11: I'll See You soon, Just Wait For Me

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FRANK WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU DIDN'T NEED TO STOP PLAYING JUST TO LOOK AT GEE'S BUTT :0 (Not my pic) Iwrote 1269 words today! :) I'm sorry I literally haven't updated in 10000000 years :( I will try to post more but i'm working on a bigger art project. :)

It was October 27,2016. Four days away from Frank's birthday, and guess what? Frank was stuck in the hospital, Frank was extremely bored. Hospitals were boring. But what would you expect? He had been laying in a hospital bed for nearly two weeks. There was literally nothing to do here. Jamia had gone back to New Jersey so she couldn't visit him anymore. But she did let him video call with Sweetpea when she had time. She was taking care of her while Frank was on tour.

So, he was lonely. 

Well, for now...

Gerard was flying in to see him soon. He had scheduled tickets for tomorrow morning and was supposed to arrive in Sydney. They hadn't gotten to see each other for almost 8 months with Frank being on tour and Gerard being busy with his comics. The whole band had been separated for quite a while. Ray continued making music and Mikey finding out that his wife was pregnant. It seemed like they didn't have time for each other anymore. 

He wanted to cry. He just wanted to go back home and see his family. He also wanted to see Gerard and his other ex-bandmates if that was possible. But the thing was that Frank's hip hurt like shit. The doctors had told him that he'd have to stay in a wheelchair for at least a few months after he got out of the hospital. That sucked, what sucked even more was that he was now considered handicapped. Frank was now the weird and energetic handicapped man with an overgrown mustache, since he couldn't shave in the hospital.

Frank didn't want to be the 'weird and energetic handicapped man with an overgrown mustache'. He just wanted to be Frank. He wanted to be himself again. He wanted to go back and be his young and naive self, making out with the fabulous Gerard Way on stage. He wanted to be the Frank that would jump all over Bob's drum set and break it. He wanted to be the Frank that always showered on tour, even if he had to use a hose. He wanted My Chemical Romance back...

He missed everyone. So, he did the best thing a person can do when they miss someone. He called them. "Hellooo?" He whined into the phone. Accidentally greeting the person on the other end before they picked up the phone. He sighed. Stupid.

"Frankie!?" An excited Gerard squealed into the phone when he finally turned on the video call. "Hey." Frank said, a small grin crawling onto his face. He could tell Gerard looked forward to their daily phone calls. He was always reluctant to end the call. It was kind of really fuckin' adorable.

"Guess what?" Gerard said excitedly. He was smiling ear to ear and Frank could see all of his little teeth. He seemed excited to tell Frank something. Whatever it was, it was making Gerard smile. So, it was good. 

Frank rolled his eyes. "What?" This resulted it him being scolded. "No, you have to guess!" The older man whined. "Guessss." He hissed. Frank sighed. What could possibly make him so happy? "You met a girl?" He guessed, trying to smile through his doubt.


"Is it a guy?"

"Nu-uh." He said, more defensively this time.

"Is it about your comics?"

He shook his head with a smile. "Nope." He looked up at Frank with big eyes. "Lindsey needs someone to take care of Bandit for a while... So were both coming to see you tomorrow!" Frank smiled. But it didn't reach his eyes. He'd never met Gerard's kid before. It wasn't that he didn't want to. It was the fact that he was going to have to deal with children. And according to Jamia and about every parent in the world you were not supposed to use 'inappropriate language' in front of the creatures.

"Great, I can finally see if you and Lindsey did a good job." Frank giggled. Gerard blushed and started to laugh. "Don't say it like that it's fucking weird!" Once their laughing subsided Gerard started to speak again. "Hey, we should add Mikey and Ray to the call..." He in a nervous tone. They hadn't talked all together for a while. 

"Just bring Mikey into your room and I can add Ray." Frank said, clicking some stuff on his destroyed phone. "Not my room..." Gerard whined, getting up from his bed and going out the door, probably to go get his younger brother.

"Pick up you moron..." The short man muttered when Ray did not answer on the first ring. Then the outline of Ray's huge fro appeared on the screen. "Hello? Why are you- Frank! I heard that you were hit by a car! Are you okay!? You didn't answer the-" Frank cut him off. "Shut up! I'm alive okay?" He said, crossing his arms and trying to get more comfortable on the nasty hospital bed.

"Oh God, that's a relif..." Ray sighed, looking down. "so... why'd you call me?" He asked. Frank shrugged. "Gee wanted to add everyone to the call... so I did." He explained. Ray nodded. "S'good to see ya." Frank mumbled, trying to break the silence.

That was when Gerard burst into the room with Mikey, Kristian following behind the both of them like a lost puppy. They sat on the bed, Mikey grabbing the phone. "Ray!" He smiled getting a bit too close to the camera for Franks comfort. He always hated when people got really close to a camera so you could literally see every single pore on their face. Gross.

"Hi!" Ray waved at him with a huge smile on his face. Kristin sat in the back calmly, Gerard next to her. He didn't look so happy about Mikey grabbing his phone. "How are you guys doing?" Ray asked them. They all chorused "good", making Ray laugh. 

"I'm visiting Frankie at the hospital tomorrow." Gerard told Ray from the edge of the bed where he was sitting, raising his voice a bit too much for everyone's liking. Kristin and Mikey scoffed at the same time and then looked at each other. They were so alike that sometimes Frank wondered if they were related. "You don't need to tell that to everyone you see." Mikey told his older brother. But he just ignored what he was saying, smirking at the camera. "Bandit is coming with me too..."

"Thats cool. When are you leaving? I wish I could come with you..." Ray said, biting his nails in thought. "He's going to come visit me in the hospital and then we are going to fly back to New Jersey together. I need someone to stay with while I'm healing. I'll have to be on a wheelchair for a while..." Frank told them sadly. He hated being injured like this. He hated telling people about it even more.

"A wheelchair?" Ray asked, a sorrowful look on his face. Frank was blushing now. This was so embarrassing. "Yeah..." He answered simply, looking at Gerard's screen where Gerard was staring into space again, Mikey was looking at the camera, and Kristin was officially gone from the room. 

Then suddenly Gerard let out his special high-pitched giggle. Frank looked at him confused. "Oh, Frankie, you'll be even shorter on a wheelchair." He teased, looking at him. 

Frank was embarrassed, yes. But hearing Gerard, his best friend, laugh again in such a long time made it worth it. He didn't care if he looked stupid,  and he didn't care if they all laughed at him. But the thing he did care about, the thing that made him want to kill himself was that it was happening again

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