Impossible To Ignore You

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Staying In The Field

Narrator's POV

Now we're in the field where one feels more than a friendship to their friend. This is between Sonic as through each thought and through the distance he thinks about his friend Amy. But he's too scared to show his sudden interest in her. He believes it'll go away eventually as it's just because he misses her not like her in a new type of way. But what's more that meets the eye overtime?

Amy's POV

(Waterfront, Cave)

Alec: hey, watch your step over there Amy

Amy: (calling over) i got it, thanks

Man, this cave is amazing. I've found so much here and these photos are gonna be legendary!

Alec: Hey, so what have you found?

Amy: (holding some gems) this sapphire, emerald, oh, this crimson rock and-

Alec: (chuckles) ok, ok so you've found a lot huh?

Amy: (cheeky) Mmm Hmm!

Alec: well, it doesn't stop here (takes her hand) come on

Amy: Alec, what could be even better than this?

Alec: you'll see

Narrator's POV

As Sonic wakes up from his nap and takes some time arranging some furniture in his hut he gets a visit from Tails and Knuckles as they wanted to see their best bud. They sit around playing video games and relax as good bros. It was helping Sonic forget about his freak out earlier with Amy and his whole "feelings" procedure.

 It was helping Sonic forget about his freak out earlier with Amy and his whole "feelings" procedure

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Tails: (playing the video game) Eat this Sonic!

Sonic: WHOOP! Too slow there Tails!


Then the game was over Sonic won and Knuckles and Tails toss their controllers on the ground while Sonic does a victory dance

Sonic: haha yes! I win!

Knuckles: no fair, you had a head start and an extra life

Sonic: (snaps back) that i earned Knucks

Tails: enough talk are we going again?

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