the signs

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In Laurie's room she and jimmy are seen talking."God they should've handled him more carefully"jimmy says causing Laurie to become confused on who he was talking about."who?"jimmy turns towards her."Michael Myers"explains to her she was still confused about who he was.

"Michael Myers?"she asked once again as she re a just her laying down position.

"Yeah.he was the guy that was after you and your sister neveah."he explains as she goes silent for a moment while taking a glance at the door before turning back to jimmy"you mean the Myers house? That little kid who killed his sister?"she asked remembering bits and pieces.

"Yeah"he whispered

"But he's in a hospital somewhere."she asked

"He escaped last night"he informed her.

"How do you know"she asked looking up at jimmy.

"It's all over the radio.television too it's on right now"jimmy explained how he found out.

"Ooh"she whispered with a slight head nod as she thought about what happened tonight before looking back up at jimmy"why is I mean why us"she whispered with tears building up in her eyes.

But before he can reply the head nurse opens the door with a sigh seeing jimmy in her once again "times up jimmy.lets go."she says firmly as she walked up to the bed with her clip board.

"Okay,okay"he says with his hands raised slightly as he gets off the bed walking around as he stood behind the head nurses mouthing he will be back but the head nurse already knew this as she looks back at jimmy with a firm look "I want visiting hours are definitely over"she says before turning back to Laurie as jimmy finally left the room.

The head nurse"men! You can't live with them you can't live without them"she says with a smile as she sets her clip board down as she checks Laurie's shoulder."how's that shoulder feel?"she asked Laurie who is now layed down on her back."better"she says softly as the head nurse nods her head"good. We've been trying to get a hold of yalls parents Dr mixter told me they were at the same party he was, but they're not there now and they're not at home do you have any idea of where else they might be?"she explained to Laurie as she fixes her pillow before leaning slightly on the bed.

"No"she whispered still deep in her thoughts.

The head nurse sighs as she leans back up"I'll just keep trying."as she picks up the phone by Lauries bed as she circled daily their parents number. Soon in a darkened room Michael is shown walking through a door.

"I have a feeling this is just the starting point "Stefan comments as the others nod there heads.

Back in Laurie's room the nurse is still trying the phone as clicking is heard while the head nurse sighs"oh this is just --"she mumbles as she set the phone down before walking to the opened door leaning half way out"Janet?"she calls out before turning back to the phone as she puts it against her ear just as Janet walks in the room.

"Yes, Mrs.alves?"she asked politely.

"Tell Mr Garrett we're having trouble with the phones now."she informed Janet who looks slightly wide eyes before letting out a nervous smile"but he's at the other end of the hall"she says as Mrs alves turns back to her still holding the phone onto her ear "Janet"she says firmly.

"Yes Mrs alves"she says before going to do what she's told leaving Laurie and Mrs alves.

Laurie looks up at Mrs alves "what's wrong with the phone's"she asked as Mrs alves sets the phone back down looking at Laurie with a soft smile"nothing for you to worry about just get some rest now I'll let you know as soon as we get a hold of y'all's parents"she says before grabbing her clipboard and walks out of the room closing the door leaving Laurie to her thoughts before she looks over as the phone beside her bed before slightly reaching over grabbing it before setting it against her ears before slowly pulling it away as she stares at it before a rattling noise is heard causing Laurie to look to the side as the shadows of the tree limbs is shown through the moon light.

Els where in the hospital the room where nevaeh's body still lays before all of a sudden she awakes with a gasp as before looking around here remember what happened as she glare sat the door before looking down at the pole through her heart.she takes a deep breath as she grabs it with both hands as she starts to pull it out as blood drips out of the wound as she grunts before heading out a breath of relief once it's finally out before setting it down.

She slowly uses the wall beside to help her stand up but soon a scent hits her nose as she turns to a large cooler in the room as she slowly walks to it.she stares at it for a moment before lifting up the stop and saw nothing but blood bags in there as she stares at them hungrily but she also knew she would need her strength to fight Michael so she takes one from the top before putting the tub in her mouth as blood slowly start to travel up the tub as she drinks it.

Her eyes then start to Glow amber with black veins slowly appearing on her eyes she was a hybrid now in she glares in space wanting to kill Michael for what he has dead you see now that she's a werewolf / vampire hybrid with her which side dormant everything about her was heightened even her age as she continues to drink the blood back growling in anger.

"So when Michael killed her it activated her vampire side making her try bread"Finn explains as he and his siblings stare at the screen knowing she is about to be on a war path knowing that she would protect her loved ones no matter what as Klaus looks down at his daughter.

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