Back to Fairy Tail!

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Jessica POV

This morning I woke up to feeling strong muscular arms around my waist. I felt a blush rush up to my face but pushed it aside. I carefully got out of Natsu grip without waking him up. I slid a pillow in his arms as my decoy. Today was the day we are finally going back to Fairy Tail. It's kinda crazy how things are going. I mean I became THE Natsu Dragneel 'Mate'. I don't quite understand what a mate is but I have heard it from werewolf story's that's kinda it. Because I finished most of my packing yesterday but was interrupted by a certain ash-for-brains boy I continued once I woke up. It was quiet in the morning, no yelling, no panicking just silence. I enjoyed it myself but it brought me to think about my family back on earth.
"I miss them so much yet I was the one that picked this and can't do shit." I thought while sighing at the end. If I could even see them for a minute that would be enough. Shaking my head I went back to folding and putting my clothes away. Hearing a soft knock on the door I opened it to see Mr. Forest grinning for once.
"Hello Ms. Leans may I speak with you in my office?" He asked and I nodded my head shutting the door behind me to let Natsu sleep peacefully. I followed Mr. Forest to his office questioning what he could need. As he opened the door Emma ran out and hugged me around the waist. I taken back but soon hugged little Emma back.
"Thank you for saving me." she said still holding on, I smiled at the little girl.
"It wasn't just me that saved you it was also Natsu, Lucy, and Happy." I spoke softly not to wake others but load enough for Mr. Forest and Emma to hear.
"When I grow up I'm going to join Fairy Tail and become stronger just like you!" Emma said smiling up at me. I gave a confused face as she giggled.
"She has her late mothers magic it's a lost magic called "Cold Fire" were she can control the heat of the fire but she must master it before joining any guild like I've told her." Mr. Forest said as I nodded slowly understanding the concept of the story. Emma let go and looked up at me still smiling. I smiled back and kissed her forehead.
"Ms. Leans would you like me to give you the pay?" Emma's father asked.
"Sure!" I replied was he walked to his desk grabbing the 100,000,000 jewels.
"Again me and this town thank you for saving all these girls." Mr. Forest said I just grinned while bowing to him to show my respect as he bows back with Emma. I got out of the room as quickly woke up Lucy, Happy, and Natsu. We all packed up within the 30 minutes we were off to the train.
"Do we really have to take the train back! Can't we just walk!" Natsu complained as I bought tickets for the train.
"Natsu you can survive 20 minutes on a train it's not that hard." Lucy said but Natsu turned purple. Get turned toward me with a puppy dog look.
"Please~ Jessica-chan~" Natsu asked with a little boy voice.
" let's get going." I said and walked into the train leaving a shocked Natsu behind me.
After 10 minutes Natsu was asleep on my lap as I ran my hand though his hair.
"Ne Jessica, do you like Natsu?" Lucy asked while I sadly smiled.
"Kinda... I don't know it's confusing I guess..." I told her as her face sadden.
"I guess I should give up on Natsu then I can't go against you I know I'll lose." She said but I stayed quiet. Was she trying to make me feel bad? It's seems I was thinking too much I didn't know the train stopped. Natsu woke up right away and jumped off the train kissing the ground.
"I LOVE YOU GROUND SO MUCH!" Natsu said still kissing the ground while Lucy and I sweatdrop.
"Come on guys let hurry to Fairy Tail!" Natsu screamed grabbing my hand and dragging me away with Lucy close behind.
Once we got to the front of Fairy Tail Natsu slammed the door open and yelled.


SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE!!! I've been doing lots of sport like Track and XC along with school work I only have weekends to write and sometimes I cant finish it. AGAIN IM SO SORRY HOPEFULLY THIS WONT HAPPEN AGAIN~M


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