Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Song for this Chapter: Run by Snow Patrol

Riley's Point of View

I made my way down the now empty hallways towards the cafeteria. It was time for lunch and the hallways were deserted, everyone in the school scarfing down their lunches in the cafeteria.

To say that you could hear a pin drop in those empty halls was far from an exaggeration. It was very creepy.

I finally made my way to the entrance of the cafeteria where loud voices were already leaking through the heavy double doors, flooding the hallway with the muffled voices of the hundreds of teenagers in the lunch room.

I walked into the room filled with hundreds of teenagers eating. Now usually in most stories, everyone whips there attention to the person entering the cafeteria 10 minutes late. Not even a single glance was sent my way, not that I was complaining, I hated attention.

I guess I can describe myself as more of a wallflower. The whole trouble-maker behavior is an act. If I show the world that I'm a fragile wallflower it will do its best to break me down, to cut off the only source of sunlight that's keeping me alive. It's happened before and I'm not in the mood to go down that path again.

Truth is, I acted like a bad girl for two reasons. A) I was very shy and quiet and people walked all over me. B) Ryan and Jonah were bad boys so I believed I needed to be a bad girl to fit in with them. But you see, it worked. No one messed with me anymore and Ryan and Jonah became my best friends.

That's perhaps why I loved playing the piano so much. It's a solo instrument, it doesn't need to be played with anything else to sound beautiful, it's beautiful on its own. Playing the piano brought me back to my wallflower days when it was just me and the keys of the piano under my fingertips.

I walked toward a table where Alyssa was waving wildly. I sat down next to her at the table she was sitting at with two other girls, one with blonde hair and one with black hair. "Hey. I'm Adelaide." the blonde one said perkily as she stuck her hand out to me.

"Hello. I'm Riley." I smiled, shaking her outstretched hand.

"I'm Jasmine." the black haired girl said, smiling at me. I noticed she was wearing black skinny jeans, black doc martens, a black Pierce the Veil t-shirt. I looked over Adelaide's outfit choice. She was wearing a sky blue sundress that flared out at the bottom with her blonde her tied in pig-tail braids and white toms.

Alyssa had her brown hair in a high bun with black skinny jeans, a red Fall Out Boy t-shirt and red high-top converse.

I found it odd how all these girls had such different styles, Adelaide seeming like a girly girl, Jasmine seeming more of a gothic type of girl, and Alyssa seeming like she was into punk-pop bands. I myself was more into the alternative music such as The Neighbourhood, Arctic Monkeys and The 1975.

Everyone in their group was completely different. But it sort of made the group seem amazing. They were all complete opposites, including me, yet we are all friends.

"Your probably wondering why we all seem so different?" Alyssa asked. I nodded.

"Well, we are sort of the kids who don't fit in anywhere else. The outcasts, as some put it. In my own personal opinion, we are the normal kids. Everyone else in this school tries to be something they are not. We are ourselves, regardless of whatever anyone else thinks." Jasmine explained.

Just then, a boy with black hair came and plopped down in the middle of Jasmine and Adelaide, slinging an arm around each of their shoulder's.

"Oh hey, new girl. I'm Ashton, Ash for short. Welcome to the group of weirdos." he joked, smiling at me.

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