Black lord(035) x reader hcs.

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Black lord (035) x reader hcs!

- He was the first to find you when you entered Alagadda.

- Fortunately, or unfortunately, the black lord took interested in you.

-He summoned you before him, brought forth by his loyal subjects.

- It only strengthened the interest he had in you, and he decided to never let you leave again.

- You are given a rather luxurious life alongside him, unfortunately that comes with the cost of never being allowed to go home.-

- The black lord argues that he's doing you a favor, a life of safety and luxury, servants at your every beck and call.

- Don't believe him, he knows damn well what he is doing it.

- Expect to be taken to lavish parties as his partner. You better be on good behavior, make a fool of him and the consequences will not be pretty.

- "You are ungrateful, i do everything for you, dear."

- Don't fall for his manipulative tactics.

-Nobody will come to save you.


The mask laid in his containment cell. His hosts had been taken, and he was left on his own. His thoughts were sick and festering. 035, as he was named now, was furious with his exile. They cared not enough to send his lover with. More black ooze seeped from the sockets.

He was coming back for you, no matter the cost.

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