Learning the Mating Process

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OK!!! Before I start the story the lemon is coming soon I've never liked it when someone just had the people have 'it' so you'll just have to wait now! I have a good idea for this story!



As Lucy, Juvia, Levy, and myself hid behind the locked window we saw the whole thing go down. We couldn't hear anything but with that dirty smirk flamebrain and the horror on Jessica's face something was up. Happy did say something about this 'mating season' which I thought was only for animals. I signaled the girls to follow me as we slowly yet quietly walked away from the window. Once we were in a safe distance I started to run to the guild to find some answers. I was worried for Jessica, shes family, she must stay safe and happy like everyone. Levy tried to explain what the mating process was but she wasn't 100% certain and also she starting blushing thinking back. We all finally reached the guild and slammed the door open.

"Gajeel! Where are you!?" Levy yelled and got everyone's attention. Slowly we could see Gajeel walking up to us.

"What do you need pipsqueak?" Gajeel asked looking at Levy with a serious face.

"We need to speak with you somewhere private." Levy said pointing outside. As we all gathered outside we soon realized how dark it was. Gajeel looked at us with a bored expression questioning why he was here in the first place.

"We need to know the mating process quickly." I spoke fast with a serious facial expression. The words caught Gajeel really off guard as he looked dumbfound.

"Please Gajeel whatever the mating process is will affect both Natsu and Jess-chan!" Lucy said little fear could easily be heard. Gajeel chuckled when we all looked at him wanting to know the answers to see if we could help Jessica.

"So the idiot found his mate huh? Figures," he chuckled "Well to make it simple the mating process is were you get to find your mate and live together forever." he started off with an arm rapped around Levy.

"But before you can get pass that you have to complete a thing we call 'mating', it where the male claims the female by becoming 'one' if you get what I mean gehihi" Gajeel said as we see Levy blushing mad.

"Wait what if Jess doesnt want to become Natsu's mate?" Juvia asked the iron dragon slayer.

"Then lets say Natsu will never be the same but with the mark on Jessica neck I think its too late" Gajeel said as he stuffered from this 'boredom'.

"Wait what mark?" Lucy asked

"Only dragon slayers can see it cheerleader that is until the mating process is finished," He said "the mark means she agreed to being his mate or he forced it on her but knowing Jess she probably didn't even know what 'mating' was just like Levy." Gajeel finished.

"So there is no way we can stop Ash-For-Brains from having...'it'... with Jessica?" I said confused.

"Well she doesn't have to do it with him but the longer she has him wait the longer the lust grows." Gajeel said with a devilish smirk.

"Juvia still doesn't understand why Natsu and Jessica must the finish the mating process so quickly?" Juvia spoke in an angelic voice. (UGH still ship Grayza tho)

"Well Natsu might lose it and force himself against Jessica and that might make Jessica hurt and leave forever 'mating' is serious and shouldn't be taken lightly, one wrong move can cause both to be hurt psychically and mentally." Gajeel said in a serious voice with Levy shaking her head agreeing with Gajeel.

"So there is nothing we can do but hope for the best?" I question as Gajeel agrees.

"Juvia wants to be Gray-sama mate!" Juvia spoke randomly and rapped her body against my arm.

"J-Juvia! Let go!" I yelled trying to get the day dreaming girl off my arm as everyone started laughing.


Jessica POV

"Wait what?! I don't even know what's going on!" I yelled trying to escape Natsu's iron grip. Natsu just continues to stair down at me with his beautiful onyx eyes.

"Do you regret accepting me?" Natsu spoke in a sad and soft tone. He slowly loosed his grip as I could finally move my hands but I didn't. I looked Natsu right in the eyes and all I could see was sadness.

"No... I would never regret being with you just I don't understand anything that's going on like I've read fanfictions back at my home planet Earth but never finished them." I said as I placed my right hand on his cheek. He chuckled and placed his hand on my mine that was on his cheek.

"Too be honest I have a idea but I'm not certain." He said with his goofy smile. "But lets finish this story together!" He said going back to his old self. I smiled and nodded giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"But before we continue this craziness I want at least one date." I said looking down at my mate who nodded his head fiercely as he connected his lips to mine.

Maybe this wont be so bad


QUICKEST UPDATE IN FOREVER!!!!! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! I'm happy to say I finally know where I am going with this story and much more is to come! Thanks guys for reading!


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