Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Song for this Chapter: Just One Yesterday by Fall Out Boy

Riley's Point of View

"Woah!" I screamed as the zombie popped out of nowhere. We were currently watching World War Z.

Felix laughed at my reaction as the outbreak of zombies littered through the town in the movie.

The screaming off the fictional characters was abruptly paused.

"Hello?" Felix answered his phone, pausing the movie after answering the phone.

He stayed quiet for a while but I could faintly hear two voices screaming on the other side of the line.

"Guys, I can't understand you when you talk at the same time." Felix said.

His eyebrows furrowed as if he was trying to pull words out of the jumble of sentences whoever called was throwing at him.

I heard one voice scream something but I wasn't able to hear what it said.

By Felix's reaction, it wasn't good news.

"WHAT?!" Felix exclaimed, jumping up off the couch and onto his feet.

"Alright. I'll be right over." Felix said, hanging up.

By now I had unraveled myself from the blankets and was standing next to Felix.

"What's going on?" I ran after him as he went to grab his shoes from the entry hall.

"That was the guys. They were practicing flips for their video, something went wrong and Oscar's hurt."

My heart rate spiked. "I have to go and meet them at the hospital. Stay here." he instructed, opening the front door.

"No! I have to come!" I argued. "No Riley. Your sick and going to a hospital in the middle of winter will only make your health worse." he said.

In one swift move he stepped outside the door, shutting it as I heard a click.

I ran to the door and frantically turned the knob. Locked.

That moron locked me in!

I searched for a way out. The window!

I ran to the window, only to remember that we were on the last floor in a 15 story building.

I stomped and screamed in annoyance.

Just then, a thought occurred to me. I ran to the door, grabbing my black converse and dashing off in the direction of my room.

I peeled off my sweatshirt, leaving me in a gray t-shirt and my black and white pajama pants. That way, if Felix drove past me he wouldn't recognize me by my clothes.

I slipped on my converse as I entered my room. I ran to the windowsill, popping the window open. I climbed out the window and onto the rickety fire-escape. I slammed the window shut and turned a bit to quickly.

My lower stomach crashed against the railing of the fire escape, my face falling forward and my messy curly hair flying into my mouth. A scream choked by my hair escaped my mouth as my torso lurched forward and over the railing.

I gripped the railing tightly, my knuckles turning white as my feet left the ground of the fire-escape and my body lurched even farther over the railing.

I started hyperventilating at the long and painful fall I would endure if I did in fact tumble over the railing.

I squeezed my eyes closed and kicked my legs back down to the floor of the fire-escape.

Little Molander (The Fooo Conspiracy fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora