finding help

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Neveah then vamp speeds them out of the hospital into the parking lot she looks around but it was dead silent with nobody around before going over to one of the cars as she gently sets Laurie down as she let her lean against the car while go to open the back door but it was locked so she went to the passenger side it opens before she gently helps Laurie in before she gets in her self as they both sit there in silence as Laurie breaths heavily from adrenaline.

Everyone sighs in relief that they got away from Michael before becoming worried on how long that will last.

Soon the Marshall car is shown driving through the twon as it turns around the corner.dr Loomis,the Marshall and Marion are shown sitting in the car."you didn't believe me. Nobody did."Dr. Loomis said as Marion sighs knowing he's right."I'm sorry"she apologizes.

"Don't feel sorry for me. Feel sorry for that little town back there. It'll be years before they forget this."he says as she looks out the window.

"Dr Loomis I think there's something else you should know."she says but Dr loomis cuts her off"did you see the blackboard at the elementary school?"he asked her.

"Yeah"she says with a nod tho she was confused.

"In order to appease the gods, the druid priest held fire rituals. Prisoners of war, criminals, the insane, animals... Were burned baskets"Dr loomis explains while the Marshall looks Disturbed at that.

"By observing the way they died, The druids believe they could see omens of the future. 2000 years later we've come no further. Samhain isn't the evil spirit. It isn't goblins or ghosts or witches. It's the unconscious mind. We're all afraid of the dark inside ourselves."he explains while Marion listens before getting back to the point"Dr Loomis please listen to me. There's a file on Michael Myers that nobody knew about."she whispered to him but Dr loomis brushed it off"I've seen everything."as he runs a hand down his face.

"No, no. It was hidden, sealed by the court after his parents were killed. After the governor heard what happened tonight, he authorized Dr Rogers to open it."she whispered making Dr loomis confused as he turns to her"what file".

She lets out a sad chuckle as she shakes her head slightly"it isn't fair they should have allowed you to examine everything. That girl, the strode girl, that's Michael Myers sister. She was born 2 years before he was committed. 2 years after his parents died and she was adopted by the strodes. They requested that the records be sealed in order to protect the family."she explained making Dr loomis's eyes go wide.

"So Laurie is his biologically baby sister and our niece is the adopted sister to Laurie"Elijah sums up before his family share a look knowing why neveah is in danger.

"Geez! Don't you see what he's doing here in haddonfield. He killed one sister 15 years ago, now he's trying to kill the other! Tonight, after I shot him where did they take her and her sister." He asked the Marion urgently.

"The clinic"she tells him.

"The clinic? Do you know this area well?"he then asked the Marshall who was driving "a little bit".

"Where is the hospital located?"Dr loomis asked with urgency.

"Dr Loomis we're under orders from the governor."Marion reminding him.

"It's back on route 17 about three miles."the Marshall answered.

"Turn this car around now!"Dr loomis ordered but the Marshall just continue to drive forward."I can't do that I've got orders."

But Dr loomis wasn't having any of it knowing how serious the situation is"those orders have changed!" As he pulls out a gun.

"Doctor Loomis, you're getting yourself into a lot of trouble."trying to reason with him.

"What do you fellows usually do fire warning shot right?"he says not backing down.before fireing at the window causing the glass to shatter

Everyone goes wide eyed at that"They need to listen to him cause right now Michael is hunting them at the clinic"Caroline says while looking at the screen wide eyed.

"True but just fireing a gun can also go wrong in different ways"Bonnie says as she studies the sceen in front of them.

As the car is shown skidding against the road with a screeching halt before the car turns around heading back to the clinic.soon the hospital parking lot is shown in the dead of night.the sister where still sitting in the car as neveah tries to come up with a plan when she tensed hearing footsteps approaching the car.just as jimmy is shown getting into the car but he looked somewhat out of it as he sits there in front of the steering wheel as he closes the door before trying to turn the car on but the engine spluttered.

"Jimmy!"Laurie whispered yells as he leans back panting before turning his head to look at the sisters who where sitting behind him."it's all right where, we're going to get out of here."he assures them before leaning against the wheel turn the keys to get the car going only for the engine to sputter. He then goes unconscious again"I think,I think,I uh" as his head falls against the horn as it blares as the sisters go wide-eyed knowing that will give there hiding spot away. Before neveah pulls him away from the car horn as the blaring stops while jimmy lays against the seat limply while Laurie looks around.

Everyone looked at the scene wide eyed knowing that there hiding spot was given away "that's not get they need to find somewhere else to go and fast"Tyler says as Caroline holds his hand tightly.

" Laurie we need to go "she whispered to her sister as she gets out of the car first before helping her sister gently out of the car before she falls to the ground as neveah kneels beside her. before car lights can be seen as a car is shown pulling up in the parking lot.

"I ought to handcuff you. But I have a feeling I'm going to need you."Dr loomis's voice is heard from the car"can I trust you"he asked the Marshall who turns to look at him "what have I got to lose, except my job?"he tells the doctor.

Soon they are shown getting out the car and heading straight to the hospital. Knowing she can't expose her abilities to them she's going to have to play human for know she turns to her sister "come on we're gonna get help"she tells Laurie before helping her up before they head to the main entrance of the clinic.

"At least now they can get some help but how long will it last tho"Rebekah asked as they all share a look before looking at the screen hoping the sisters will be okay as Klaus looks down at his daughter as he holds her close.

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