the first death

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Klaus looks down at his daughter before closing his eyes as he goes into her mind with a flash. Soon he is shown in a hospital as his daughter's scream is Heard before he looks through a window she was giving birth to her daughter. He watches as she laughs with joy as tears rain down on her face as the nurse hands her the baby as she is laid against Nevaeh's heart to create a bond he watches the moment with a small smile at the happy memory before he was brought back with a flash as he was in back in the screening room as the movie started again.

mr.garret and Janet both are shown down a hallway as he puts on his security jacket."I'm going to check the pole you wait here I'll call you"he says as he hands her a walky talky while Janet looks at him in disbelief "I have to get back on the floor."she says as he finished putting on his security jacket"it'll take me five minutes"he says as he starts head to the double door exit.

"But I don't even know how to use this thing"she says as he continues to head to the exit.

"Is it just me or does she seem like a complainer"Damon comments as the others nod their heads.

He just exists through the door as she huffs before turning around as she looks and fiddles with the walkie talkie in her hands.

Outside crickets can be heard as a light is shown over something before he lowers the flash light not seeing anything before he turns the flash light to the left of him as he looks around before turning to a door that leads to the main power panel for the hospital he stands there for a minute before he slowly starts to walk in that directions. He then turns to the large garbage dumpster to his right as he points his flashlight at it.

He switches the flash light to his other hand as he uses his other to lift up the top as he shines his flash light inside multiple pieces of garbage are saying but that's not what he's looking at on a cardboard there is a giant spot of blood before he hesitantly reaches his hand in before all of a sudden a screeching is heard as a cat lunges at him causing him to fall back into a few metal round garbage cans as the cat scrambled away.

Everyone jumos at that "damn I hate it when cats do that"Jeremy comments as he places a hand over his chest.

Mr Garrett just sits there for a moment breathing heavily before he gets up off the ground before huffing as he shines his light all around once again before looking at the door as he slowly makes his way around the garbage dumpster before a door is shown that is usually locked before the light shines on the now opened lock as he stares at it for a moment.

"I got a feeling that something is about to happen"Finn says as he studies the sceen

He is then shown from the inside as he slowly opens the door with a creak sliding it to the side as everything was dark inside.he shines his flash light before slowly entering as he looks all around.he is then shown further entirely the darkness as his flashlight gives him light as he moves around as moves around a corner as he slightly walks forward before turning his flash light seeing a lamp as he turns it on giving him some more light as he looks around the place.

Soon a clacking sound is heard as he slowly looks around before pointing his flashlight in the direction of the sound before slowly moving the flashlight around the place as many things are shown below tools are shown against a wall. before he is shown turning around a corner when all of sudden his walkie talkie goes off making him jump before pulling it out as he clicks a button "I think somebody broke into the store room"he says into it before Janet was shown again "the lock was off"as static comes from the walkie talkie.

She looks confused before messing with a few things on the walkie-talkie "Mr Garrett? I can't hear you"she replied back through the walkie-talkie.

Before Mr Garrett is shown back in the storeroom breathing heavily as he hand starts to shake"one of you better drive down to the sheriff's station right away."he says into the walkie-talkie with a click.

Janet is shown once again but she still couldn't hear him as nothing but static comes through as she messes with the buttons in a ton of trying to get it to work"Mr Garrett, how do you work this thing"she says into it as she continues to try to figure out how to work it.

"Janet?"he calls into the walkie-talkie nothing but indistinct noise can be heard through the walkie talkie.befor jumping as he flashes his flash light into the side room beside him from where the noise came.

"He need to get out of there now"the Scooby gang says knowing something was about to happen.

He slowly walks through the arch way into the dark room as two white double doors are seen with a lock before he slowly walks towards them the lock was broken on it as well.he hesitantly grabs the lock pulling it off and rest in his hands while shining his flash light on it.

Janet was shown struggling on how to work the walkie talkie "Mr Garrett?"she calls through it.

Mr Garrett is then shown leaning against it before swinging the door open only for a bunch of stuff to fall on him before he is shown breathing heavily from the jump scare as he shines his flash light before indistinct noise is heard again as he looks to the side.

He slowly walks to where the noise came from before seeing another set of double doors with the lock broken once again.

"Okay that's more then a coincidence right there that should have been the first sign well no take that back the blood is the giant garbage can should have been the first sign this is the second sign that something is seriously wrong"kol says as they all watch the screen intently waiting to see what happens.

He stares at the lock before ripping it off as he hesitantly grabs the door latch with a shakey hand as he slowly pulls it open with a creak. Before fully opening it as he shines his flash light around before letting out a breath seeing nothing before backing away but once he closes the door there Michael Myers staying with a hammer raised above his head before swinging it down hard into Mr Garrett's head killing him instantly.

Everyone who wasn't expecting that jumped as some screamed.

Janet is then shown still messing with the walkie-talkie"Mr Garrett?"as nothing but static comes through."Mr Garrett I'll get back on the floor."she says into the walkie-talkie but still getting no response before messing with it again has nothing but static comes through"hello?"she calls through before huffing with a shake of her head as she walks off.

Everyone sat in silence before it was broken by Elijah"she should have known when no response came that something was really wrong"says as he studies the sceen.

Laurie and the others share a look remembering what happened that night at the hospital.

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