5: Broken Phones Can Not Call Ex-boyfriends, Or Anyone For That Matter

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1144 words, tried to make it longer but it ended up being super boring, so I edited it and took out like half or it. :( Frankie's POV :) Not my picture sadly :(

Frank's phone had been damaged in the incident. It still worked, but several cracks could be seen on the screen. Making the device feel very rough, as Frank ran his tattooed fingers over it. Why was Frank running his fingers over a broken phone that now looked like a piece of crap? It was because he was bored out of his mind. Hospitals were very, very boring. The poor guy had been in the hospital a considerable number of times as a child. From what he remembered he did not like the hospital, not one bit. It was boring- okay he needed to stop repeating himself.

The man had no idea what was going on here. He had just woken up a couple of minutes ago, not remembering where he was. The only evidence he had was this destroyed phone. It began to let out some music, the ring tone, which was obviously some kind of awesome guitar tune. Frank declined the call and leaned back, letting out an exhausted sigh. He did not really care who was calling. But it was not smart to not check the caller Id, because if he knew that it was his friend, Gerard Way, frantically spam calling him, he would have picked up. But he did not know this, unfortunately.

There was a small knock at the door. Frank's breath stopped in his throat. The door was slowly opened by a nurse. To be specific, a black haired, petite woman. She was alone. No other doctors were following her. The two male nurses from last time were not with her, which was surprising. They'd been taking care of Frank since yesterday. Relief flooded over the man lying in the hospital bed. The last thing Frank wanted was to be crowded around by a bunch of doctors. "You're awake." She remarked, walking across the room quickly.

Frank nodded, not wanting to speak at the moment. "We didn't think you would wake up until later." He was just asleep for a couple of hours, wasn't he? It was not like he was dying or something like that. He nodded again. The nurse walked over to him, standing next to the hospital bed. "How do you feel? Does your hip still hurt?" The man shifted, turning to face the nurse. A strong pain in his right hip confirmed that he had actually injured his hip worse than he thought. This sucked.

He nodded for a third time. The nurse picked up a clipboard and started to write something on the paper that was attached to it. "Hmm... That's not good..." He lifted his head up a little to look at her. She was wearing a light blue scrub, attached to it was a name tag that read 'Eri'.

Frank sighed and finally spoke for the first time since he was hospitalized. "W-hen can I go home?" He asked, sounding very nervous. Eri looked up from her clipboard and gave him a small smile. The smile did not reach her eyes at all. It was not a real smile, It was more of a fake one. The kind people give you when they are trying to reassure you but know it won't work. "Your doctor will be in here in a couple of minutes to look at you and see if you are okay." She spoke. The man sighed and crossed his arms. Was he okay? He had hurt his hip, possibly broken it. He was stuck in a stupid hospital bed, again. And worst of all, he did not know where Pansy was.

Frank turned his head to the nurse. He did not want to talk too much, as he was not feeling the best. But he had to find out where Pansy and his other stuff had been put. "U-um... do you know what happened to m-my stuff? Like my van and my things that were inside it?" He internally cursed himself for stuttering so much, as he waited for an answer from the lady.

Eri looked up from the clipboard that she had been writing on. Her eyes darted to Frank's face and then her focus was back on the clipboard. "I am not sure..." The nurse responded slowly. The guitarist wasn't sure what to say. He really needed to know where Pansy was. Pansy was like his baby after all. Sometimes he swore he loved her more than his actual kids, Cherry, Lily and Miles. He did not see them very often, as Jamia and him had shared custody after they divorced. Jamia kept them for longer when he went on tour. Frank didn't think he was capable of taking care of so many kids while on tour. Who knows what could have happened if he had them this week. They could have been in this hospital with him, or worse, dead.

But he was sure that this showed how much he loved them. He would rather have them be safe with his ex-wife, than be doing stupid things with him. He could be quite idiotic at times, doing crazy things for no reason. That was why Jamia divorced him.

"What's that big smile on your face about? Do you love your stuff that much?" The man was snapped out of his thinking by the nurse's voice once again. "Yeah, my guitar." He mumbled looking at his hands, that were currently resting in his lap. If Pansy was damaged, then everything would actually suck.

"Her name's Pansy. She's super rad." He said, continuing the conversation. But the nurse did not look half as interested in guitars as he was. Eri nodded, looking very bored, and continued to write down some stuff on her clipboard. "Rad... huh?" She murmured absently.

He had to stop talking about his beloved guitar. After all, this poor woman just signed up to be a nurse or doctor. She never signed up to talk to people about flashy guitars that could possibly be torn to shreds. Plus, Eri probably thought he was some mentally unstable dude who cared more about his guitars than he did about his own health. Which was technically what he was. Except for the part where he was mentally ill.

The nurse looked up from her clipboard and down at Frank. She then started to speak to him, "Some more nurses and a doctor will be coming here in a few minutes. I will be right back." Eri said as she made her way to the door, opening it slowly and gently closing the door.

Frank was left to wait for her. He looked at the phone that was resting on the bed, right next to him. Well, it was not like he had anything better to do. Going on his phone was sure to keep him busy for at least a little while. The man sighed and turned on his phone.

Urgent Phone Calls That Lead To Stupidityजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें