2: Mikey Responded To His Phone Ringing For Once In His life

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I just finished editing this chapter qhile listening to Slipknot. this is in Mikey's POV. Not my picture by the way.

The phone vibrating in Mikey's back pocket startled him, causing him to swerve his car on the road. At the moment he was just driving home from the store. The 35-year-old was not a particularly good driver. But he could get by. He reached for the phone out of his pocket to see that his brother, Gerard, was calling. Mikey pressed the button that said 'answer'. "Hello?" He said expecting his brother to say 'hi'' and start talking to him, as usual. Instead, all he could hear was someone hyperventilating and some loud banging music in the background. Finally, someone spoke up. It was not the friendly tone that Gerard usually used to speak with his brother. It was a hoarse voice, it sounded like he had been crying. "Frank's been hit by a-a bus." He hissed, his voice cracking in the middle of the sentence. You could clearly tell that he was trying to stay in control of his stressed breathing.

Mikey was saddened and scared by the news. But he kept his composure along with the dull expression that always remained on his face. He cared about Frank, who was his former band mate and close friend, but this was his brother. His brother who seemed to be having a panic attack of some kind through the phone. His mother had always taught him that family came first. Before friends or lovers. So, he chose the more reasonable answer and told himself that he would try to calm down dear Gerard first, then try to find out what happened to Frank.

"Gerard," He called, leaning forward so his mouth was closer to the phone. His intention was to let Gerard hear his voice a little more clearly. But he ended up looking like he was about to eat his own phone. This was very stupid, almost as stupid as going to the 99 cents store at like 4:00 pm for absolutely no reason.

 "Calm down. It's just F-" The man was cut off by his brother yelling into the phone very loudly. Causing Mikey to flinch and move his face farther away from the phone. "What the hell were you going to say Michal?! It's just Frank!? Well guess what, It's not just Frank! Frank is our friend, and you know that. How would you feel if you got hit by a car and I didn't care at all?" He spat out, in a hateful tone. Making Mikey flinch for a second time.

Mikey did not want to reply. But for the sake of Gerard not dying this moment he mumbled, "But you're my brother..." The man on the other side of the phone started screaming a string of profanities as Mikey assumed he threw the phone across the room. After the loud noise, a crack and just one more yell from Gerard, the call was ended. Mikey made a U turn and started to head in the direction of his older brother's house. 

Mikey knew that speeding on the road was bad, obviously. He was not an absolute idiot. He had gotten a couple of tickets for speeding before. But it was not his fault that almost every day there was some kind of emergency where he needed to get somewhere fast. Mikey was the kind of person that people would call when they needed to get advice. The man couldn't' say it was good, or even smart advice, but he liked trying to help people.

The light turned red as soon as Mikey's car made it to the intersection, a red light. Not orange, or green. It was a red light. Red lights were supposed to tell the drivers to stop, obviously everyone knew this. Including Mikey.  But he wasn't going to let a stupid red light stop him. Mikey's brother was more important than being a safe driver. The driver did not even attempt to slow the car. Instead, he just drove straight through the intersection, almost getting hit by another car. 

He drove like this until he got to Gerard's house. Mikey slammed his door open and closed it quickly, forgetting to turn off the car like an idiot. He turned back around and turned it off, then started to walk very quickly to the door. The man knew that he should not bother to knock, his brother wouldn't open the door. Another reason not to knock on the door; when Mikey walked up to it the door was unlocked and opened. 

Pushing the door open with his foot, Mikey walked in to see a complete mess. It wasn't much different from last time he came to visit, but the mess still bothered him. As he approached the living room, he could hear the loud crying that was coming from his brother. Gerard was sitting on the couch slouching down and looking at his phone. 

Mikey leaned on the wall and let out a sigh. "Gerard," He called to his brother. Gerard looked up, now Mikey could see all the tears streaming down his face. He reached up and wiped the tears off or his face gently and looked back down at the phone. "Mikes, he won't pick up." Gerard sniffed, as Mikey walked over to the couch and sat down. He put a hand on his brother's shoulder and started to speak again. "It's going to be alright. We'll find out if Frank is okay." 

After Mikey said that Gerard seemed to calm down. Even if it was just the slightest bit, Mikey was happy that his brother was not throwing another fit. Speaking of his brother, the man was currently chucking his phone across the living room for the third time today. So much for not having a tantrum. The phone was already in bad condition from Gerard throwing it more often than he should. At least he was not throwing it at anyone. He knew that you always had to look on the bright side of things. 

Something hit Mikey in the knee. He let out a small gasp, looking down to see Gerard's phone at his feet. This was going to be a long day. Not just for Gerard, not just for Frank but for all of them.

Urgent Phone Calls That Lead To StupidityWhere stories live. Discover now