It was just a dream

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Jessica POV
My head is pounding, I can't feel anything! All I can really make out is a bright light... Am I dead? Wait! What about Tommy and Natsu! Are they both ok?! What the hell happened?! All I can remember is hugging Tommy then pain and now I'm here. The light began to dim down as I can hear faint voices.
"She is going to live right?!" A voice asked in complete and utter shock while a trace of fear followed the tone.
"Miss please calm down we don't understand what has happened but we will tell you when we find out" a calm and very gentle voice said. I can see their bodies but the faces are blurry... It's almost like I can't open my eyes at my own will. I can't even speak, hell I bet I can't move my toes. The voices were soon drawn out and the blinding light was back. I felt like I was flowing in the air. Almost like all the worries in the world just went away.
"Jessica" a whisper voice spoke out. I turned my head... Nothing
"Jessica!" There it is again! I followed the voice leading away from the light and towards the darkness
"JESSICA!" Before I knew it I sprinted off, I ran as fast as I could! Every step I took lead me closer to the ground of pit black. I would know that voice from anywhere and let's hope my ears are not deceiving me. After five minutes of running I stop... Silence... I did not hear my name anymore the voice was gone. I was completely alone in the bottom of darkness. I fell to the ground landing right on my knees. I wanted to cry, I wanted to escape but to where? Soon I could heard someone's shoe tapping walking closer to where I am. The fear was taking over me and I refused to look back. I could see light coming from behind as it became brighter. Then I felt a warm hand on my left shoulder. I froze up and saw the pink haired idiot that I have come to love. The look in his eyes held so much love, happiness, lust, and guilt? I jumped up and hugged him as tight as I could. He return the hug only not as tight. We stayed like what felt like hours but was only really seconds.
"I missed you so much Jess you don't even know" Natsu mumbled into my shoulder as I just chuckled. He tightened his grip so I stopped laughing. I was confused when he pulled away not daring to look in my eyes.
"Natsu?" Calling out his name I reached for his face as I cupped his cheek with my hand. He looked at me with so much guilt and then he started to cry.
"I-I am so s-sorry I couldn't s-save you back there Jess... I-I love you so m-much" Natsu spoke with sobs in between his speech. I rapped my arms around him and patted his back.
"Natsu... I love you more then you could even imagine! Spending every moment with you was the best adventure I've ever been on and it's all thanks to you my lovely mate" I gave him a couple of soft kisses on his neck and cheek and that seemed to calm him down.
"That's why you deserve to live" he said before fading out. I went to reach for him but everything became dizzy and the last thing I remember seeing is Natsu waving goodbye with a sad smile then everything went black.
Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep
I wake up to be on a hospital bed. I have all these wires contacted to me I try to pull one out but then a alarm went off. I heard doctors and nurses running in yelling 'it's a miracle'. They started to do test on me like checking my heart rate, blood pressure, everything like that. Once I was all good my family walked in. My mom was sobbing in tears, Danny was acting strong even though he wanted to cry himself, Sammy was crying tears of joy, Tommy was happy to see me again, and Jenny was crying her eyes out and was the first one to run up to me. I hugged her and tried to calm her down.
"Mom what happened? Did the project go wrong? How did I get here?" I asked loading my mom up with questions.
"What project? Jessica you were in a car crash and you were placed in a coma" my mom said with worry lace in her voice.
"What?" I questioned with a visible voice crack at the end of my sentence.
"Yes dear, Sammy was driving you to school and some drunk driver crashed right into the passenger seat where you were sitting. I can't blame you for forgetting must be part of the amnesia" my mom said calmly wiping her now dry tears.
"No mom the whole 'anime world' project thing you know the one I got picked to do!?" I told her while freaking out a bit.
"Oh honey you have to stop watching that anime stuff it's messing with your head" my mom laughed it off but when she saw I wasn't laughing she stopped.
"Honey what do you remember?" My mom questioned but I didn't answer. I put Jenny on the bed and got up. I walked to the nearest mirror and looked at myself. Everyone was telling me 'don't get up yet!' or 'you are still hurt rest a little bit' but I ignored them all. I looked weak and sick but one thing surprised me the most... I still had Natsu's mark on my neck! I looked to my mom and pointed it my neck right where the mark is.
"Oh yeah? How do you explain this?! I got this from Natsu Drangeel while he claimed me as his mate!" I yelled at my mother who stood back in fear as my brother looked confused.
"Jessica... Are you... Are you talking about that guy on Fairy Tail?" Danny asked looking more confused than ever but I just nodded my head yes.
"Sorry to break it to you sis but 'Natsu Drangeel' is not a character from Fairy Tail maybe you are thinking Gray Fullbuster or Zero Dragon-" Danny spoke,
"NO!" I yelled looking in the mirror again seeing crazy in my eyes.
"Natsu Drangeel is real! He is my boyfriend, my mate, my everything" I barked towards my family as they called in doctors. Both doctors and nurses ran in and held me down. I struggled to be freed trying to get out of their grasp. One doctor walked in with a metal object. Soon I find out the doctor shot me with a syringe that knocked me out cold.

~~~ (3 years 7 months later)~~~

"Day 1, 305 and I'm still stuck in this hell hole!" I yelled to the top of my lungs only to get a 'shut up' in return. After the incident that happened at the hospital my family took caution on my insanity. They locked me up, they said it was for the best but I knew they did it because I was crazy. They keep saying how Natsu wasn't real it was all just a dream. Well I don't believe them for a single minute. I know he is out there somewhere. He may be on a different city, state, country, or even planet but I do plan on finding him again. The absence of mates being away from each other is too strong and hurts like hell. I keep looking at the clock watching it move and listening to its every sound. Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock... My peaceful silence was soon ended by screaming and the sound of a blade slicing through human skin. I got curious but stayed back, that was until whoever caused the scene from outside those doors was close. There was a knock on the door that just happened to be the thing that trapped me inside. I went to the door and knocked three times. 

"Well I guess there is someone in there after all... Someone very important" a husky yet rough voice spoke making me smirk.
"Oh really? Me? Important? Well listen sugar but it's kinda hard to get rid of me that easy... why else would you think they lock me up?because of my insanity? You're kidding right?" After my little sarcastic speech I could hear the person chuckle as the door started to open.
"Well Ms. Leen ready for round two?" Doctor Peter Smith said to me while I scuffed.
"Oh yeah right I lost Natsu I don't want to go back without him" I said rolling my eyes at his wide smirk.
"What if I told you I could get back Natsu and bring him to the anime world with you and the only price is that you would never have to come back to the real world?" He asked knowing I could not deny.
"Keep talking..."


Hello Guys! This is the end of this book but I do plan on writing another book. The next book will have a twist! I don't know what the title will be but once I know I will make a update about it. Thank you guys for reading! Love you all! ~Angel


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