Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Song for this Chapter: Fix You by Coldplay

Riley's Point of View

I woke up, groaning in pain.

I clutched a hand to my aching forehead, pushing back a stray strand of hair.

Sitting up, I looked at my alarm clock.

The red numbers on the screen illuminated the top of the beside table in an eerie red light.

5:47am. As I reached to turn on my lamp, I noticed a foul odor.

Sniffing around, I realized it was coming from me.

I sighed and ripped the covers from my body. Padding my feet along the floor, I made my way to the bathroom and closed the door behind me.

Stripping out of my pajamas that I hadn't remembered picking out, I looked over my body.

I had began to get thinner, my stomach was flattening and my thighs were beginning to separate. Just a few more weeks and I would be perfect.

I drew an icy bath. After the tub had been filled, I slid in to the tub.

I had gotten more and more used to the cold water as I took the icy baths. Now the cold would immediately numb my body.

After a solid half an hour, I counted every second, I tore myself from the freezing water.

After draining the tub, I made my way over to the shower and jumped into the also freezing cold water.

Quickly cleansing my hair and body, I shut off the water and wrapped a white towel around my involuntarily shivering body.

I made my way to the closet where I pulled out black leggings, undergarments and a white v-neck.

Pulling out my sweater-leather jacket I zipped up the front and slipped on black doc martens.

I quickly glanced over at the alarm clock. 6:47am.

Slinging my black jansport backpack over my shoulder, I grabbed my phone and darted out of my room and to the front door.

Slowly creaking the door open, I slipped through and closed the door behind me.

Making my way down the hall, to the elevator and eventually out of the building, I walked the fifty minute route to school. By vehicle, it would only be ten minutes because of the highway. By foot, it took forever.

In order to not be spotted by Omar and Felix on their way to school, I took shortcuts through alleyways and backyards. Not the safest thing, but definitely worth it seeing I got to school at 7:38 completely unnoticed.

I had left my hair down and it dried in waves. Sighing slightly, I pulled the strap of my book bag tighter over my shoulder and began to make my way up the stairs.

I ignored all hateful remarks and unkind snickers thrown in my direction.

I passed Jasmine, Noah and Adelaide just as I walked into the school. They turned the other way. I didn't mind, we weren't friends anymore anyways.

Last week I had seen Noah making out with a random cheerleader who constantly wears miniskirts no matter how cold it was outside.

I had told Jasmine about it as she was talking to Adelaide and they thought I was making it up because I was "jealous that Jasmine has such a hot boyfriend that loves her unconditionally and will never leave her."

I laughed slightly at the memory. He didn't care about her, he was just some dumb player.

I slammed my left shoulder into one of the double doors as I walked past them.

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