Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Song for this Chapter: Awake by Tycho

Riley's Point of View

I hadn't felt fear when I was with him. I wasn't afraid of what horrors were to come the next waking hour because I knew he would be right there to chase them away.

So many people despised me for "moving from one guy to the next."

He told me to ignore them, I did it without him even having to tell me.

It turns out Oscar did end up with that Andy girl. She truly was beautiful, they deserved each other.

I had barely noticed his relationship with her, I was to busy enjoying this newly-found happiness that love brought along with it.

And I knew that love brings pain and arguing and hatred but, for once, I decided to live in the moment and not anticipate the future.

We were laying underneath the cool shadow of a weeping willow tree, the sagging branches providing a sort of shelter in which he and I were the only inhabitants.

Laying in between his long legs, his arms were wrapped around my torso, my back was pressed to his front, his head on my shoulder.

He placed a light kiss to my forehead as the relaxing summer breeze picked up, making the leaves shiver to create a melodic tune. Everything in life was right in that moment. That moment in time would be suitable enough to be the rest of my life.

"Riley Anne." He no longer called me that when he was angry with me, he called me that all the time, he said it captured the true beauty of my soul.

I turned to meet his loving gaze.

"I'm so deeply in love with you. And I know that you don't believe in love and I know that the bond two people share will be completely worthless in the long run we call life and I know that love won't calm roaring waters, I know it won't end wars, I know it won't fix brokenness. And I still love you with every atom in my body."

I examined every last quarter of an inch of his face for even a sense of joking. He was completely solemn. I kissed him passionately until we finally pulled away for breath and rested our foreheads on each other's, "I love you too, Felix."

He pulled me tighter to him as I turned my back to him to look out across the setting sun.

We were sitting in the middle of a rooftop garden and I could see the entire city of Stockholm laid out in front of me. The view, the feel of the moment, I could never use the correct words to explain the perfectness.

A sharp ringing filled the cool, summer air. The alarm on his phone went off, he had a meeting to attend.

"I'll see you later." I said as I turned to look at him. I could already see him debating whether he should just blow off the meeting and be with me.

I placed a quick peck to his cheek and pushed myself up, making my way to the doorway to get back to the apartment.

I decided it to beautiful an afternoon to stay inside so, I quickly grabbed my jacket and turned on my heel as I made my way out of the apartment and down the stairwell.

I pushed the palm of my hand against the door of the complex, walking in the direction of the park a few blocks away as I slipped the jacket over my shoulders.

Reaching my destination, I sat down on the park bench just as a heavy breeze picked up, chilling me down to the bone.

I slipped my hands into the pockets of my old leather jacket. I felt something in each pocket.

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