3: Broken Hips And Broken Hearts

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Not the best chapter. But it's a Frank's POV where he is not being slaughtered by a bus. :) Again, not my picture up there. Enjoy the chapter :)

Frank's eyes fluttered open abruptly. He looked around, taking in everything that was around him. He needed to find out where he was. Around him were plain white walls, he could smell the sickening smell of the hospital. The man glanced down at himself; he was wearing a hospital gown. He was in the hospital... But Paul and Evan were out of sight. They could be dead...

Evan said he could not feel his legs. Paul had been laying in a huge pool of his own blood. Frank tried not to think of the worst scenarios, but it was no use. His stupid brain just had to keep thinking. There was a high possibility that they were dead. Why wasn't Frank dead? He tried to save them, and if he did not then he would never forgive himself. Jamia would never forgive him.

He tried to move around in the hospital bed to get a bit more comfortable, a strong pain spreading from his hip all over his back. That wasn't the only area that hurt though, his arm and a couple of his fingers hurt, as he shifted around. There was a cast on his fingers that connected to his wrist. And yes, there was also a cast on his arm. Well, you would expect it to hurt a lot. Frank was literally run over by a bus. But he had not expected it to hurt that much. The guitarist winced and decided it was better to just stay still. 

His neck ached from lying in this awkward position, his head lifted a little on a pillow and the rest of his body laying down. Actually, why did the hospital staff put him in this position? Were they purposefully trying to make their patients uncomfortable? Hospitals were really dumb.

The man let out a long sigh, glancing at the door. He did not want to be in the hospital again. He wanted to leave. Unfortunately, this wasn't possible for a number of reasons. Number one; Frank was in serious pain when he moved. Number two; He had what felt like millions of IVs stuck in his arm. Number three- Ok there was no number three. But those two reasons were keeping him from leaving the hospital bed.

There was a soft knock on the door and a couple of people walked inside, not waiting for an answer. One after the other they walked in a straight line. Their shoes hitting the ground at the same time. They were almost in sync. It was like a video game where the NPCs have all of their movements happening at the same time. This was a hospital, not one of those dumb video games that Frank played. 

Frank stared at them for a few seconds, startled by their quick entrance. He looked them up and down. The first person was a man with short, blonde hair that reached down to his ears. It looked pretty unevenly cut, as if some three-year-old just picked up some scissors and decided to cut the poor man's hair. He was wearing a scrub, like many nurses and doctors do. 

The next person, another guy, was also wearing a hospital scrub. Frank suspected he was bald since he had a weird nurse hat thingy on. He honestly had no idea what to call it, but the man was wearing one. There was not really anything to say about the second person, except he had really big, silver earrings attached onto his ears.

"This is him?" Asked the one with the earrings, looking at the nurse next to him. He was standing in a kind of awkward position where his legs were spread wider than usual, and his hands were drifting away from his sides. It made him look a bit like he was imitating the Hulk. The first one nodded and started talking to Frank. "Are you Frank Iero? We're supposed to take you to get some more X-rays done." He spoke.

X-rays? More X-rays? Had he gotten some done while he was here? The nurses noticed his puzzled expression and the second one started to explain. "You were passed out, apparently. They managed to fix up your two fingers and your arm. They bandaged up your hip. But they wanted to wait until you woke up to take the X-rays and see if it was actually badly broken. They could not move you too much while you were passed out an-" The first nurse sent the second one a glare that most likely meant 'shut up', he stopped talking.

Frank just nodded a couple of times, as the two nurses walked towards him. In sync with each other once again. They stopped in front of him, then hauled him off of the hospital bed and onto a wheelchair, not even attempting to be gentle with the injured man. It was a painful prosses, but eventually he was in the wheelchair. Soon Frank was rolling down the hallway of the hospital, glancing around and noticing how plain the white walls were to distract himself. 

Once the three men were in the X-ray room the nurses helped Frank onto a table. He let out an exhausted sigh, as he tried to make himself more comfortable. The two nurses occasionally adjusted the guitarist's position, so they could get a better X-ray. "Move over to the right." One of them commanded, pushing his leg over a bit. Frank winced, trying not to scream out in pain when they touched him. The sharp, throbbing pain in his hip was enough to drive him crazy. He was sure that he just had to hang on a moment longer, then everything would be alright. That's what he would always say to himself when he was in a painful or unconfutable situation. Frank wasn't the kind of person to be problematic with people. Especially if they were trying to help him.

"There is a possibility that your hip is broken... or it could just be sprained." The other one said. He was standing farther back by the wheelchair, leaning on it and looking far too relaxed to be working at the moment. He then got up and slowly walked towards Frank and the other nurse. "I'll take him back to his room. You can look at the pictures of his hip." The nurse ordered, grabbing Frank and helping him onto the wheelchair, not too gently once again. 

Frank had to admit that not all nurses or doctors were gentle with their patients. He remembered from when he was younger, a kid, that he was often in the hospital. Having bad bronchitis and other stupid things wrong with him. He always felt that the doctors and nurses were more annoyed with him, than trying to help him not die. But that was not what mattered right now. Frank could die. He could actually finally die and never see anything except for the dark insides of his eyelids ever again.

But Frank did not want to die. At least not yet. Not right now...

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