C H A P T E R 18

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"I swear Blue this place is amazing, they have all kinds of activities. Sports clubs that have soccer, swimming, netball, hockey, cricket, rugby. Science clubs, debate clubs, poetry, book clubs. We even have a cinema and pizza for weekends and are allowed to go shopping, we have trips to the museum and we only attend classes 50 hours a week, we have- "

"Okay Abigail would you please calm down a bit, like try to breathe ?" I said as I interrupted her ranting.

"I'm sorry I'm just- I'm happy Blue, and it's all thanks to you." She said.

"I'm glad to hear that, made any friends yet ?"

"Yeah my roommates are really cool people. We are four girls in our room and they have been nothing but nice. I like them." She said smiling on the screen. I don't even like FaceTime. But when she called I couldn't reject the call.

"Well I'm happy to hear that." I said. "You know you can call me whenever you need me, no matter how big or small the matter is."

"I know that and I really appreciate you for that. I don't know how I'll ever repay you."

It makes me happy knowing that Abigail is happy. Despite what she's been through, she doesn't let it bring her down or determine how she lives her life. She is a strong girl and I believe she deserves happiness after what that son of a bitch called her stepfather did to her. I would kill her parents over and over again if it meant seing her this happy and living the rest of her teenage life somewhat normal.

"I got to go now, take care of yourself okay ?"

" Yeah I will. Bye Blue." She said as she hung up.

I smiled at the phone I was looking at, feeling content with myself. Abigail reminded me why I love doing what I do. I love being Python and if i wouldn't want to do anything else.


Is this really what the police do everyday? Sit around and certify copies all day? I hate this job. Couldn't my dad give me a cover where I work at a retail store or something? Even washing cars as a job would be better than this. I've been stamping and signing papers the whole day while listening to the unnecessary loud three girls inside the station. I hate loud people.

They have been gossiping the whole day and I've been day dreaming about shooting one of them to get them to shut up. I would do that but I don't need unnecessary drama.

It's been, "Rebecca is fucking the boss that why she got the promotion, Destiny's having an affair with the married lawyer, Harry got cheated on, I think the Russo's are getting a divorce, Rebecca's boobs are fake, the implant is the only thing that makes Camila's butt grow ain't no way that shits natural, Ray got fired because he slept with the HR manager and now she wants more and Ray refused, You heard Jimmy's car got repossessed? Mr Martin's daughter is taking drugs, John and his assistant are fucking that's why they are both upsent." the whole fucking day and I'm sick and tired of them. These girls are literally at work and this is what they've been doing, the whole day.

They even tried to get me to join their conversations, I just shot them a glare and they got the idea. They are behaving like teenagers, no scratch that, even teenagers are better than them.

"You saw our Colonel on TV last night ? getting interviewed about putting away that gang for thirty five years ?" Thing 1 said.

I tried to zone out of their conversation many times but they are just too loud. I can't even put on headsets because I'm at work.

"God he looked hot !" Thing 2 said. "I swear that man is a Greek god."

"Girl! I'd do anything for him if he was mine." Thing 1 responded. "When it comes to him? He can fuck me and throw me in the streets for a truck to hit me and dogs to finish me and I'd still bow down and thank him."

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