Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Song for this Chapter: Riptide by Vance Joy

Riley's Point of View

"Rileyyyy." someone whispered in my ear. I ignored it.

"Rillleessssss." They said. I scrunched my nose up and turned away from the person.

I felt a warm breath on my ear. "RILEY!" he screamed, causing me to squeal and fall out of bed.

I looked up at a laughing Omar. I groaned, getting to my feet and smacking his arm.

"Ow!" He jumped, grabbing his arm.

"I really need to start locking my door." I mumbled.

"GET READY FOR SCHOOL LAZYPANTS! WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!" He screamed before skipping out of my room, shutting the door behind him. I threw a pillow at the door before groaning and shuffling my feet to the bathroom.

I did what I needed to do and washed my hands. I brushed my teeth and decided it was time to look at my hair. I shut my eyes tightly at the nightmare I was about to look upon.

I raised my head and peeked one eye open. Upon seeing my hair in a braid I snapped my other eye open. Oh yeah, I forgot I put my hair in a braid after showering yesterday.

I pulled it out of the braid to see it had curled decently. I couldn't believe my eyes. My hair actually looked presentable naturally? Someone alert the media, this is a once in a lifetime event!

I walked out of the bathroom and to my closet. I picked a random pair of black jeans that I had found on the floor of the closet, I sniffed them to discover they were clean. I pulled out a white v-neck, black doc martens and a green parka (it was freezing out according to the frost on my bedroom window).

I slipped on the clothes, my jacket in hand, as I grabbed my school bag and made my way out of my room, pulling on my shoes as I walked.

I walked into the kitchen and to the cabinet to grab a breakfast bar since we were running late and Omar and Felix were already by the door, pulling on their shoes and jackets.

I slipped on my jacket and walked to the door where they were standing, ready to go.

Felix opened the door and held his hand out for me to go. "Ladies first." He said. "Exactly, so go." I stated. Omar chuckled as Felix rolled his eyes and scoffed, despite the small smile creeping onto his face.

"I try to be nice and what do I get? Sass. Well then forget you. Blockin out da haters!" He joked, slapping his hands over his eyes and dashing down the hall.

I chased after him, laughing. "Your just going to hurt yourself!" I exclaimed after him. He continued to run.

He ran and ran until he was a foot away from crashing into the elevator doors. "Open your eyes!" I screamed. He quickly uncovered his eyes and halted to a stop.

I was standing beside him a moment later, breathing heavily from running down the hallway and calling after him.

Omar had walked calmly after us and was beside us a minute later. The elevator dinged, signaling it had finally arrived on our floor.

Upon the elevator doors opening, we entered and Felix hit the button for the lobby.

We sat in silence, the low elevator music filling the dead silence as we waited for the elevator to finally ding once more and open the doors.

A few moments later, the ding of the elevator rang through the silent air and the doors of the shaft slammed open.

We walked out of the shaft, greeting the person at the desk and the doorman as we exited the building.

They headed in the direction of their bikes. "Isn't it a little cold to be riding bikes?" I asked as they swung their legs over the sides of their bikes and sat on the probably ice cold seat.

"Nah. Now c'mon, jump on." Felix said, handing me a helmet.

Despite myself, I jumped onto the ice cold seat and put the helmet on my head.

"Grab on." Felix said. I grabbed onto his shoulders, feeling clumsy and awkward.

He chuckled. "You do know that you will fall off if you hold on like that, right?" He asked.

"Maybe I can just walk." I suggested. "No you'll be late and OG will kill us for letting you walk alone in the freezing cold," he turned towards me "what's wrong Riles? Did I do something?" He asked.

No not you. I'm just dating your best friend and I doubt he will like me practically hugging you from behind.

"No nothing's wrong." I replied, looking him in the eye and seeing disbelief and a little bit of grief.

"Well then let's go, we are going to be late." He said, turning back to the steering of the bike, his back to me.

Much to my dismay, I wrapped my arms around his torso as he revved the engine and sped off after Omar who had drove off a few moments ago.

As we sped through the streets, my hair was whipped back and the cold breeze tore through my thick layers of clothing, making me shiver.

We finally arrived at the school about ten minutes later. I jumped off the bike and handed my helmet to Felix, speeding off to where Alyssa, Ash, Jasmine and Adelaide were waving wildly by the staircase to enter the building.

"Hey Riles! How's it goin?" Alyssa asked. "Good." I smiled. Just then, I was sandwich hugged between Jasmine and Max, Jasmine on my left and Max on my right. "Twin hug!" they screamed causing me to laugh.

The bell rang, signaling it was time to go to class. They picked up their book-bags, Ash keeping an arm slung around my shoulder as we made our way into the building.

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