Thinking Of You

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Thinking Of You

Narrator's POV

Our minds can often go into their own fantasies and we often daydream of the things that bring a smile to our faces. For lovers it's the partner they are with as they bring joy to them and make them happy. For Sonic, he daydreams whenever he's around Amy and he gets lost in her eyes. For Amy it's the way Sonic acts around her and how she finds him adorable in every way possible.

Amy's POV

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Amy's POV

So Sonic decided to take me on a stroll in the woods just the two of us. It's actually nice, just us. I was feeling down earlier as Sticks mentioned my love life and even though she's a nice badger I can't tell her about Sonic and my failed attempt at making it become a reality. She'll probably go after Sonic knowing her, it's not his fault i can't control how he feels and how i'm just a friend to him i just have to accept this.

Well now that we're together i see as we're alone together and it was quite quiet here as he had me right beside him as he went head first through the path

Sonic: it's quiet

Amy: yeah maybe a little too quiet

Sonic: (smirks) naw, don't tell me you're scared

Amy: (mockingly) ooh, you wish

Sonic: honestly, i kinda have chills right now like here Ames check this out

Then he takes my hand and he puts it on his chest and i feel his heart beating...oh fuck, i feel his heart racing.

oh fuck, i feel his heart racing

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Sonic: hearts racing

Then i take my hand off it and i push him a bit

Amy: chicken!

Then i laugh and he follows me behind

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