7: Meet Your Daughter, Just Don't Cry Infront Of Her

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Super unorganized chapter. It makes me want to throw up my guts. I restarted it a couple of times because it was stupid, and I didn't know how to start it. Also, they are slightly out of character, as always in fanfiction. So please don't attack me and go like. 'OH, GEE WOULD NEVER DO THAT' and they are going to be extra out of character because I can't really curse on this thing because people, I know in real life see this and I do not want to get beat up by them. Sorry I'm ranting AGIAN :( ENJOY MY TRASH :) Not my picture (I think that's them I can't really see because the glasses)

"Gerard," He heard Mikey's voice first, then he felt something shaking him awake. Peeling open one of his eyes he saw his younger brother in front of him. The man sighed, opening both of his eyes and sitting up straight. He had fallen asleep on the couch. "There's someone at the door." 

Gerard got up from the couch and stretched out his arms, yawning. "Couldn't you just go open the door?" He asked his younger brother through a yawn. Mikey just shook his head, following his older brother to the front door. 

When the man opened the door, he wanted to immediately close it. He groaned and ran his hand through his long, brown hair. "Hi." Lindsey said, pushing her way past the two people standing in the doorway. "What do you mean? Hi. Why are you here?" Gerard said in a mocking tone, his sassy nature kicking in.

The woman ignored him and walked into the living room, sitting down on the couch. She looked way too comfortable on his couch, and it was annoying to see her so content in his house. He didn't want anything to do with her, or anyone for the matter. He just wanted to be alone and sulk in the living room on his couch. He just wanted to cry forever and-

 "Gerard, you can't do this right now. We don't have time for it." He heard Mikey's voice. The man was now seated annoyingly close to Gerard's Ex-girlfriend. This absolutely sucked. "Do what?" Gerard asked quizzically, looking at his brother. "I know that face. You're about to cry. So, stop thinking about whatever you're thinking about and get over here right now."

He did not argue and reluctantly walked to the living room and sat down on the couch. Sitting on the same couch and Lindsey was more awkward now, instead or irritating. He hadn't been this close to her in so long it felt unnatural. "Did you call Jamia?" Gerard asked hopefully, as he looked between his brother and ex-girlfriend. Mikey shook his head and Lindsey looked at Mikey in disappointment. 

"This is going to take longer than I thought." Lindsey sighed, looking at the door. Gerard and Mikey exchanged a glance. Then Mikey asked, "What do you mean?" Gerard rested his head on top of his knees. He felt hopeless and tired and as he said a few minutes ago; he wanted to go cry on the couch or go back to sleep and never wake up. 

"Well, I have Bandit in the car and it's getting late so..." Gerard lifted his head up from his jean covered knees and looked at Lindsey. "Y-you have my daughter in the car?" He asked, suddenly feeling extremely nervous. Lindsey just scoffed and crossed her arms. "Your daughter? She's many things. But your daughter is not one of them."

Hurt was evident on Gerard's face, as he frowned and looked at his hands that were sitting in his lap. Mikey luckily sensed this and rubbed comforting circles on his brothers back in an attempt to calm him down. "But I helped make her..." He mumbled to himself. Somehow Lindsey heard him and scoffed once again. "Don't you even dare go there. I came here to help you find your Frankie and that's what we're going to do. We are not going to talk about you... making a baby." 

Why did Gerard have to be with someone as sassy as him. It was like meeting his match. He started bouncing his leg on the ground anxiously. "Can I meet her?" He asked looking Lindsey in the eyes. "Please?" 

The woman shook her head. "No." She said simply, causing Gerard to look down in disappointment. He was going to try to be respectful. It wasn't even his child. But it was. Things were complicated in this family. If you could even call it that.

"Mikey, can you call her?" Gerard asked his younger brother, trying to change the subject. He nodded and pulled out his phone dialing her number. The three of them heard the dial tone of Mikey's phone. Gerard was filled with hope for a moment. But it was all gone when it sent them to voicemail.

Gerard lifted his hand up to his face, biting his nails. If Jamia did not pick up, then what were they going to do? Mikey decided that it would be a good idea to spam call her. But she did not answer for a while. 

Suddenly there were a couple of knocks on the door. Why wouldn't they just use the doorbell? Gerard stopped biting his nails and got up, walking to the door. The man looked through the peephole and saw no one at the door. It could have been someone ding dong ditching him again. Maybe some of those kids...

There was another knock at the door. He decided to open it. There was a small girl on his doorstep. She was playing with her long, dark brown almost black hair, and looking behind her. "...hi?" Gerard said sounding very confused. She turned around to face him, looking very confused as well. "I-is my mom in there?" The girl asked in her high-pitched voice.

And then it hit him. This was Bandit. This was his child. This was the child that Lindsey gave birth to and he... "Gerard? Who's at the door?" He heard Lindsey's voice and soon he saw her coming around the corner. The woman's eyes went wide, she looked down at Bandit. "Honey, why didn't you stay in the car like I told you?" The child did not respond to Lindsey's question, she just looked at the ground.

"It's irresponsible to leave your child alone in the car, especially at six at night." Gerard spoke up, when there was a silence. Lindsey shook her head and led Bandit inside, letting him close the door.  "What do you know about parenting?" She asked sassily, making Gerard want to rip off his own skin again. 

The man decided it would be easier to ignore the comment. Instead, he talked to Bandit. "You're Bandit?" He asked trying to sound as friendly and happy as possible when he was this close to crying. Lindsey rolled her eyes when he ignored her. But she let her daughter talk. "Yes! A-who are you?" She asked quickly, the girl sounded exited. 

Gerard grinned at her. "I'm Gerard." He said simply, tapping his foot on the ground. "I'm your father..." He added hopefully, trying to tell her subtly. This did not work.

The girl's face lit up in excitement. "Really?!" She exclaimed, basically jumping up and down. He nodded, looking over to the living room. "I wanted to meet you for so long!" She muttered after a second. Gerard nodded again. He looked over at Lindsey for a bit of reassurance, which he got in the form of a small grin. "D-do you want to meet your uncle?" He asked Bandit, who was looking at him with huge eyes. She nodded eagerly.

"Okay then-" Gerard was cut off by Mikey yelling from the living room, scaring the three of them. "Gee! She picked up!" He yelled to Gerard, who perked up a bit, looking up and standing up a bit straighter. The man gestured towards the living room and made his way there, Lindsey and Bandit following him.

He sat on the couch next to Mikey, listening to part of the conversation that they were having on the phone. "Yeah... I know..." Mikey said into the phone. "Ok, bye." Then he hung up and turned in Gerards direction. Making him very uncomfortable and scared. "What?!" He squeaked at his brother.

"He's alright." Mikey said, breaking his poker face for once. Gerard didn't move. He stayed frozen until he heard Bandit say, "Mom, why is dad crying?" His heart was warmed when she called him 'dad'. But he did not want to cry Infront of all of these people.

"We can go visit him when he gets a little better. But he's in Australia." Mikey spoke up again, snapping Gerard out of his trance. He nodded eagerly, wiping his eyes and letting out a choked sob. 

They were going to be okay. Today was a good day, he got to meet his daughter, Frank was okay, and Lindsey wasn't annoying the shit out of him for once. He just needed to schedule a flight to Australia to see Frank. That would mean the world to him. 

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