16: Candy

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I thought I posted this a while ago but I guess I forgot to or somthing... hehe sorry 😅
(not my pic)
The group had just gotten past the security check point. This time without Bandit running off because of the scanner. But they weren't able to get past some of the stores without the kid begging for candy and things. 

"Give a kid candy and she'll be your best friend." Frank said, putting a purple lollypop into his mouth. Him and Bandit had just bought several bags of candy. Gerard chuckled. "Give me some candy and I'll swell up like a black eye I gave you years ago." He said, with a breathy laugh. Frank didn't laugh, he looked slightly disturbed. The short man frowned, rolling his wheelchair in front of Gerard. The taller man looked down at him confused. 

"You're beautiful." Frank said with a frown. He wanted Gerard to know that he wasn't fat, he just had a bit of pudge to him. He'd always had pudge; it was cute to be honest. There was nothing wrong with it.

The man scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I never said I wasn't beautiful. I'm pretty damn gorgeous, mind you. I said I was fat." The smile was whipped off his face in an instant, as he glared at Frank. The shorter man was taken aback. People don't change much in only three years. 

Frank nervously backed up in his wheelchair, getting out of his friend's way. "Are you sure you don't want a lollypop?" He asked, pulling it out of his mouth and offering it to Gerard. The taller man glared down at him. 

"Fuck you! I'm going to take a piss." He yelled, storming off into the bathroom. Frank put the lollypop back into his mouth and rolled his wheelchair over to where Ray and Bandit were standing.

"Let's go get some cotton candy." He said, putting on a fake smile for the little kid.


Gerard didn't like his body. He hated the shape of it. He hated the way it made his face round. And most of all he hated the way that gravity dragged him down. But that was what he probably deserved after spending nearly two weeks laying on his couch crying over some guy.

The man did want to lose weight. He really did, he knew he was getting older and things. But he wanted to at least look decent. The last time he tried to lose weight it didn't go too well. Anorexia is not fun.

"Are you actually going to eat that?" Frank asked, leaning on Gerard's shoulder as they sat at the table. They were filming the music video for "NA NA NA". It was the scene where they had to eat a substance that could only be compared to dog food.

"No. Dude, this shit smells like cat piss!" Mikey snorted, stirring the concoction with his spoon. Gerard was embarrassed. The food actually didn't taste too bad. It had a fishy smell to it. But it was alright. The man put his spoon down, looking down at his hands. He was disgusting. Why would he eat that? No one else was eating it. Why was he?

"We need you to take one more bite. For the video." The camera man said, gesturing to the "food". Gerard picked up his spoon, scooping up the substance. But then he felt the familiar feeling of vomit coming up his throat. He got up, surprising Frank, who was still leaning on his shoulder. He rushed in the direction of the bathroom, the short man following close behind him.

Gerard sighed, turning off the water and wiping his hands off on his pants. What was the point of paper towels? They never dried your hands all the way unless you used a large amount, and that was wasting paper.

The man stepped out of the bathroom, seeing Frank, Ray and Bandit waiting outside for him. He smiled, taking Bandit's hand. "We've got to get to the boarding area before we miss our plane." He said to Frank and Ray. They nodded, following him as they walked towards the boarding area.

"You okay?" Frank asked, coming up next to him. Gerard nodded, keeping his eyes forward. It didn't matter. He just wanted to get home. Well to Frank's house... But still. He was tierd and he wanted to go somewhere that wasn't a smelly airport with a bunch of homeless people sitting outside and people smoking. And oh god, Gerard wanted to smoke. He had "stopped" a few years ago. But he still had the urge to do it occasionally. Which he wasn't proud of.

"That's good." Frank sighed, biting into a piece of cotton candy. He crunched on the cotton candy. Cotton candy was not supposed to be crunchy. Or maybe Frank was just a very loud eater. "How do you eat so damn loud?!" Gerard whined when he couldn't take the annoying noises anymore. 

The man shrugged, taking another annoyingly loud bite and crunching on it. He looked at Gerard, knowing that he was very annoying to him. Gerard scoffed. "Is that thing expired or something?" He asked, grabbing the bag from Frank, who pouted. 

The truth was that Gerard wanted to eat some of it. But he couldn't eat it without checking the calories, obviously. 120 calories. Shit. That was way too much. But a little bit won't hurt. He thought to himself, taking a piece and stuffing it into his open mouth. "So is it expired?" Frank asked, playing with his hands. 


He hadn't looked at the expiration date. The man glanced at the package before nodding and letting out a sigh. He then handed back to his friend. It was in fact expired. He's just ate high calory expired cotton candy. Hopefully he wouldn't get sick. He knew he was going to throw up at some point today, being on a plane and all.

"This plane is way too damn small." Gerard complained, leaning back into the seat. It wasn't very comfortable and very small, which meant he had to be squished in between Frank and some kind of old man. Ray, Mikey and Bob sat behind them. They couldn't exactly afford a private jet yet.

"It's fine." Frank said, leaning on Gerard's shoulder and cuddling into him. "I get to be closer to you." He mumbled, burying his face in the older man's neck, causing his breath to hitch. Gerard's pale face heated up as he wrapped an arm around Frank and leaning down to peck him on the cheek. "Yeah." 

"You two, not fucking. You're in public." Mikey groaned from the back. Ray sighed, facepalming. Bob scoffed. "You guys are so gay." He said, sounding very annoyed. Gerard let out a soft sigh from his nose, looking down at Frank. "No shit." Frank looked back up at him. "No shit dude."

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