1: Gerard Is A Bored Man Who Lives All Alone At The Age Of Thirty Eight

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This is the first actual chapter! :) Trigger warning: blood, mentions suicide. Thank you for reading! :) (The picture is not mine)

Gerard Way lived alone. At the older age of thirty-eight, still alone, in a house that seemed so big when no one, but himself lived in it. The man was not sad about living alone, but he was not happy about it either. He was just neutral about it, like he was about almost everything. Some people even thought that he had lost all emotion, because of this. He felt like it was his fault. Everything was. The band had split up because of him, and after that everything started to fall apart. Gerard was just a big problem, sometimes he felt like he just had to go. Like he couldn't just disappear randomly. Well, he could, he tried, but deep down he was just scared. He was not ready, not yet at least. He stopped himself the first time and he wasn't sure if he could do it again. That is why Gerard lives all alone. In a huge empty house, with no family and without friends.

 Despite everything bad that went on in his mind, he was having a good day so far. He had mostly good days since he was living alone. He'd just finished working on one of his comics and it was about 3:00 or so. The man has gotten his coffee ready as usual. Gerard needed coffee very often or else they would literally die from being tired and there was no doubt that he would not be able to function while working without it. He was as addicted to that coffee as he was once to alcohol. He still smoked occasionally.  But the man had taken a wild guess that the coffee might be better for him than a bunch alcohol and cigarettes.

 Since the coffee was not finished yet, the man sat on the couch and reached out for the television remote. He thought it would be a good idea to watch something while he waited for his coffee to warm up in the microwave. After all he did not have anything else to do, Gerard had just finished his work for the day, and he was bored as hell. 

The man was switching around the channels on the television Hoping to find something worth watching, like a horror movie of some kind. Some people had always told him that horror movies with a hell lot of human eating monsters and a hell lot of gore was not a healthy obsession. "Especially for someone who's suicidal." Lindsey would always say to him. He would always reply with the same boring, old answer. "I was... Now I'm not." No one ever believed him about this. Not even his own brother. Horror movies were one of the things that improved Gerard's mood. So, he was going to keep on watching them, even if it killed him one day.

As he was searching the tv an unfamiliar news channel popped up. Gerard decided to give it a chance. He spent so much time in his empty house, as his job consisted of him sitting at his desk for hours and drawing comic book characters, he needed to know what was going on in the world. He needed to know if the apocalypse was happening today or next week, as every person should.

 The man let the channel play then he got up from the couch, slowly making his way to the kitchen to grab his heated-up coffee. He poured the coffee in and put the cup up to his lips to drink it, starting to walk back to his living room. He glanced at the tv before sitting down on the couch again. 

He could not say that the news were really interesting at all. He usually just stayed for the weather announcements, which by the way was completely pointless because Gerard almost never went outside unless he was driving to the store to get coffee. A small sigh escaped his mouth as he noticed that the news could possibly be a little less dull today.

On the tv there was a woman talking loudly. Behind her was something that looked like a recked van. From what he could remember it looked similar to Frank's car. A small smile twitched at the side of his mouth at the reminder of Frank. But then his face sobered into a more blank one as soon as the lady started to speak. "Frank Iero was hit by a bus and dragged under it just about thirty minutes ago. He will be in the hospital now, as his wounds could be very serious and possibly fatal. We don't know if he's going to be okay, we don't know if his band mates are going to be okay either. All we can do is hope. " The news person said, in the weird monotone voice the people on the news always used. The cameraman angled the camera perfectly so the viewers could see the van and part of the ground, part of the ground that was soaked in so much blood that even Gerard was starting to feel sick.

 Gerard's breath stopped in his throat. He could not breath, as he felt himself get pale. Were they talking about his Frank? The man who was his close friend. One of the guitarists in the band. Frank Iero, who he had kissed so many times on that stage. He clutched his coffee cup and spit the coffee that was in his mouth back into the cup, memories from the past flooding into his head. He had no intention of drinking what remained inside of the cup, at least not now, when he felt some of the vomit trying to make its way up his throat. Gerard Way not wanting to drink coffee was serious. The last time Gerard did not finish a cup of coffee, he had tried to kill himself.

As he continued to watch the tv he had to remind himself that this was real. It was going on right now. In the same world he was in. Frank was real. He was really being loaded into an ambulance with blood spluttered all over his pretty face. Gerard was not really squeamish. He didn't mind blood that much. But now he was starting to feel sick. This was not one of those horror movies where one of the characters get murdered and there is a whole bloody massacre. This was a real person, not an actor of some kind. This was someone he knew, someone loved. This was Frank, his Frank. Nothing would change that. Even if the poor guy never made it out of that hospital. 

Gerard could only imagine how Frank felt when he ran away for a while. While he thought, that was when another image popped up on the screen. It was Frank laying on a stretcher, a lot of needles sticking into his arms. That was when Gerard lost it. The vomit making its way up to his mouth, as he quickly placed his coffee cup on the ground, hopped off of the couch and bolted to the restroom to puke.

The poor man stayed bent over the toilet for a couple of minutes, trying not to cry. He hadn't cried in a while. But Gerard had a very bad fear of needles, he just couldn't look at them, especially if they were sticking out of his Frank.

When he made his way back to the living room, he saw that the news continued to broadcast the remains of Frank's van, and Gerard was just thankful that they had not caught the horrible crash on camera. He knew that if they did, he would force himself to watch it, even though he did not want to. Not for his life. But maybe for Frank's life. 

As the almost middle-aged man wallowed in self-pity, he wondered how he could possibly help. Not that he was the kind of person anyone considered helpful. But he definitely knew someone who was smart and helpful, kind of a nerd too. Gerard did the next best thing; he called his little brother, Mikey.

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