speeds right into a van part in the road full speed causing an explosion killing whoever it was as the van and person catch on fire.

Everyone who didn't expect that jumps as they look wide eyed at the screen.

Dr loomis and sheriff brackett run over as the one who rolls out of the vehicle is on the ground as the sheriff runs around the car it's getting to a stop as he been sent to help one of his men"oh sheriff brackett."the man on the ground says as a close up is shown on the body pinned between two cars as the body burns in the fire caused by the explosion."he came out of nowhere I couldn't stop"the men begged as the sheriff helps him while people in the background can be seen coming outside having heard the crash while Dr Loomis stares at the body wondering if it really was Michael or it was some kid as the flame reflection is shown on them.

"Is it him"sheriff brackett asked ounce he helped his men up from the ground as they were breathing heavily as the body in the flames is shown once more as Dr loomis stares. He shakes his head not able to think straight."is it him or not!"Sheriff brackett asked ounce more while sirens can be heard in the back ground before another police car pulls up with a screeching hole as Dr Loomis puts his head down rubbing a hand over his face as they stare at the body before the other place for that just pulled up runs up to the sheriff painting"Leigh?they found bodies"he informs with a water voice sounding like he's been cry's.

"Where "he asked breathing hard.

"Across the street from the Doyle's house. Three kids one of them was Annie!"then man informed the sheriff as Dr Loomis turns towards them but when he heard one of them was his daugh he grabbed the man by his police coat"what"the sheriff asked with worry and panic before they were all rushing off just as the burning body was shown ounce more.

Back at the hospital a room is shown dark as neveah was completely still when all of a sudden her eyes snapped open as she shoots up in bed Breathing heavily before looking up forward slowly as her eyes turn into a gold color"he's coming"she whispered before the scene went black.

Everyone sat in silence after watching This scene.

"I feel bad who ever that was that just got caught in the explosion that's gotta be painful"Rebekah says as she remembers how hard you could hear the body crash against metal.

"It seems like she can since him when he's near for her reaction just on the screen this is just a begiof a bloodbath"Elijah says after studying his niece's reaction as they all share a look when the lights dimd ounce more.

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