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Nevaeh soon looks around after coming out of the trance before she starts taking out the needles and monitor patches off her causing a beeping to come from her vital monitor.

Soon nurses come running in shock to see her fully standing as she was supposed to still be out cause of the  sudate drugs they had given her.

"Where is my sister Laurie" neveah asked worried about her sister being alone right now.

One of the nurses walks forward "look I know your worried about your sister but you need rest"she tells the young teen with a firm voice only to jump back when neveah's head snaps towards her with a cold glare"no I need to see my sis now"she demanded.

The nurse thinks of her next approach before coming up with a solution "alright how about this you get at least an hour rest then you can see your sister."she bargains with Nevaeh.

Nevaeh just stands there as she thinks about her options before slightly nodding"alright "she says as she turns going back to the bed as the nurses let out sighs of relief.

She lays there facing away from them as she closes her eyes as they turn out the lights.but as soon as the door clicks shut does she reopen her eyes as she slowly and quietly gets out of bed with soft foot steps to the door. She quietly opens the door without a sound as she leans out the door looking left and right not seeing anyone before sneaking off to find her sister.

Elijah turns to his brother Klaus with a smile "she's very smart and cunning"he says with proudness.

Klaus smiles at his brother before looking down back at his daughter before going into her mind ounce more with a flash. But this time it wasn't a happy memory as an heartbreaking cry is heard as he makes his way around the dark house blood every where's he comes to what looked like a master bedroom as a body of an older male is shown who must have been the farther with his eyes stuck wide open drained of life with his guts hanging out from the major stab wound on the lower stomach.

Klaus then looks up and what he saw broke his heart there was his daughter neveah crying anguish as she rocks back and forth with a little body half way in her arms"please baby open your eyes"she cry's as he realized the small little girls body was her daughters who's eyes were closed as her throat was slit.

Nevaeh cry's heart broken that her husband and daughter have been taken from her before she glares forward with tears sliding down her face as she growls knowing who did this as she leans back her head with a loud roar that reached the heavens.

Klaus watched as his heart breaks for his daughter soon a flash happens as he is know back with the others.

Soon a back of a man's head is shown watching the reporter at the crime scene "repeating for those of you who just turned in.three people are dead tonight...as the result of an attack by an escaped mental patient"before the security guard, one of the medics, and nurse were all shown watching the report. In another part of the hall as above the wall was a round reflection mirror is shown as someone walks down the hall it was one of the nurses from before "I understand we're going to stay on the air now. repeating for those of you who just tuned in.

Another hall way was shown with wooden doors to rooms as bed is shown against the side of the wall."three people are dead tonight..."as one of the head nurses from before is shown walking around a corner turning down the hall"as the result of an attack by an escaped mental patient. Further details will be forthcoming as soon as possible this is Robert mundy reporting to you live"as she walks forward before one of the medics from before known as jimmy is shown walking down a different hall heading some where.

Soon a door to a room is shown as he looks in.there is Laurie laying in a hospital bed he makes sure nobody is coming before stepping inside as he closes the door.he walks up to her bed as she is a sleep he goes to touch her hand gently when her eyes slowly started to open. She wakes up disoriented as she looks around slightly before turning to see one of the medics from before "hi "he says with a smile.

She returned a soft smile"hi"before realizing her sister wasn't in the same room"where's my sister neveah"she asked the young man.

"She's in another room resting"he tells her softly before the he'd nurse from earlier is shown opening the door she sighed seeing the young medic "jimmy leave her alone"as she closed the door before turning back to Laurie with a smile "we'll how are you feeling"she asked as she walks forward with a clipboard before checking her wrapped foot.

"Sore what happened?"Laurie says still a little out of it as she looks at her foot.

The nurse turns towards her "cracked a bone your Lucky it wasn't a break"she tells Laurie who remember falling over the rail landing badly on her foot before neveah had saved her.

"Dr.mixter felt that he should wait until tomorrow before he puts a cast on it"the nurse in forms her before marking some things down on her clip board "you have to get so rest"before turning to jimmy"come on jimmy"she told the young medic as she holds her clipboard heading to the door.

The nurse heads out the door first as Jimmy's silently closed the door ounce she leaves before turning back to Laurie with a smile who returned it."can I get you something to drink"he whispered so the nurse that just left wouldn't hear him.

Laurie gently nods her head."how about a coke"he whispered to her.

"Okay thanks"she whispered with a small smile as he returned it before his partner opened the door leaning in"jimmy,we gotta roll another call came in."he says as jimmy "okay" sighed looking at Laurie apologetic "I'll get you that coke later"he promised before they headed out they room when the head nurses appears grabbing the door handle as she gave jimmy a look"out" she tells them firmly before they leave.

Neveah is shown in a deserted dark room as she breathes heavily here in the reporter saying the same thing again that's anger swells inside her as she clutches the wall as her claws Pierce through thinking about all their friends ever killed by Michael before looking out the window as her eyes start to Glow an tell amberish color .

"I mean I can understand her rage I mean hearing that over and over again can make your blood boil when the person who's responsible is still out there hunting"kol says as the Michaelson's watch neveah knowing she will snap as soon a she sees Michael again.

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