12: Airports Scare The Shit Out Of Bandit Way

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Short chapter :( I don't have any idea what else to write and I haven't posted in a long time. And also I have no idea what the stuff at the airport is called so I had to search it up, being the idiot that I am. So here :) I tried 
(not my picture, sorry I cut off Ray's finger lol)

Gerard and his daughter stood in line to get to the security screening. He was getting slightly more fidgety and even Bandit could tell that he was nervous about this. The man hadn't flown anywhere since his last concert, which was obviously long ago. He knew that Bandit had never been on an airplane before. She was only seven and there was no reason for her to fly.

"You been on a a-airplane?" Bandit asked, tugging on her father's shirt. Gerard nodded. "Yeah, I used to fly a lot..." He said as he lifted his and Bandit's bags into the tray and watching them glide away. 

"Why?" She asked and tugged on his shirt again. He looked down at her, sighing. "I used to have a band. Mommy told you?" Bandit shook her head. "Well, we had to fly around the world to perform at different places... you know to see different people." The small girl nodded.

"But why would-" Bandit was cut off by one of the security guards speaking. "You can step inside now." He said, gesturing to the machine. Gerard nodded and started to untie his shoes, telling his daughter to wait for him. He took off his converse and stepped inside, holding them.

 Bandit gawked at it; her eyes widening in horror. If she had never been on a plane, why would she ever have to go through one of those scanners at the airport? Who knew if she had ever seen a plane?

Gerard stepped inside of it, trying to show her that it was ok to go inside by going in first. That did not go to plan though. He waited for the light to turn on. Once it did turn on, it made a loud beeping noise. It was probably because of Gerard's watch or one of his very unnecessary bracelets.

 Bandit jumped backwards in fear. "IT'S EATING DADDY!!!" She screeched and ran backwards into the crowd of people that were waiting in line, crashing into an elderly woman. The old woman huffed and glared at the child, scaring her even more, as she fixed her dress and pointed at her.

"How dare you crash into me like that?! What is wrong with you?! Where are your parents!? They raised you wrong!" She exclaimed, giving poor Bandit another death glare. What a Karen. The small girl whimpered and looked up at the grey-haired lady, terror evident on her face. If looks could kill people, then Gerard's kid would be long gone. 

But Bandit was long gone. Gerard had lost sight of her. Gerard Way lost his kid at the airport. He ran out of the scanner, making his way past the elderly woman and giving her the middle finger. What was he supposed to do? He couldn't think of anything. The only thing that circled in his mind was: fuck, I just lost my kid.

So, Gerard took off running in whatever direction he thought she went in. It was hopeless, the airport was very large and so was the pain in his feet. He had run pretty far shoeless. The sound of his bare feet hitting the tile floor of the airport made some heads turn. One person raised thier phone to take a picture of Gerard. "Hey?! Isn't that Gerard Way?!" They squealed. This caused more people to look over at him. Gerard cringed. How did he manage to get into the worst situations?

The man ran around the airport until he was out of breath. Fuck his chubby body. He hated running. He hated being like this. He didn't understand how the superheroes in the comics could run and jump around forever. But he was breathless within about five minutes. He sighed, deciding to sit down for a bit and take a break.

He looked around spotting a few chairs. Gerard sat down with a huff. Where could she have gone? What was he going to do if Lindsey found out about this? He leaned his head back on the chair and tried to catch his breath, shutting his eyes. 

"Daddy?" He heard a high-pitched voice say next to him. He opened his eyes and lifted his head up, quickly looking around. But not seeing the source of the voice. Then he felt a tiny finger jab him in the shoulder. "Daddy!" Gerard turned to look at the chair next to him. There Bandit sat on the chair, swinging her stubby legs in the air, as they were too short to reach the ground. 

She looked up and smirked at Gerard. "I found you!" The girl giggled, fixing her long brown hair. Gerard couldn't help but giggle with her. He was so relieved that she was safe and that she apparently found him. At that moment he didn't really care if they had lost all of their luggage and that they were probably going to miss their flight. All he cared about was Bandit.

Gerard was honestly really happy that Lindsey had brought her so he could meet her. Even though Lindsey hated him and was quite annoying at times. He had a long while with just him, Frankie and Bandit. They were going to have fun...

If Gerard didn't miss his flight...

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