Is this the end?

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Natsu Dragneel POV

"W-Why do you need to find her?" I ask Tommy still trying to get over the fact that he is here and is looking for Jess. Tommy did not say a word he just stood in silence. He looked as if he was having a battle in his head on whether he should tell me or not. He sighed and looked up to me with a sad smile. 

"Jessica is dying in the 'real world' her body it unable to function anymore," Tommy said with a shaky breath "and if she doesn't come back she will... she will well you know 'shut down'" he said with tears starting to steam down his face. The fact that Jessica is dying and she doesn't even know it is scary enough but she's my mate! She can't leave me but if she stays it only a matter of time before she dies. This got me thinking didn't Jess come over in her body? I turned to Tommy with a serious face and he freezes in fear. 

"Didn't Jess come over body in all or is this just all fake?!" I yelled and got a lot of attention from unwanted people, but that didn't matter all that mattered right now was Jessica. Tommy covers my mouth and drags me to the nearest park and sat me down. 

"Believe me I thought the same thing as well but you see after a day of being in the 'anime world' she was brought back to the 'real world' the doctor's couldn't find out what caused this to happen but then it came clear she feel into a coma and refused to wake up," he said as fast as he could "her mind was still in the 'anime world' but her body was brought back to my world" he continued and started to tear up, I-I just listen not knowing what to do. 

"The doctor's say that days in the 'anime world' are months in the 'real world' and now Jessica been in a coma for 7 months and when I get back it will be 11 months" he said while wiping the tears from his face. 

"What do you mean when I get back?" I questioned the young kid who just looked off in the distance. 

"I have to return to my world by sundown to be able to make it home that is the only time where the force field between the 'anime world' and 'real world' is weak" Tommy told me with a serious tone that made me gulp. If this is all true then what do I do about Jessica if she leaves then I know she will be safe but if she leaves everything we had will be gone... I look at Tommy and then look to the ground. A soft breeze came by moving the grass below my feet in a soft sway. I heard foot steps in the crunching leaves and look up to see Jessica. She was crying  with silent tears, her lips formed in a sad smile, hair waving with the wind, she looked so beautiful but she also looked broken. I reached for her hand and grab it pulling her to both me and Tommy. Once Tommy saw his sister his eye's light up with happiness and then ran to her, hugging her like if he let go he would see her again. I smiled at the sight but inside I felt guilt, she left her family behind just to be her in Fairy Tail. 

"I heard you both talking" Jess said while letting go of Tommy and looking right at me. 

"I am sorry Tommy but I am not going back with you... I belong here with Natsu and everyone in the guild, I have no place on earth anymore" Jessica said never taking her eye's off me. A part of me was happy but another part was sad. 

"But sis! If you die back there you will die here too!" Tommy said almost pleading his sister to go with him. 

"Tommy... I would like to talk to Natsu for a minute if you don't mind" Jess said as Tommy goes to say something but closes his mouth and walks away. 

"Jessica-" I was stopped by a passionate kiss from Jessica. There was so much emotion in that one kiss, happiness, sadness, lust, guilt, eager, fear all in one. I fought back with equal dominate before back away for air. I looked Jessica right in the eye as she did the same while pulling me into a tight embrace. 

"I'm sorry" Two words that broke my heart as I stared into her gorgeous eyes. I felt broken in that one moment, I was going to lose my mate, the love of my life, due to fate that cursed this on me. I gave her a sad smile and kissed her forehead. I brought her head to my chest and just held her like that taking in the moment while it lasted. We stayed like that what felt like hours but only lasted minutes. 

"Sis..." Little Tommy spoke softly as I let go of Jessica who could not look me in the eyes. 

"I will go home with you Tommy let's get ready I guess" Jessica said walking over to Tommy. 

Third Person POV 

While Jessica and Tommy were hugging, Natsu noticed something in Tommy's hand, it shined like silver and Natsu gasped, trying to reach his mate. "J-JESSICA!!" Natsu screamed in despair as his mate was stabbed through her right lung.

As Jessica's body fell with blood slowly pouring from the wound, Tommy laughed. He slowly started to fade away after realizing it was just a illusion. In the background a cold, chilling laugh that would send shivers down anyone's spine was heard, however, Natsu didn't notice that, he only saw his love, his mate, his world slowly ding on the ground.

Natsu ran to her side and cradled her head. "Please, please don't leave me.... Please Jessica, I need you...." Natsu whispered, tears falling on his loves face. Jessica smiled and brought her hand to Natsu's face and smiled through the pain and the tears. "P-please sing for me, my l-love." Jessica whispered, her eye's seeming to becoming distant and unfocused. 

"Y-you are m-my Sunshine, my o-only sunshine. Y-you make me h-happy, w-when skies are gray, y-you'll n-never know dear, h-how m-much I-I love you. Please d-don't take m-my sunshine a-away." As Natsu stops singing the life that shine so much in her eyes was now nothing but dull. The last thing Jessica saw was the blue sky as she listen to her lover sing one last time as her venison was taken over by a bright light. 


Guys there will be a next chapter! I don't know when but its up to you! If I get more then 5 comments from different people saying they want to know what happens next I will  update! Until then enjoy this chapter! <3 ~ Angel


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