This Is Awkward

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Jessica POV

I washed my face and put on some make-up to cover my red face. I walked out to see the boys reading Lucy's books. Oh no Lucy would kill them if she found out speaking of Lucy where is she?
"Uh boys?" I said and they both jumped and closed the book.
"We were not reading Lucy book what you talking about?" Happy said as I just smirked.
"I didn't say anything about you reading her book now did I?" I said and both of them looked at me in fear.
"LUCY-" I called for her but Natsu hand covered my mouth.
"SHHH please Jessica she gives pretty mean kicks and who knows how long we will be kept out!" Natsu said.
"Thssft nbfotb mgy prcdomfvl" I said which did not sound like English at all.
"What?" Happy asked and I sighed and licked Natsu hand and he took his hand away from my mouth.
"WHY?!" He asked wiping his hand on my arm.
"I said that's not my problem" I said and right then Lucy walked in and gave us a confused look.
"Lucy! They read-" I said but my mouth was covered again.
"We read the menu to this awesome lunch place we should go to!" Happy said and Natsu nodded with him and Lucy looked at me giving me the 'really?' face and I shook my head as a 'no'. 

"Oh great! What's the restaurant called Happy?" Lucy asked sweetly to Happy as he quickly becomes nervous. 

"Um- uh- Fish for Days???" Happy said has sweat quickly drips down his face and avoids eye contact with Lucy. 

"That's not a real place you dumb cat!" Lucy yelled as she began to chase Happy around the apartment.  I started laughing with Natsu's hand still covering my mouth. I look up to him and see him staring at me with such a sweet smile. In that moment everything felt as time stopped, that I had seen a new side of Natsu that wasn't there before. Back on Earth I knew Natsu as the idiotic boy who can only mess up by burn towns down. But right now I felt a connection with Natsu, a certain type of pull that I just couldn't describe. It seemed as if Natsu felt the same thing as we just stared deeply into eachothers eyes. Our faces became closer and closer, Natsu removed his hand from my mouth and placed it on the back of my neck. I turned my body to face his, as my arms rapped around his neck. Natsu eyes kept looking at my lips then to my eyes as I felt my eyes close slowly. Our lips brushed until someone coughed and broke the moment. 

"Did we interrupt something?" Lucy asked with a smirk on her lips. Happy was right next to her saying things like 'he likes her~' or 'she likes him~'. I felt heat rise up to my cheeks and quick let go of Natsu taking a few steps back while avoiding any eye contact with him. 

"W-What?! No! L-Let's just go get some lunch o-okay!" Natsu said obviously trying to avoid teasing from his friends. Lucy and Happy continued giggling together as we all walked out of her apartment to go the restaurant.  I felt very embarrassed after the whole thing. I ALMOST kissed Natsu! A part of me really wished I did but anything was happy with the fact we didn't ruin our friendship. As I was too busy forcing on my thoughts I didn't know a hand had been interlaced with mine. I looked up to see who the hand had belong longed to and it was no other then Natsu Dragneel. He refuse to look at me but continued to squeeze my hand. Looking back I smile and squeeze back his hand. Not knowing but after I did this action a big smile appeared on his face as we continued walking. Once Lucy picks the restaurant we walk in and request a table. Once the hostess brings us to our table we sit down with Lucy next to Happy and Natsu next to me. Natsu has now refused to let go of my hand I find it sweet but also troublesome, how am I going to eat my food with one hand! As we all start talking about new missions we should do and Lucy's rent, I saw Gray and I think he saw us too. 

"Fire Brain what are you doing here?!" Gray asked a little nervous.
"What's it to you Ice Princess I'm getting some lunch with Jessica, Lucy and Happy" Natsu said and Lucy looked at Gray.
"Gray are you on a date?!" she asked as I just stand there and look at the girls bathroom and see a familiar face walk out.
"Hey isn't that-" I said but my mouth was covered by Gray's hand as the person walked back into the bathroom.
"Hey! Don't touch Jess!" Natsu said letting go of my hand to punch Gray. Once he lets go I felt a bit at lost. I shake my head and tell Lucy I am going to head to the bathroom. She nods and tries to break up the boys before the ruin the place. I walked to the girls bathroom hearing Gray words to try and stop me from entering. I looked around the bathroom and see a blue haired water Mage hiding in the corner.
"Hey your from Fairy Tail right? I'm Jessica I don't think we fully met" I said putting a hand out and she took it and got up.
"Juvia name is Juvia nice to meet you Jessica-chan" Juvia said with a smile and I smiled back.
"So your on a date with Gray I believe?" I said and her face turned red but she slowly nodded
"Gray-sama promised Juvia one date because Gray-sama hurt Juvia's feelings" she said and I question her answer.
"I hope I'm not being rude but how did he hurt your feelings?" I asked and she looked at me as she was scanning me. 
"Gray-sama stole Juvia's first kiss but Juvia isn't really mad Juvia is just acting so Juvia can have a date with her beloved Gray-sama" she said and I just smiled.
"Smart but how about you go out there to your prince I bet he's missing his princess" I said as me and Juvia walked out together and see Levy and Gajeel there too...are they on a date too?
"Levy-chan?" I asked and she looked at me kinda scared.
"J-Jessica-chan! Um hi! Uh..." Levy said and complete freaked out.
"Yo we are trying to enjoy our date you mind going away" Gajeel said in a rude manner but he had pink on his cheek.
"Oh right sorry Levy-chan,Gajeel bye and good luck!" I said walking away with Juvia. We both talked about Levy and Gajeel until we got to Gray and the others.
"Hi guys!" I said and Juvia was hiding behind me maybe shy?
"Yo Jessica you can just head back to the table I will be there in a bit" Natsu said and I nodded but Juvia grabbed my shoulder.
"Jessica-chan Juvia does not wish for Natsu to see Juvia plus Juvia doesn't want Gray-sama to feel embarrassed" Juvia whispered to me and I nodded.
"You know Natsu I think you should go with me!" I said going to reach for his hand to pull him away. 
"Can't right now I'm waiting for Grays girlfriend to come over so I can get him" Natsu said looking that the nervous Gray.
"How would you feel if you were on a date and one of your guide members came- hell family member and waited to see who was your girlfriend and was embarrassed and scared of what people would think of them uh?" I said and I could see Gray smile a little and I could see Natsu shocked of what I said.
"Now go on go to the table with the others Natsu or no food" I said and he just looked at me and walked to the table on the other side of the restaurant. I can't believe he didn't see Juvia the whole time he really is a idiot.
"Thanks Jessica really it means a lot" Gray said as Juvia stood by him.
"No problem anything for a friend just be nice to Juvia okay?" I said and he nodded and Juvia and him continued there lunch together. I walked back over it Lucy and the others. I sat next to Natsu. He was sitting there all grumpy, arms crossed and looking out the window. 

"Natsu? Are you mad at me?" I whispered to him. He looked at me and shook his head no, I sighed in relief and smiled at him as he reached for my hand once again.  

"Hey Jessica did you see Elfman and Evergreen?" Lucy asked and I shook my head and she pointed to the yelling couple and I laughed.
"Did you see Levy-chan and Gajeel?" I asked
"No! Where!" She asked and I pointed to the couple walking out the door hand and hand. We fangirled about them saying they were perfect for each other.
"Girls and there ships" Natsu said eating with his one hand
"Well Natsu who do you ship with yourself?" I asked and he choked on his food, a small blush brushed his cheeks and I laughed softly. He then glared at me and squeezed my hand.
"I ship myself with Carla!" Happy said proudly. I smiled and gave him a high high or paw...anyways.
"Yeah Natsu who? You did choke on food when Jessica asked so that means you do!" Lucy said and looked at Natsu. I just kept looking while I ate my salmon.
"W-What no! Who do you ship yourself with Luce?!" Natsu asked and Lucy blushed a lot. I laughed and I saw happy steal some of my fish.
"Happy~ that's mine!" I said and watched him eat my fish. I pouted as he just smiled. I drank some of my lemonade.
"This is mine Happy!" I said and he smile still and Natsu took my drink from my hand and drank it all.
"No!!!! My drink! Why?!" I asked and look at my now empty drink and he just gave his famous smile and when back to eating his food. Lucy started laughing and so did Happy.
After we were all done eating we paid and left and when back to Lucy's apartment.
"Well that was... Awkward?" Lucy said and we nodded everyone was on a date and we are the singles like 'hey what's up'
"I'm just going to take a nap before dinner" Natsu said and fell asleep on Lucy bed with Happy.
"Oh~ I have a plan Jessica wanna help me get back at the boys for reading my book?" Lucy asked and I nodded and got the black markers.
We drew all weird stuff on their face like hearts and star and some lines. I wrote on Natsu right cheek 'Jessica is so amazing and better then me' and Lucy wrote on his left cheek 'Luce is so beautiful and smart' we laughed and drew a cat face on him. Now just to wait for him to wake up.

Next chapter done! I hope you liked it I put Gruvia in for one of my best friend you can follow her this is her
-----> rain_of_life24
It was hard writing Gruvia because I ship Grayza a lot more so be lucky!
But please follow, vote, and comment what you though of this chapter! ~M


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