Michael The High Marshal/(y/n)'s Guardian Angel

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Dates: Michael knows what's the best kind of dates for (y/n). She wouldn't mind going anywhere for (y/n), maybe besides somewhere bad or hell. They would go to (y/n)'s favorite places and even new places that he would love. Michael would sometimes take (y/n) to some of her favorite places in heaven. They would always have a good time together. (y/n) would usually eat the best kinds of foods whenever he is in heaven. Michael is happy on a date when (y/n) is usual.

Things Together: Michael has known almost everything about (y/n) since birth. She knows all of his likes and dislikes, making it much easier for the two to do things together. They would often do things together that (y/n) would usually like. Sometimes they would do what Michael likes to do. She loves to talk about herself and other things that (y/n) doesn't know. Michael usually likes to stare at (y/n) when he does something then she tries it. 

Protect: Michael watches (y/n) like a hawk most of the time. She is kind and gentle. She would let others know that (y/n) is her boy. She would try to be kind and ask them to leave or not to mess or flirt with (y/n). If that doesn't work, she will show off some of her power and give one last warning. That works a lot, and then she gets (y/n) out of the area. Michael has loved him since he was born and would do anything to protect him. 

Love/Fun Time: She Is a dommy mommy to (y/n). She loves to hold him in her arms and wings. She likes to kiss him. She loves to do affections that (y/n) prefers. While having sex, she would do what (y/n) likes the most. She would dominate and ensure (y/n) is enjoying a lot of pleasure. In the end, she would on to (y/n) with her arms and wings while sleeping. 

ImmortalTaker Life (Yandere Helltaker Harem x teenage male reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora