If I Can't Have You

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Wanting Her

Narrator's POV

This is a feeling of loneliness between a significant other. This can be a sad feeling as you miss and long for your other partner to come back but you can dream and wish that you'll one day be back in their arms again. The constant thinking and wondering if they feel the same is what lingers in the back of their head too. As they won't know if they feel the same to you or to someone else.

Sonic's POV

So let me try and put this all together...i think i'm falling for Amy. 

I know it's so sudden but what hurts is how i stayed quiet about it for so long and never got to tell her

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I know it's so sudden but what hurts is how i stayed quiet about it for so long and never got to tell her. Now she's probably gonna make it official with Ej and....oh god, now she'll be all over Ej and only see us as advice givers whenever her relationship is falling apart.

Look, I know that everyone hated when me and Sally were together since we were not a good match and most of the time we were together it was all us arguing and not really happy. I couldn't be with my friends because of her and that cost me to lose my friends and only find myself being with her. I know i shouldn't judge Ej maybe he'll treat her right but-

Knuckles: Sonic! Focus

Sonic: Huh?

Then out of nowhere the volleyball hits me hard on the head then it hits me. I was thinking about her again. I should have been paying attention to this volleyball but nope, she's all I think about now.

Tails: Another point to us!

Sticks: Yes!

Knuckles: Sonic, come on that's the third time you've been hit in the head!

Knuckles: Sonic, come on that's the third time you've been hit in the head!

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Sonic: (groans) sorry, this doesn't normally happen

Knuckles: you messing and making me lose?

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