13: Frank Iero Is An Impatient Child

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The picture above is the car crash that Frank was in. :( 

(not my pic)

(The italics are for flashbacks)

"When are they coming?" Frank whined when two nurses walked into his room. He couldn't wait for Gerard to come see him. The hospital was boring. All Frank did was sleep, feel tired even though he slept, and then he got an occasional call from Gerard. But today was going to be different. Today the nurses were going to show him how to use his wheelchair so he could get around on his own. Tonight, however was going to be something different. Gerard was going to land tonight. He was going to see Gerard again, for the first time in several months.

 The only thing was that he was bringing Lindsey Ballato's daughter with him. Yes, she was also Gerard's daughter. But she was raised mostly by Lindsey. What is she was just a clone of her? What if she didn't like him? But that wasn't the only thing he was worried about. What if Gerard didn't like him anymore either? He was crippled. He literally broke his hip. What if he never fully walked again. How would he play guitar!?

"Sir, you'll have to try to get out of bed by yourself this time." Eri said, as she gestured to his wheelchair. Frank sighed angrily. "Really..." He muttered, shifting closer to the edge of the uncomfortable hospital bed. His short legs dangled from it, not fully reaching the floor. "You need to learn how to get around by yourself again. You don't have to do everything; your friend will help you. But still..." The nurse continued talking, as she pushed the wheelchair closer to the short man. 

Frank grabbed the handles of the wheelchair and pulled himself up, putting a little weight on his right leg. Then he plopped down into the wheelchair with an audible grunt. He leaned back in the chair, finally relaxing. 

"There you go! Great job!" Eri exclaimed a bit too excitedly. He could tell she wasn't really excited, or even remotely happy for him. She was just trying to encourage him and do her job. The man stayed quiet, running his hands over the side of the wheelchair where the wheel was. He pushed the wheel forward, causing the wheelchair to move forward a little bit. 

Frank grinned. He was finally able to move on his own. Well, not exactly on his own. But it was progress. Plus, he was out of that stupid, uncomfortable hospital bed with the itchy sheets. It felt like he was learning to walk again. He was so proud of himself.

"Once you get out of your wheelchair you'll have to go to some physical therapy for a few months. Just to help you walk better with your hip brace." Frank was going to have to keep on a hip brace for a while until he healed completely. He was quite angry about it because he had to wear it over his clothes and then everyone would see that he was a ugly old cripple. He obviously did not want people to see that, especially his fans and his children... and Gerard. But it was better than the wheelchair.

"What time is it?" Frank asked the nurse as he rolled down the hallway of the hospital. They were letting him roll around on his wheelchair in the garden to 'get some fresh air' because he had been inside for 'way too long'. The short man would be absolutely fine living inside. But not inside that gross hospital bed. 

'It's about 6:00... Why?" The nurse asked, opening the door so Frank could get outside. The sun hit his face and he grimaced. Sometimes the sun was nice. But right now, as it was shining brightly in his eyes it was disgusting. Ew. 

He looked over his shoulder at the lady, rolling outside rather quickly. "I want to get discharged already... but I have to wait for someone because I can't exactly drive..." Frank explained to her, turning to face the sun again and regretting all life choices.

"Why can't they just pick you up now?" The nurse asked. Wow. Why did people have to be so nosey? Was it that boring here? Frank shook his head slowly. "He's flying over to pick me up, my friend. You might know him. He's quite famous... and attractive... Gerard Way?" He tried to explain himself, a small blush spreading across his face.

The nurse laughed, or rather cackled. She sounded like a witch... Who laughed like that? Once she had recovered from her laughing fit, she looked at Frank. "Yeah, I know that guy. But attractive? Seriously?" She scoffed. Frank frowned.

He had heard many opinions people had on the band, and Gerard. But they were usually more of inappropriate things like...

"Well... I-I..." Gerard stammered, trying to come up with a answer to the question he was just asked. He looked at Frank with pleading eyes and mouthed, "I don't know". Frank looked at the interviewer and started to talk. "There's a lot more of 'Gerard, take your clothes off', than 'I like that song'. And that's weird..." Frank said, glancing at Gerard, who was sipping on some coffee in the middle of the interview. As if Gerard would be taking his clothes off for anyone who wasn't Frank Iero...

He cringed at the memory. He understood that people thought Gerard was hot. But he didn't understand how they could yell things like that at him and make signs that said, 'take off your pants, Gerard!' or whatever. It was disgusting. Plus, at the time Frank would be the one taking Gerard's pants off.

How was it possible for people to not think Gerard was absolutely beautiful? Yeah, he was getting older and stuff. But he was still the same person, and he still had the same cute nose, and did Frank even mention his legs?

"What are you talking about!?" Frank fumed, his anger taking over him. He hated people insulting his friend. The nurse rolled her eyes. "He's like 40!" She said, sounding a bit grossed out by Frank's thinking. But how old was she? Like 20? She was a little baby. 

"He's 39." Frank scoffed, stopping his wheelchair under a small tree. He did not care if it was just a one-year difference, Gerard was 39. Period. The nurse didn't seem to care one bit. She just shook her head and looked down at Frank. "Will you be okay out here for a while? I have other patients I have to-" Frank cut her off. "I'll be fine." He said, as he watched the nurse walk back into the building. 

Finally, he was alone for a bit, and out of that hospital bed. The man leaned his head back on the back of the wheelchair, looking up at the sky. How long would it take for him to recover from this completely? The dumb nurse had already told him that he would have to go to physical therapy, but what about after that? Would he really be cripled for the rest of his life? Would he walk with a limp until he died? 

His train of thought was gladly ended when a different nurse opened the door to the garden and called out something that could possibly be his name. "Um... Mr. Irero? There is someone here to pick you up." Frank lifted his head up, looking at the lady in annoyance until he realized who was next to her.

Gerard was here.

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