4: Phones Could Be Used As Weapons In A War

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This chapter is in Mikey's POV again. Yes, the picture is not mine. I finished editing this chapter and the 5th one yesterday, but I refuse to post a good picture without a good picture. :) There are about 1200 words in this chapter. Have a good day unlike me! :)

Mikey sat on the couch holding a bag of frozen peas on his swollen knee. Who knew that being hit by a phone could cause so much pain? His brother, Gerard, was next to him. Laying across the couch, his head leaning against Mikey's thigh. The man had a blank look on his face. It was good that he was not crying anymore, but it wasn't good that he looked kind of dead either.

"I'm really sorry, actually..." Gerard said, his voice still extremely hoarse from sobbing for hours. He looked up at his younger brother, a sad smile on his face. It was easy to tell that Gerard felt horribly guilty about hurting his brother with his phone. He had done it out of blind anger. It was not meant to hurt anyone, except for the phone.

Mikey sighed and looked down at his older brother. He had no idea what to say. So all he said was, "I know your sorry." Gerard let out another sigh. The truth was that Mikey also felt guilty. He had told his brother that Frank was not important. He did not mean it like that, but it sounded like he did. He also broke his brother's phone. He could just keep counting down the list. But he did not want to feel even more guilty.

"Gee, do you want to call someone else about it?" The man lying on the couch stayed silent. He did not respond. He knew what Mikey meant by "it". Mikey was just looking for a solution. He was known as the person who would break up fights between friends, or help his friends find out who took the last cigarette. All he knew was that had to help his brother, and his hospitalized friend as well.

"Who would I call, Mikey?" Gerard asked him with an exhausted sigh. The younger of the two thought for a moment. They couldn't call Frank's phone again; he clearly was not going to respond. Who was close to Frank who could possibly be at the hospital with him? Jamia.

"Jamia." Mikey blurted out, grinning over at his older brother, who grimaced and mumbled. "We don't have her number." The small grin was whipped straight off of Mikey's face as soon as his brother said that. "B-but I thought that you had it." He stammered, glancing back over at his brother.

Gerard mumbles something that Mikey couldn't quite hear. "What?" He asked gently. His brother let out a breath and got up from Mikey's thigh. "L-indsey has her number. I'm going to call her..."

He knew that Gerard had not spoken to Lindsey in a long time, a couple of years at least. He also knew that Lindsey was still a little mad at Gerard because of his actions. Breaking up with your girlfriend while she was pregnant was not a very smart idea. But it had been both their faults. When Lindsey found out about his gender dysphoria and him wanting to kill himself, she left him. They both understood that Gerard, in the state he was in, could not handle becoming a father.

"Do you think this thing will turn on?" Gerard asked Mikey, as he inspected his own crushed cellular device. The screen was cracked, and you could see inside part of the phone. "I think that I can take this to the shop and fix it a later." He walked into the kitchen, picking up some tape and sticking it on his destroyed phone.

Once the phone was turned on Mikey and Gerard stood in the kitchen waiting for Lindsey to pick up the phone. "I don't think she's going to-" Gerard was cut off by a beep coming from the phone. Then a more high-pitched voice came from inside it.

"What do you want?" The woman, they both suspected was Lindsey, mumbled into the phone. Gerard looked a little panicked, or maybe he was just surprised that she picked the phone up. After a moment of silence, Mikey decided to speak to her. "Hey, It's Mikey and Gerard." He said quietly waiting for a response.

"Well, who else would be calling from Gerards number?" Lindsey giggled, the sound coming out of the device pretty loudly, causing the two of them to flinch and pull away from the phone. Gerard frowned slightly and lifted the phone up to his mouth. "Listen," he said sternly, an angered look on his face. "This is serious. We have an emergency. I need you to-"

He was cut off by a shuffling sound on the other end of the phone. Then there was a crinkling sound and the sound of crunching. Was she really eating right now? "What's happened this time?" She asked through her full mouth; they could not really understand what she had said.

"J-just give me Jamia's number, I know you have it." The man accused her. A scoff was heard and then there were more shuffling noises. "Here I'll text you her number." Gerard was about to hang up from the phone call when Lindsey spoke up again. "What's happened, Gee?" She asked a hint of curiosity in her voice.

Mikey glanced over at Gerard. He looked a bit pale, and he his long brown hair was messed up, poking out in all directions. Gerard did not respond for a couple of moments. So, Mikey spoke up again. "Frank, he was hit by a bus, we need to get in contact with him." As the younger of the Way brothers continued to speak on the phone, the older one handed him the phone.

Then Gerard stormed back into the living room, wiping his eyes and nose with his arm and sitting down on the couch. Mikey let out an exasperated sigh and looked back over at the phone resting in his hands. "Jamia should know if he's okay and how he's doing right now." The man explained to her.

Lindsey responded with a simple, "Ok..." The she hung up. While Mikey waited for her to text them, he walked into the living room and sad down next to Gerard. The older man was sitting with his face in his hands. Mikey tried to comfort him by narrating what he was doing on the phone.

"Mikey..." Gerard mumbled into his hands, lifting his head up. "What if he's not okay?" He asked quietly, concern evident in his eyes. It was breaking Mikey's heart to see his older brother like this. It wasn't fair that bad things always happened to them. Especially now, when Gerard had finally figured everything out and wasn't drinking anymore.

"He'll be okay. You know he's strong." Mikey said, patting his brother on the back to comfort him. Then he added with a teasing voice. "You should know how strong he is, carrying you around all the time back then." Gerard took a deep breath and looked back over at his younger brother, with a small smile on his face.

"You better call her right now or else I'm going to-" Mikey grinned back at his brother, picking up the phone again and dialing the number Lindsey had sent to them. "I got it Gee." Hopefully Jamia would answer the phone. The two men had no plan b if she did not. In short, this woman was their only hope of finding Frank Iero.

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