C H A P T E R 60

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Kenny's POV.

"Dad I didn't know you could also do braids." She smiled as she looked at the mirror.


"For the hundredth time Kenny... You put the left strand in the middle, then put the right strand in the middle." She demonstrated with her hair. "You just have to make sure it's tight- are you even listening to me ?"

"Yes, tight." I quickly nodded.

"What's tight ?" She raised her eyebrows.

"You." I replied. "I mean, your hair.. I mean, your braid, braid.. Yeah the braid is very tight."

"You aren't even concentrating!" She pouted. And she expects me to concentrate when she looks like that.

"Do you blame me ?" I moved my hands across her lower lip breaking her pout.


"Your mom taught me." I replied Kiara, snapping out of my trance.

"Mom does the most beautiful braids." She smiled. Her smile slowly faded as she looked at me. "Will she be okay ?"

I don't know.

"Yes." I forced out a smile to reassure her. "She'll be okay. Stop worrying okay ?" I said and she nodded.

"You ready to go ?" I asked as and the two of them nodded yes. "Water bottles ?"

"Check." Kiara replied looking at the bag.

"Snacks ?"


"Jackets ?"


"Tablet ?" I continued and Kai took their iPad and put it inside the bag.

"Toys ?"

"Mimi for me and a ball for Kai." She replied. "Plus a colouring book."

"Looks like we're all set." I gave her a small smile before taking the backpack, the three of us made our way out of the hotel room to the elevators.

"Dad why can't we just sleep at the hospital ?" Kai tried to suggest.

"Because... we're not allowed to." I lied.

There's nothing I want more at this moment than to stay with Blue 24/7. I want to never leave her side until she finally regains consciousness. But I can't do that, I can't imagine my kids spending their nights at the hospital. I need to take care of them and be there for them, no matter how much I'm falling apart.

This has been our daily routine ever since Blue got herself shot because of me seven days ago. We wake up, go to the hospital and spent the entire day in her room, then go back to the hotel at night. If it were up to me, then I wouldn't go back to the hotel. But I have to, it's my responsibility to ensure my kids safety, comfort and wellbeing.

We got to the hospital five minutes later since it was the same block as the hotel. We went to Blue's room, and just like everyday, eyes closed... not a single movement from her.

"Hey mom." Kai sat on the chair next to her bed. "We're back again..

"I miss you so much." He sighed. "We all miss you... Please wake up."

It hurt seeing my kids like this. At first I didn't want them to see Blue in this state. But them not being able to see her at all, wasn't making things any easier for them. They weren't coping, not a single bit.

I went outside the room and immidietly was met with the doctor.

"How is she doing ?"

"Her oxygen levels have increased compared yesterday, so she's now able to breathe on her own." He explained. "She's off the respirator and on the oxygen mask. Considering the fact that her heart stopped twice this week, she has stabilized."

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