Getting The Truth Out

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Jessica POV

"Who is Jenny and how much does she mean to you?" Natsu said and these simple words brought tears to my blue eyes. I really hate crying in front of people I fell weak inside.
"Baka get off me! People will get the wrong idea!" I yelled at him trying to get out of his grip but god dammit he's too strong. I wish I wasn't this weak. I haven't even been in Fairy Tail for a full day and I was already showing I was not strong enough to be here. I didn't realize Natsu was watching me struggle to get away him. I give up after 5 mins of fighting back and glared at the pink idiot. But why am I acting like this to him? Back on earth I was totally in love with him yet here is a different story. I should be fangirling that I'm this close to Natsu yet I'm trying to run away? 

"Natsu, seriously! Get off Jess!" Lucy yelled trying to help with this big doofus who can act as suborn as a bull. 

"You going to answer my question or do I have to hold you down until I get answers" Natsu asked in a serious but worried voice completely ignoring Lucy's comment.
"Fine but can I tell you somewhere else?" I asked feeling everyone's looks.
"Uh? Why not right here?" Natsu asked. Oh my he can't be serious right now can he?!
"Natsu people at looking! I mean look that the position we are in!" I said my face turning red from embarrassment. After a minute or so he finally realized what I meant and he got off me then I wasn't really expecting the next part...
He threw me over his shoulder!
"Natsu!!! I have two legs I can walk!" I yelled at him and only heard him chuckle.
"Yeah and two legs to run away from me before I get answer" He said and I sighed he was right, but I can run away now too but my mind is telling me don't. Plus I could never hurt Natsu...he means too much to me... Did I just say that? 

"Wait! Natsu! Jessica!" Lucy yells while chasing us down with Happy right on her tail.

Natsu brings me to Lucy's apartment house and I see a old landlady.
"Boy! That is no way to carry a lady!" she yelled at him and I laughed a little.
"Well she likes to be carried like this" Natsu said and I know he had a ghost smirk on his face.
"No I don't! Put me down Natsu!!!" I yelled and he just continued to carry me somewhere. I sigh in frustration and he chucked.
"Natsu!" I heard Lucy say
"Lucy please help me he won't put me down!" I beg of her 

"Natsu, drop Jessica" Natsu obliged and legit dropped me on the ground!

"Asshole" I muttered under my breathe hoping Natsu heard me with his dragon slayer hearing. I fix my shirt that was rising up, good thing I wore shorts!

"Okay Jessica you need to tell us now" Natsu said as we walked into Lucy's apartment doors. 
"Fine but I'll tell you the whole story okay?" I said and he nodded and Lucy comes in with tea and some cookies.
"Okay so I'm not from around here or this planet you may say" I started off but the happy opened his mouth.
"Your a alien!!!" He yelled.
"No I'm not a alien it's like when you guys went to edo and everything" I said and Lucy looked shocked.
"How do you know that-" she started but I had to cut her off
"Would you like to know or not?" I asked irritated, she stayed quite as I continued.
"As I was saying I'm from whats called 'Earth' I lived in a place called New York and I had a family there I had to leave- well it was my choice but I couldn't just give up this opportunity! I can no longer see them again. My mother two brothers gone... Tommy the second youngest... Danny the oldest... my two sisters gone... Sammy the second oldest and then Jenny my baby sister who meant the world to me" I didn't know but I was crying when I spoke about her "the sad part is that she may never remember me because she is only 6 and her memory is just forming" I finally said as I felt two strong arms wrap around me.
"And what about your father?" Lucy asked and I just broke into tears. The two arms around me tightened and I just looked at Lucy.
"He died when Jenny was born...he died because he was murder in front of me and Danny..." I said slowly and softly. Happy was crying in tears and flew over to me and hugged me kinda in my chest.
"Jessica I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to-" I heard a mumble in my back and I smiled a little but cut him off.
"It's okay you didn't know but now you do so be careful I'm not scared to kick your ass" I said smirking as I heard him chuckle on my back it felt...nice to know people will still care for you.
"How about Jessica gets cleaned up and we call go out for lunch!" Lucy said and both boys heads when up when they heard food and I just started laughing. I really love these guys.

Ok I made the next chapter sorry it took a while but like I said I made the update so follow, vote and comment what you think and I'll give you a little info on the next chapter~M

This Is Awkward

"Fire Brain what are you doing here?!" Gray asked a little nervous.
"What's it to you Ice Princess I'm getting some lunch with Jessica, Lucy and Happy" Natsu said and Lucy looked at Gray.
"Gray are you on a date?!" she asked as I just stand there and look at the girls bathroom and see a familiar face walk out.
"Hey isn't that-" I said but my mouth was covered by Gray's hand as the person walked back into the bathroom.

That's all for now see you next chapter


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