What's Going On With Her?

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Jessica POV

"Oh Welcome then Jessica-san!" Wendy said with a smile

"Thank you!" I said and smiled at Wendy.

"My name is Wendy Marvell" Wendy said with a cute smile. I just want to hug her!

"Nice to meet you Wendy" I said happily. I'm still trying to keep calm but on the inside I want to explode with happiness!

"So you want to join Fairy Tail?" asked Makarov the master of Fairy Tail. If I could I would jump up and down screaming yes but I don't want to embarrass myself in the first hour or so.

"I would love too!!!" I screamed jumping up and down like it was Christmas or something. Then my face turned into a reddish pink. Great did the one thing I DIDN'T want to do. The great thing was I heard someone laughing in the background. And I knew right away it just had to be Natsu Dragneel.

"Then let's get you stamped!" Master said then I see Mira come around to me with the Fairy Tail Stamp.

"Hi! I'm Mirajane but you can call me Mira! So where would you like your mark and what color?" She asked me and I pointed to my wrist and told her royal blue. (You can have it wherever you want it and color) Then after 30 seconds it was official I was a part of Fairy Tail!!!

I talked with lots of the guild members! I became best friends with Lucy and Levy us all being bookworms. I'm also best friends with Erza and Mira they are really nice to me. I enjoy being here so much but I do miss my mom and brothers and sisters. When I talk to Wendy it reminds me of Jenny. I wonder if...no...I can never go back no matter how much I miss them. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder and looked up to see Natsu with his famous grin on his perfect face.

"Yo! I'm Natsu Dragneel and I never got your name what was it again?"  He asked.

"Hi Natsu and my name is Jessica Leans but you can call me Jess or Jessie" I told him with a bright smile on my face.

"So you have Earth God Slayer and a Water Dragon Slayer magic?" He asked and I nodded

"What was you dragons name" He asked and I had no idea but then something popped into my head and I started speaking without knowing

"Her name was Aquae sister of Ingeel" I said and looked at him to see him with a shocked look. Oh right I said Ingeel I hope I didn't bring bad memories.

"You...You know Ingeel?!" He asked with complete seriousness and I nodded slowly then within a second I was in a bear hug having a hard time breathing.

"That's awesome! Now I know another dragon slayer that knows Ingeel!" He said. He seemed really happy but I was about to faint.

"Natsu you baka! Your going to kill her!" Gray yelled with a Juvia on his arm. Natsu let go of me and I took in a deep breath. 

"Hehe sorry Jenny" Natsu said and then I felt a pain in my chest. Jenny...My little wonderful sister I just looked down.

"My name is Jessica" I mumbled then walked over to Lucy and the other girls as I felt Natsu stair fulled with confusion.

"Hey Jessica!" Lucy said and I waved and sat next to her.

"Hey Jess do you have a place to stay for the night" Erza asked and I shook my head

"You can stay with me Jessica if you want until you find a house of your own or we can be roomies!" Lucy said and I smiled at her

"Sure Lucy sounds good" I said and smiled at her.

Lucy Heartfilia POV

So me and Jessica said are good-byes to everyone but I notice something was off about Natsu now. He looked so happy one second then the next he's sad. Was it Jessica? I mean he was so happy when she was with him but then she became sad walked away from him to us. That felt Natsu confused and sad but what were they talking about. As me and Jessica were walking I felt like we were being watched and I think Jessica did to. She stopped and hit the ground with her foot and then you see Natsu and Happy fall right in front of us.

"OW! What happened" Happy asked and looked up and saw us. "AH NATSU WE HAVE BEEN FOUND" He yelled and Natsu then looked up.

"You can't seek up on a Earth God Slayer, I can feel your every movement" Jessica said and looked back at Natsu who looked dumbfound.

"Well I wanted to know what happen back there when I called you Jenny by accident" Natsu said and it look like it hit a nerve on Jessica.

"Look why do you even want to know?!" Jessica asked yelling a little at Natsu.

"Because I care about my family! Just because you joined today doesn't mean I am going to turn my back on you!" Natsu said and again it looked like he hit one of her nerves again.

"You don't even know me! You barely knew my fucking name Natsu! Its personal okay!" She yelled back. I looked at Happy and he nodded and we both walked away from them.

Natsu Dragneel POV

What is wrong with her why can't she see I only want to help her! She keeps fighting back and she keeps getting more mad each second.

"What your problem Jenny- dammit! I mean Jessica! I just want to-" I started off but was cut off with a punch right in the face. DAMMIT THAT HURT!  I looked back at Jessica she had tears rolling down her face. I felt so guilty, I had just made my own guild-mate cry just because of my selfish reasons. Her eyes held so much pain and sadness.

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" She yelled at me. Suddenly everything seemed to click, she only gets emotional when I had mention this 'Jenny' person. This means that this 'Jenny' has connection with Jessica, what kind of connection I don't know but I am going to find out. I ran up to her and tackled to the ground. She kept kicking and punching me so I held down her arms and sat on her legs. I looked her right in the eyes and asked her the simple question,

"Who is Jenny and how much does she mean to you?"


Long Chapter this time guys! Hope you enjoyed it! Vote! Comment! and Follow! ~Angel


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