I'm going though what?!

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Jessica POV
I was so thankful that we all made it back to the guild and got to see everyone again. But ever since we came back my body has been feeling hotter. Plus when ever I think or talk to Natsu my mind goes blank. All I could think about was some nasty stuff I could do to him with freaked me the fuck out. I honest don't know what the hell my body and mind are going though because this can't just be hormones. I feel like I should ask Natsu maybe he would know but I can't get even with a foot from him before thinking some 'thoughts'. I don't know who talk about it with! I would ask Lucy but Lucy being Lucy she would just tease me about it. I was thinking about asking the other Dragon Slayers but Gajeel would probably say 'its not my problem' and Wendy is too innocent. Laxus was on a mission so he was out of the question. Right now I was at my house or apartment. I honestly just couldn't even go to the guild it has gotten so bad. I had all my fans on and air condenser on. It was all peaceful and quiet until someone had to knock on my door. It's not Natsu I think I would have smelt him.

"Who is it?" I questioned the person on the other side of the door.

"Yo Jess its Gray" The voice reply back but I don't trust it I mean how would Gray know where I live anyways. Me being the one to trust no one I looked though the little peep hole on the door. It wasn't just Gray but also Juvia, Lucy, and Happy. I opened the door and greeted them all in.

"Would you guys like some tea?" I asked didn't want to be rude. They all said yes, the tea was done within 5 minutes. I had them all sit at my dinner table with some crackers for a snack and one fish for Happy who gladly excepted it.

"So... What brings you guys here?" I ask as they all look at each other and nod. They all looked at me as I gave a questionable glance.

"Something is up between you and Natsu, and we are sure of it." Lucy spoke, I continued to listen to understand what they are getting at.

"The whole guild knows you two are together thanks to Ash-For-Brain big mouth." Gray said with a scoff.

"But Juvia questions why Jessica-chan is not at the guild around Natsu and Juvia is worried about Jessica-chan and Natsu relationship problem." Juvia spoke of course in third person.

"Me and Natsu aren't having relationship problem just something's are happening I don't know what it is." I spoke with my voice drifting off as I spoke softer and softer.

"Aye! Natsu has been acting like a whole new person... There is always lust in his eyes when ever he thinks of you Jess." Happy said munching on his fish. So Natsu is going though this as well?

"Happy has Natsu told you why he is going though this?" I asked now all eyes on the exceed.

"Aye! Its mating season! So when you accepted him being your mate you have to go though the whole thing!" Happy said with a devilish smirk on his face. I looked at him in fear then touched my neck right were Natsu bit me.

"Happy... Do you know what the mating progress is?" I asked fear easily heard from my voice.

"Nope! But if you ask Natsu I bet he would know what it is and tell you." Happy said then threw his finished peace of fish in the trash.

"Wait can we even trust Natsu near Jess if this is the same thing that happened between Levy-chan and Gajeel?" Lucy asked and once she spoke everyone froze has the door opened.

"Sorry I'm late" Levy said as she walked in.

"Levy I have a question!" I said standing up from my chair making it fall back.

"Y-Yes Jess-chan?" she spoke in a soft but understandable tone.

"What the hell is the mating process!" I yelled getting impatient. I could smell 'someone' running this way.

"Jessica-chan Juvia wonders what gotten into you?!" Juvia said in a panic voice.

I didn't pay to listen I quickly went to my door and slammed it shut, locked it, and put my body presser to stop anyone trying to get it. My windows were always locked so I didn't need to worry.

"Jess what the hell-!" Gray said but got cut off when there was a banging coming from the other side of the door start.

"Jessica I know your in there~" The voice oh so familiar said in a husky voice. Everyone was completely quiet. I was trying my hardest not to open the door and throw myself right on him but I have guest.

"Ne Natsu... I have guest over I c-can't talk right now." I said as I felt my breathing getting harder to caught. What the fuck is going on?!

"Jessica I know what's going on with you I can tell you, but you have to let me in." Natsu said in a kind and gentle voice that my heart just melt for. I looked to the others to find they already felt but Happy. They must have used the back door. I slowly opened the door to be greeted by a smiling Natsu. I could feel my face heating up and my heart pounding in my chest. My eyes started to wonder down to his chest were he had a amazing 6-pack. I looked back at him were he had a smirk planted on that pretty face of his. All the sudden all though 'thoughts' came to my head and I tried the slam the door shut but Natsu's hand was fast and opened the door wide open I think he may have broken it. (shocker -.-) Because of the impact I fell to the floor. Natsu took his chance and pinned me to ground. Happy tried to stop him but then Natsu whispered something into his ear and the exceed was out of the house. My eyes were closed shut and was wasn't planning on opening them any time soon.

"Jessica... open your eyes" Natsu asked but I shook my head.

"Please?" I heard the begging in his voice but shook my head 'no'. I heard him sigh then felt something wet going across my neck. I tried not to squeal or move much until he start to suck on my neck. I couldn't really push him off I mean we are on the floor my both hands pinned above my head and he was sitting on my legs I was stuck.

"I-I thought you w-were going to explain what's going w-wrong with me?" I manage to say without any moans coming from my mouth even though it was hard to hold back. I felt Natsu smile against my neck as he slowly raised his head.

"And I thought I told you to open your eyes" Natsu said with a seductive voice. I opened my eyes to be meet with my one and only mate. He smiled as he could see the little lust I had in my eyes.

"The reason why you are acting like this Jessica-chan," his head getting closer to my ear as he whispered. "is because of a thing called heat, so for a whole week you will be sexily attracted to me.." Natsu finished and bit my ear playfully.

Well that is the update I hope you liked it! Either next chapter or the following chapter will be the lemon part so yeah that will be weird for me ^.^' thank you for reading!


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