invitation of swayamvar

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It had been nearly two years when kunti and Pandavas left for vanvas. In this time many things happen like Karn- vrushali, duryodhan- bhanumati, Krishna- rukmini get married and a special person came in darshana's life. revti and vaishali gave birth a son Nishant and vrishsen. Darshana's all brothers were expert in all types of weapons but Kuru brothers except karn could not learn all types of weapons because of guru dron so in this time she trained them and made them expert in all types of weapons and she was thinking to train Pandavas when they will come back. Bheem get married hidimba sister of rakshak raaj hidimb because by mistake they entered in illusory forest and bheem had to fight with hidimb for their life. Later they got to know that bheem had to marry hidimba. Kunti thought it's a good chance to make alliance with rakshak so any how she convence bheem to marry hidimba but she put a condition in front of hidimba that they will leave after the birth of her (hidimba) son she can not come with them she agreed as she did not have any other choice. With the time spent kunti turned pandavas against darshana. she always bad mouthing about darshanaa but she show her self as bestest mother and a innocent person. She also bad mouthing about darshana in front of hidimba but she is the person who always judge people after knowing them so she didn't believe kunti because she know that something is wrong with her (kunti). Like his mother ghatotkach also did not believe kunti. After the birth of ghatotkach kunti and Pandavas leave hidimba and ghatotkach. They went to kampilya they got to know about draupadi's swayamvar.

In Hastinapur -

After yudhisthir went for vanvas darshana was working as yuraani. Everyone was happy because she always did justice and think about subject. Today as usual every one was in sabha.
A soldier came and said- Maharaj, purohit (chaplain) of Panchal came.

Dhritrashtra asked-- purohit of panchal ? Why ?

(Every one was confused becouse relation between panchal and Hastinapur was not good.)

Soldier said- i do not know maharaj, he said he wants to meet you.

Darshana said- let him come.
Soldier- ok darshana. (She didn't like to be called yuraani.)

Soldier went out. after some seconds purohit of panchal with a clay pot entered in court.

Purohit- hail the king of Hastinapur.

Dhritrashtra nodded and bhishm asked- yes purohit ji, tell us Why you are in Hastinapur.

Purohit- maharaj, panchal raj send something for you.

He said and show them the clay pot and a letter.

Darshana said- Dusshasn go and take that letter and see what is written.

Dusshasn said- ok jiji.

He said and went. He took letter and open it and said- jiji, there is nothing written in this letter.

Darshana nodded and went to him and took the letter and went to purohit and said- Open this pot.

He nodded and open that pot and she took that letter in front of pot and the words appear of the letter. Darshana read it.

Bhishm asked- what is in the letter.

Darshana said- Invitation. There is invitation of fire borne princess Draupadi from the panchal.

Purohit said with too much pride- yes yuraani, our princess is the most beautiful lady in whole world you all should be happy that our mighty king invited you all even we all know that without karn and Arjun none of you can win this swayamvar.

Darshana smiled and shaked her head but before she could say something bhishm roared- see whom you are talking with and do not forget purohit ji, who is the teacher of darshana. She is the student of mahadev and in no time she can destroy whole panchal.

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