C H A P T E R 74

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Blue's POV.

"Are you sure you wanna do this ?" Kenny asked this question for the hundredth time this past hour.

"Yes." I nodded. "I'm sure."

He got out and went around the car to open the door for me before I could do it myself. I got out of the car and he closed the door after me.

We walked on the pavement of the graveyard until the people we were looking for came into sight. Max's coffin hadn't lowered yet and for the first time since all of this happened... reality sunk in. Seeing his friends and family members here for his send off.. it made all of this feel real, it made it believable. After a whole fucking week, it had just settled in that my own brother kidnapped me, he tried to kill me, he threatened my kids. It has just settled in that he's no more because Kenny killed him, to save me ofcourse.

"What are you doing here ?"

I looked infront of me to see none other than my dad's wife, Max's mother, Tinah.

"You've accomplished what you wanted right? My son is dead because of you." She spat angrily. "Or are you here to finish the job and kill me too ?"

I looked at her without replying to a word she said. I'm just really tired.

"First you took my husband away from me." She continued. "You took my son's father away from him... now you've finally hit the last straw, you took my son away from me!"

"Nobody took your son away from you." My dad's voice resonated as he stood infront of us. "You took your son away from you. Your hatred against Blue took your son away."

Hatred ?

"It's your fault Max turned out like this. The nonsense you've been feeding our son, ever since Blue moved in is what drove him to have so much hatred." My dad thundered at his wife. "You hated my niece from day one, and if that wasn't enough... You recruited our son to do it with you."

Who else secretly hates me?

Raise your hand if you secretly hate me for a reason I know nothing about.

This was new, but it didn't exactly come out as a shock. With Tinah, atleast I knew she didn't like me. I figured that out when I was seven and my leg was bleeding profusely because of a cut I got from falling off a tree. I couldn't walk, let alone stand on my own... She just passed by me without saying a word, she didn't even get help. She never had to pretend to be a loving mother or atleast a present aunt. But hatred?? That's a strong word for someone who couldn't even care less about your existence.

"All the nonsense you were feeding him so he'd finally turn against Blue backfired didn't it ?" My dad continued. "And now you wanna put the blame on her?... Tinah if there's anyone to blame for Max's death, besides me, it's you."

Tinah's anger and resentment was evident on her face. She looked at her husband before shaking her head and turning to leave. I looked as she went to the burial tent, but not before glaring at me.

I felt strong arms wrapping around me and I gave into the touch and hugged my dad back. "Stop stressing yourself over this.. It wasn't your fault."

"I love you dad." I looked at him with tears brimming in my eyes. "And thank you for everything."

"I love you too princess." He kissed my forehead.

"Are you two staying for the rest of the funeral ?" He asked as we pulled away and I shaked my head.

"We are heading back home.. I really need to rest, plus I don't wanna cause a scene." I replied.

He nodded.

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