Michael is still alive

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Soon a group of men are shown with the coroner as they are examining the burnt corpse remains. As the coroner used a tool as he slightly scraped under the teeth but the corps was burnt up to a Chrisp."it's difficult even the gums are charted"the coroner says with a sigh as he shakes his head."but look here"he says as he pointed something out about the teeth as the two man look to see what he's getting at."no fillings he's young maybe 17.maybe 18"as says pointing out as they other two men slowly frown.

"Michael Myers is 21."Dr. Loomis points out as the coroner was still looking at the corpse uncertain "positive ID means we check x-rays... And dental records."the coroner explained"that'll take hours"Dr loomis points out.

"No other way to know for sure" but Dr Loomis disagrees cause of the situation"we haven't got hours we've got to assume that Michael Myers is still alive."he says just as a deputy walks in and sees the corpse as he gulps"everybody goes back out"the blonde headed officer says to the deputy who takes his eyes slowly off the corpse to look at him"but we just closed it up"but hunt didn't care this was important because the doctor might be right "I want a sweep from Chestnut South to the bypass. I want every street, every house, and every back yard."he tells the deputy.

"Okay, you've got it"the deputy says before looking at the burnt corpse one last time before leaving.

Hunt then looks back at Dr Loomis"thank you"he thanks him.

"But they didn't cause he's now hunting around the hospital"Elijah says as he studies the scene in front of them.

"So they killed a teenage boy"Bonnie says with judgment in her tone causing Laurie to glare at her"it was an accident they didn't mean to so before you go judging why don't you pay more attention to the situation"she snaps at the arrogant Bennett witch who looks at her wide eyed while the mikealsons smirk at the fire in her.

Soon something can be seen through busting a window at the old myers house as a crowd can be heard yelling as they continue to throw things at the house just as a deputy is shown stepping through a shattered window onto the little legs of the roofing underneath with a flashlight "all right, that's enough that's enough! Come on. Get out of here go home."he trys to stop the angry riot.

Just as dr.loomis and hunt pull up in a police car as they angry mob continues to attack the house as the deputy continues trying to get them to leave.

"This is hunt send another vehicle the old Myers house 45 lampkin Lane"he says into a small radio in his hand as he sees the riot before setting it back on its hook in his police car.

"The tribe. One of their number was butchered. This is a wake "he explains over all the yelling before he is shown reloading a gun as hunt stares at it"heightens my sense of security"he explains before they are shown getting out of the car as they step on to the sidewalk hunt as shown holding a shot gun as they make their way through the angery mob."alright knock it off! Come on go home folks. Knock it off!"he yells as he the riot continues there assault on the house they wouldn't listen they were to filled with rage and anger.

The deputy is shown walking out the front door as he meets up with hunt and Loomis at the front of the house "empty. Plus we covered the whole East end of town. There's nothing"but hunt wasn't giving up"check it again" he ordered the deputy who just sighs annoyed "he just isn't here."

"Check it again!"hunt exclaimed not wanting to take any chances the deputy just huffs before going to do what hunt says but they were all ready to late he was already at the hospital.

"You know, haddonfield was a quiet town before tonight."he starts off as he pulls out a cigarettes as he puts it between his lips"the only gunshots you ever heard... Where to start the track meet at the local high school."he explains as he handed another one to loomis as they look up at the old Myers house while hunt was digging around his pocket for his lighter."yet One night in 1963, Michael Myers... Did murder his sister in that upstairs bedroom with a large butcher knife."Loomis points out as hunt lights his cigarette with a lighter. before handing it to loomis as he puffs out smoke"I remember."

"On Halloween"Dr loomis reminds him as hunt took the cigarette out of his mouth "I was 16 years old"remember hearing about the murder of Judith Myers.

"It's his anniversary, Mr Hunt. He came back"Dr loomis explains with a grave voice as he stares back up at the house.

"After 15 years?"hunt asked

"He waited with extraordinary patience there was a force inside him... Biding it's time. The staff grew accustomed to his immobility and silence. In many ways he was the ideal patient he didn't talk, didn't cry. He didn't even move. He just waited. The staff was unprepared. They didn't know what he was."Dr loomis explains deep in thought think back to all his  sessions with Michael since he was brought in that night.

"Did you know?"hunt asked him.

"Yeah,I knew "Loomis whispered before two teenage boys are shown walking to them from behind as they turn around."mr.hunt?"Craig asked out of breath.

"What is it,Craig "he asked the young man.

"I'm worried about Bennett tramer"

"He isn't home yet"his friend

"And he left the party at 10:00."Craig and his friend explained all at ounce worried about where there friend could be.

"It's only a little after 11 boys"hunt explains after looking at his watch.

"He was real drunk."the other friend points out while Dr loomis has a look on his face."how old was he"he asked the two teenage boys.

"Seventeen"Craig answered"he had this stupid mask on"the friend known as randy explains as hunt and Loomis shared a look with another before hunt turns back to the boys "all right boys"he sends them off leaving hunt an Loomis.

"Seventeen.and wearing a mask. Maybe we should check his dental records"Loomis says as hunt let's out a sighs closing his eyes realizing he just killed an innocent kid by accident."oh God"as Loomis throws the cigarette down just as the deputy comes running over."old reservoir road.they had a break in at the elementary school. They're pretty sure it's him"he explains to them.

"Come on"before they are rushing off.

Back at the hospital as a locker was shown ripped off as neveah is shown putting on a shirt as she was wearing jeans and a red shirt from the locker has a cold look on her face as multiple empty blood bags where shown shoved in a garbage can she was going to need her strength to fight the bastard.she the. Walks over to a mirror on the wall "you better prey Michael that your dead by the time I get my hands on you"she says emotionlessly as her eyes flesh a golden amberish before slowly walking out of the room to start her own little hunt which is Michael to keep him away from her sister.

The michealsons sat there starring at neveah on screen she was on a war path and out for blood for Michael who has crossed a line.

Klaus then looks down at his daughter in his arms as he gently brushed some hair out of her face before closing his eyes as he goes into her mind with a flash.

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