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(A little lime for all you Natsu Lover's)

Jessica's Pov

I heard Natsu lock the door to Lucy's room so no one could come in. I gulp in fear not knowing what he would do next. I get off the floor and try to find a way out.

"Look Natsu, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to get mad at me!" I pleaded to him so I wouldn't have to go through whatever he had planned.

"Oh you are not getting away that easily" He said as he walked up to me. I panic and started to take a step back as he took one forward. It seemed to be continuous until my back was to the wall. WHO THE FUCK PUT A WALL THERE! I try to run to my right to doge Natsu and go for the door but of course things don't go my way. Natsu's arms caged me in so I could not escape, I had lost. I looked up to Natsu and saw him leaning in.

"You see these words on my lips?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"Well you see your going to take them off" He said and I questioned him by rising my brow. Instead of using paint to write on his lips I used lipstick so he didn't lick the paint off and become sick.

"What the hell do you mea- mhp!" Natsu's lips are on my lips... NATSU IS KISSING ME?!

I froze not knowing how to react. I have never kiss anyone before so I had no idea what I was doing. Natsu then placed one hand around my neck and the other around my waist to bring us together. Again I felt that pull that need of connection. My eyes slowly closed and I pushed harder with my lips, as if it was a natural instinct. My arms rapped around his neck to bring us closer if that was even possible. I felt him smirk into the kiss as he brings both hands to the back of my waist and pulling my body to his. His lips were so soft yet very hot which is expected from a fire dragon slayer. Then I felt something wet and hot on the lower part of my lip. Who knew Natsu could kiss like this?! I keep my lips closed to tease him a little then I hear from growl. I smile a little until I felt a something grab my ass. I gasp, Natsu takes this chance and sticks his tongue into my mouth. We begin to fight for dominance his tongue against mine. My tongue soon becomes tired and Natsu takes over. His tongue covering every inch of my mouth. As he pulls away a line of saliva connects us.

"Mine" Natsu mutters has he moves his mouth down my neck leaving trails of butterfly kisses. He searches up and down my neck most likely to see a reaction or something leaving hickey's every where.

"Negh" I moan has he hits a certain point on my neck and I tense up. Did I just moan? I slap a hand over my lips to prevent any more sounds from leaving my mouth. Natsu lifts up his head and smirks at me. My face becomes completely red.

"Don't hide it, let it out" Natsu smirked and removed my hand from my mouth.

"W-Wait what about Lucy and Happy?! I-I don't want them to hear us!" I stuttered out, I didn't want to stop but if we continued who knows were it would lead to. Natsu nodded dropping his arms from in caging me. He smiled at me and gave me his scarf.

"Sorry guess I went a little over board" Natsu said while scratching the back of his head with a nervous smile on his face. I smile at him and rap the scarf around my neck to hide the viable hickey's.

"Thank you Natsu" I kiss his cheek and start walking out to the door until I was pulled back into a muscle chest.

"Don't think that was it for punishment, that was more for my own enjoyment I still have to get you back for writing on Happy and I's face" Natsu said with a sneaky smirk and took out the paint.

"Motherfucker" I mumbled.


After what felt like minutes of torture Natsu let me leave the room. I run to the kitchen to see Lucy tied to a chair with writing all over her face. I start laughing instantly and see looks at me laughing as well. On Lucy's face her had words like 'meanie', 'happy is the best and deserves fish', and 'princess' nothing too bad but the words are in chicken scratch.

"Jessica your fucking face!" Lucy points with her free hand and starts laughing again.

"Me? Look at you Lucy!" I said pointing at her face. I go over to hear and untie her so she could get up. We walk into the bathroom to see what Natsu and Happy had done to us. The words Natsu left would be strange to others but I understood what they meant. He wrote words like 'love' 'punishment' 'Natsu is the best at EVERYTHING' but the one that got my attention was the one poking from his scarf. I pull it down a little and the word 'MINE' appear. I quickly pull the scarf back up to prevent Lucy from seeing it. We both laugh at the idiotic boys acts and head out of the bathroom.

"Oh by the way why do you have Natsu's scarf?" Lucy questions knowing how precious the scarf his to him.

"Oh yeah I got really cold in your room and Natsu being a gentlemen he can be gave me his scarf but I promised to give it back." I said as convincingly as I could, Lucy seemed suspicious but let it slide. We walked into the kitchen and saw the boys smirking still looking like idiots with the marks on there face.

"Now we all have to keep these on for 24 hours that's the deal." Happy said with his cheerful voice.

"Oh hell no!" Lucy yelled at the male cat and was about to charge at him but I stopped her.

"Deal but that works both ways" I stated to the boys who quickly nodded their heads in agreement.

"Oh alright lets eat dinner it's probably cold by now" Lucy said setting up all the plates and silverware.

"Alright! Let's eat!" Natsu said as he sits at the table waiting patiently.

I have the greatest friends


Hello! To readers who have already finished the book I come with good news. The story is after from over! I hate how I ended the book and went complete to the new book. I never got a chance to build relationships with the Fairy Tail members and Jess especially her and Natsu! I am sorry if the story becomes confusing but please wait all will be fixed in time! Thank you! ~Angel


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