10: Stupid Ideas That Turn Into Smart Ideas

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Super late! I'm sorry! The picture is not mine. :)

Gerard was finally starting to relax when he got a phone call from none other than his ex-girlfriend, Lindsey Ballato. He sighed escaped his lips when he noticed it wasn't his beloved Frank. The man did not want to talk to her again, as they had a fight a couple of hours ago. But he was a good person, so he decided to pick it up.

"Hello?" He asked in a sassy tone. Just because he picked up did not mean he was going to be nice. "Hi, I was wondering something..." Lindsey mumbled. She sounded very quiet. Gerard knew that she was usually very loud and energetic. He raised an eyebrow in confusion. Was there someone with her?

"What do you want? And why are you being so fucking weird?" He asked, letting the filter on his mouth break for a moment to see her reaction. A loud sigh was heard on the other end of the phone. "Jesus Gerard, I have Bandit in the car with me. You're on speaker so try not to curse too much." Lindsey snapped at him.

Well, that certainly was a surprise. "Doesn't Bandit's school end at 2:00?" He asked sounding a little too confused. Lindsey let out another annoyed sigh. Gerard could tell that she was not in the best mood. He needed to stop being an annoying little shit, as she would put it.

"Yes, it does. I picked her up early." There was a quick pause. Then started in a pleading voice. "You know I'm going on tour with my band soon, right? I was wondering if you could take her with you to see Frank?"

Gerard stayed silent. He would love to spend a couple of months with his daughter. But the thing was that he didn't know how to be responsible for a child. He had never been around a child for so long. But it was his daughter and he needed to 'man up' and take care of her. He had to do it. Not for Lindsey, but for Bandit.

The man nodded, even though he knew that she couldn't see it. "I can take her with me." He let a small smile appear on his pink lips. "Thank you!" Lindsey exclaimed on the other end of the phone. Gerard thought she might as well rip off his ears, he was going to lose his hearing from calling this crazy woman.

"No problem." He smirked. "But don't expect Frank and I to use 'appropriate language' all the time." He knew that this would make her angry. Lindsey let out a scoff. He could tell she was rolling her eyes.

"You're ridiculous. But thanks, and bye." Lindsey ended the phone call before he could say bye. But Gerard didn't mind. He had gotten what he wanted; he was going to spend nearly six months with his little girl. There would be no Lindsey bossing him around all day, or Mikey telling him to put a filter on his mouth. It would only be him, Frank and Bandit.

He wondered what Mikey would do while he was with Frank. Would he mind that Gerard had left to go back to New Jersey without him?

Speaking of Mikey, the front door started to unlock. Gerard could hear the sound of the key turning in the lock. Mikey then waltzed into the living room. What took him so long? He had left in the morning and now it was noon.

"Where were you?" Gerard asked, not bothering to say 'hi' or 'good afternoon' to his younger brother. The man always thought that that was way too formal and it kind of made him cringe.

Mikey looked at his older brother. He had his blank poker face on again. "I went for coffee..." He muttered, sitting on the couch next to Gerard. He glared at his younger brother. Mikey was taken aback. He looked at Gerard blankly. "What?" The man asked, it was Gerard's job to interrogate his baby brother.

"You went for coffee without me?!" Gerard whined, slouching and crossing his arms. He looked like a small child having a tantrum, except he was a 39-year-old man. Then he mumbled, under his breath. "How dare you get coffee without me." He needed to know if Mikey went to get coffee at a random place or Starbucks. Going to Starbucks without Gerard Way was pretty much illegal.

"Did you go to Starbucks?" The older brother asked, trying to make his tone sound less scolding. Mikey fidgeted with the sleaves of his shirt. It was obvious that Gerard was pissed. He had a bad day. "Where do you think I went?" Mikey retorted, fixing the small tuft of hair that sat on his head.

You could tell that his temper was rising. But Gerard continued to annoy him. "And you were alone-" Suddenly his interrogation was interrupted by another voice that definitely wasn't Mikey. "Would you stop interrogating my husband?" Kristin said, walking into the living room.

"Holy fuck!" Gerard fell off of the couch, landing with a loud thump and a crack that could only be his back. He sat up gingerly, trying not to cause his back any more pain. Then he shot a glare at Mikey. "I didn't know you were here! You scared the shit out of me!" The man accused. He cursed under his breath when Kristin took his spot on the couch. "Sorry, is your back okay?" Gerard wasn't a kid anymore, he was 39. He was not as flexible, and his back certainly did not agree with that landing.

"How did you get in my house?" He asked ignoring her question. Mikey and Kristin exchanged a confused look. Then Mikey spoke up. "You didn't see her walk in with me?" What the hell was Mikey talking about? Kristin did not walk into the house with Mikey. He would have seen. Maybe he was going insane.

"No." Was all he said. Kristin and Mikey looked at each other again. "Jesus Christ! What is it?!" He exclaimed, finally letting himself get angry. The younger Way brother got up from the couch, helping Gerard up from the floor.

"I think that you're just tired. When's the last time that you slept well?" Mikey asked, looking down at his brother. Gerard froze. He hadn't slept a whole night since he saw the terrible images of Frank bleeding out on the road. It haunted him. It made him want to throw up every single time he even thought about it. He shook his head to clear it of the thoughts.

"A while..." He muttered underneath his breath. Mikey looked at him again with understanding eyes. "Y-you haven't... you haven't slept since Frank almost-" Gerard pulled his arm away from his brother's grip. "I'm fine! Now leave me alone." He yelled at Mikey. Then he turned around and stomped up the stairs, into his room, slamming the door.

Gerard jumped on his bed, landing on it with another thump. He missed Frank, and he missed Ray, and he missed Bandit even though he had only known her for a couple of weeks. Speaking of Ray. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked through the contacts. He should have called Ray. He hadn't talked to him for a while.

The dial tone rang for less than five seconds before someone picked up.


Urgent Phone Calls That Lead To StupidityWhere stories live. Discover now