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(i am not adding any photo of female lead. their will be only her outfit pictures so you can imagine anyone u want)
(I don't know so much about Indian religious history so please tell me if i write something wrong.)

Darshana is eldest among all kuru and dwarika siblings and their cousins.
(I will upload all brothers and sisters introduction later)

she is the precious daughter of mata adishakti which was given to mahadev and mata parvati as their daughter. mata adishakti loved her more than tridev and tridevi.

tridev and tridevi also loved her more than anything and can do anything for her.

mahadev has extreme love for her more than anyone.

all dev and deviyan also loved and spoiled her so much.

she took birth in kaliyug so she can learn about life but bought to the dwaper yug and reborn as Pandu's eldest and Ashok who was the samrat of ayodhya Kingdom and Maurya who was the samrat of prayag kingdom's yungest daughter. They both also king of Surya and Chandra dinasty.

( I am not sure that there can be two samrat or not so i search it and got to know that in aryavart had many samrat like virat, bhoj and i am not sure but i think pandu was also Samrat. Samrat means who has 100 king support but chakravorti samrat who has win over all other kingdoms by made ashwamedha yajna. So chakravorti can be samrat but samrat can not be samrat.)

she was the only daughter of trio because of mahadev gave them boon of a daughter as trio want a daughter so they did yajna to please mahadev.

she knew everything what will happen in Mahabharata.

she loved all his brothers and sisters equally.

she was the second mother for yungers and first child of elders.

All included shakuni loved her so much.
one year before her Hastinapur brothers leave for their education she leaved for her education.

Her teacher was mahadev but no one know about her the teacher.

sometimes she lived in ayodhya Kingdom and sometimes prayag kingdom and sometimes in Hastinapur and sometimes in kailash.
People said if you win her you can get whole universe but if you tried this, next moment you will not exist.
if anyone made her cry his head will not be on his neck.
no one could insult her if someone tried, he or she will be in hell.
Everyone made sure that they took darshana's wishes and suggestions into their every decision.
Her all uncles and aunts also loved her so much even more than their children.

Pandu (dead)

Mata adishakti
Mata Parvati
Sulekha ( dead)
Shanti ( dead)

uncles from father's side-
parag (Ashok's younger brother)( his wife is dead)
aman ( Maurya's younger brother)(his wife is dead)
dhritarashtra ( pandu's elder brother)
vidur ( Pandu's yunger brother)
bramha ( as sarswati is the sister of lord Shiva and bramha is her husband so)

aunt's from father's side-
mata saraswati ( as she is the sister of lord Shiva)
gandhari ( wife of dhritarashtra)
Sulbha ( vidur's wife)

uncles from mother's side-
lord Vishnu ( brother of mata parvati)
vasudev ( brother of mata kunti)
Suchitr ( brother of Sulekha)
Vajranabh ( brother of Sulekha) (wife dead)
anirudh (brother of Sulekha) (wife dead)
drishadvat (brother of shanti)
dheemant (brother of shanti)

aunt's from mother's side-
mata laxmi ( lord Vishnu's wife)
mata ganga( elder sister of mata parvati)
rohini ( wife of vasudev)
devaki ( wife of vasudev)
rachna (wife of suchitr)
sulochana ( wife of drishadvat)
surachana ( wife of dheemant)

they all gave her all rights.
she can do anything she want in whole universe because they know that she will not do anything wrong.
she is most patient person you will ever see. she is very powerfull. she is the most pampered child than anyone one could but she is not spoiled and well behaved.
Their will be many twists and turns.
More you will get to know in the story.

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