on the prowl

1.9K 38 6

Soon a close up of a side of someone's house as someone walks slightly through the back yard.(heavy breathing) heavy breathing is heard as they walk through a old broken gate as they walk along the house before breaking off to a road that has multiple houses before children can be seen up ahead"trick or treat"they all said before they walk off laughing.

Before the person turns only to flinch back as a dog came out of nowhere barking on a metal chain at the stranger until said strange turns back the way down the street as they walk forward. (siren wailing) can be heard in the distance. Before as the front of the road shows Loomis looking all around before a police car comes screeching while the stranger hinds into the shadows as he watches.

"I shot him six times!"Loomis is heard

"What"the other voice says.

While everyone sat quiet just now hearing how many times Michael was shot while Nevaeh glared heatedly at the screen she heated Michael Myers with her very being.

"Wait.wait hold up so Dr Loomis shot him 6 times and he's still walking alive!"Tyler asked out Loud when neveah turns her head to him as he voice goes darkly cord.

"That's because he literally has no soul and lives off of people's fear..."she says as chills went down their spine while Laurie rubs her shoulder causing Nevaeh to come out of the places that are the darkest in her mind.

Klaus looks over at his daughter with worry when he noticed the darkness in her glare the way she was glaring at the screen something must have happened to have really made her hate him. If only he knew what Michael does many times both in the past and future to the two girls he will soon see why they both hate Michael with passion.

Soon the stranger walks away as Loomis and another man arguing as crickets can be heard chirping.
As the stranger walks he soon comes up to a closed line with many things being held from towels to sheets while the house behind it is shown with lights on where a kitchen window is seen with a carved Jack O'Lantern on the windowsill.

The person walks towards the house silently as they come up to the kitchen window as they look at an elder woman wearing a pink robe with curlers in her hair is seen in the kitchen.she is shown using a butcher knife to cut up a block of ham as she was making sandwiches she sits the knife down "Harold, you what mayonnaise on your sandwich"she calls out to her husband as she was shown putting mayonnaise on the bread.she is then shown bring these slices of him on the sandwich before reaching a yellowish jar"how about mustard"she then asked.

Husband doesn't answer as he is asleep in his chair as a movie that's playing in black and white on the TV as she turns to look into the little living room of their home.

She is then shown towards the entrance of the living room standing at the archway as the name of the movie night of the living Dead is announced on the TV"are you asleep again?" She asked her husband she got her answer when he snores.

The intro of the movie isn't shown on the little TV while she is watching that.the person out side is shown moving away from the kitchen window before silently walking to the screen door as it slowly creaks open when a news report announces"police in haddonfield have just made the grisly discovered of three bodies..."the person is shown entering through the kitchen"in the upstairs bedrooms of the house. It appears the murderers took place early this evening." before a close up of the knife and block of him is shown. As a bloody hand is shown reaching for the knife as blood drips on the block of ham as it picks up the knife before looking at the woman's back"authorities hacker firm that all three of the victims are teenagers: two girls and a boy. Police are searching the entire area..."tuna close up of the TV is shown with a news reporter in front of the house the Wallace's which is the crime scene."for a mental patient who escaped last night from Smiths Grove Warren county sanitarium.

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