8: Really Fuckin' Awkward Phone Calls

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GUYS TODAY MY FRIEND WAS MAKING FUN OF ME AND SAID "hi, I'm Gh0st (don't want to put my real name on this thing sorry) and I draw 46-year-old men, I'm also half man!" AJJGFDSDFGHJKJHGDS MY TRANSMASC ASS IS SO DEAD. (I'm not out to anyone yet) Also, not my picture. I found a couple of pictures of Frank in the hospital so no frerard pics today. :(

Frank was told by one of the nurses that there was someone that wanted to visit him. Who would visit him? His ex-wife was still in New Jersey and his two friends were probably at the hospital as well. So, who could it be?

That was the question he kept asking himself until Jamia waltzed into his hospital room. He smiled at her. "Jamia! Where are the kids?" He asked eagerly, wanting to see his children at the moment. He knew that it wasn't likely that they flew all the way to Australia to see him with their mother. But there was still a small chance.

"Oh, Cherry, Lily and Miles are at home. I had to get someone to babysit them while I came over here to see if you were still alive. The woman said with a small smile. She walked over to the side of the plain white hospital bed.

"Can I call them?" Frank asked with pleading eyes. Jamia's face went into a grimace as she looked down at her phone. "That actually reminds me... I got a phone call from one of your old band mates..." She said rubbing her temple with her thumb and pointer finger. "What was his name? Mike?" She asked looking at Frank for confirmation.

"Mikey." He corrected her. Jamia nodded in response, turning on her phone and typing in the password. "What did he say?" He asked her, looking down at her phone. She looked up at him for a moment. Then she looked back down at her phone, dialing a number into it.

"H-he said that his brother...um..." She stammered trying to remember the man's name. Jamia was never good with names. But the least she could do was remember Frank's friends names. She had been around them enough to be able to remember their names. But Jamia would always be Jamia.

"Gerard," Frank said, the tone of his voice starting to get annoyed when his friend did not tell him the news right away. "Yes, Gerard. Mikey said that he was worried about you." The woman finally said, making Frank less annoyed.

"Oh..." He muttered under his breath. He and Gerard had not seen each other in a few months. Frank was on tour with his band, and Gerard was busy with his comic writing. They tried to keep in touch after the band broke up in 2013. They were still friends three years later, and Frank was still heartbroken three years later. But after all, if he hadn't asked a lot, he wouldn't have lost a lot.

"Here," Jamia said handing the phone to him and snapping him back into reality. "You can call them." Frank shook his head, gently leaning back onto the pillows behind him. The woman sighed. "I know you don't want to. But I think you need to. They are both your friends and Mike said that Gared was crying all night."

Frank snatched the phone out of his friend's hand. Yes, he did not want to talk to Gerard, or even Mikey at the moment. He was tired, his hip hurt, and he was still a little sad about something that happened three years ago. He couldn't hold onto it now, there was no point. But Gerard was hurting because of him. The man had to admit that even if he was still sad and angry, he wouldn't let his best friend cry all night because of him.

He dialed the number that was memorized in his head into Jamia's phone. As he was doing so the woman excused herself from the room, saying she was going to the restroom. But Frank knew that she was just giving him a bit of privacy while he was on the phone. She was sweet in that way.

After Frank pressed the 'call' button he did not even hear the dial tone. All that came out of the phone was a small and quiet voice. "Hello?" The voice asked into the phone. Frank furrowed his brows and looked down at the phone. He did not recognize the voice. "Mikey?" He tried, assuming it was the younger Way brother.

"Gerard." The voice corrected, sounding slightly offended that Frank did not recognize him. "Frankie is it you?" Gerard whimpered into the phone, his voice cracking after he called Frank by his nickname. He sounded close to crying, which made Frank's little heart break.

Frank definitely did not want to hear one of his best friends crying over the phone. So, he tried to cheer him up. "Yep, it's me, Gee. I'm in the hospital. But I'm doing great!" The man lied, trying to use a more cheerful and believable tone. He knew that Gerard wouldn't believe that he was having a great time at the hospital. But it was worth the try.

There was a pause and then there was the sound of Gerard weeping on the other side of the phone. Frank facepalmed. He was stupid he probably made it worse. "F-Frankie-you're not o-okay..." He bawled. "I-I saw the videos... O-on the news."

The man had no idea what videos he was talking about. What videos of Frank had Gerard seen? "What videos?" He whispered quietly. Gerard sniffed and then said, "I saw y-you on the news... and you're all over YouTube and-" Then he went back to crying.

"Gee... calm down..." Frank tried to calm down his friend. It did not help one bit, and soon Gerard's sobbing turned into loud and painful-sounding retches. "Gee! Calm down!" Frank tried again. He had to think... Was there anyone with Gerard that could help him calm down?

"Is there anyone with you right now?" The man asked, trying to talk over Gerard's heaving. "Yea-yeah..." He whined trying to speak through his heartbreaking sobs. "Mik-ey... a-and Lind-sey..." Lindsey. Why was Lindsey with Gerard? What was she planning this time? She had a history of messing up everything good in Frank's life. And by that he meant his good relationship with Gerard, his marriage with Jamia, and a couple of other things he did not want to even think about.

"Get Mikey." He commanded to Gerard. There was the sound of footsteps and a creaking door. Then Mikey's sweet voice was heard. "Gee? Are you okay? Who are you- Frank?" Gerard's crying was still heard in the background as the younger Way brother talking to him on the phone.

"I'll call you back, Frank." Mikey said sounding worried. And with that the man hung up on Frank, leaving him bored and alone in the hospital bed. Did he call him back? The answer was no because Mikey Way terrible at picking up the phone and remembering to call people back.

Frank sighed when Jamia walked back into the room and asked him, "How was the phone call? Was he happy to know that you were okay?" He let a tear roll down his cheek.

Urgent Phone Calls That Lead To StupidityWhere stories live. Discover now